Chapter 37

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A quick suggestion to all my dedicated readers... As I have not updated in so long I suggest you read the previous chapter.

Enjoy the chapter!

Hassan's POV

She knew .... She knew she was pregnant and she didn't tell me

Anger pulsed through my veins as I looked at my wife. Sedated, eyes closed and a drip in her arm. My heart ached seeing her in this condition, but the burning anger rushing through me was impossible to ignore. My fists involuntarily clenched at my sides and I stormed out of the room.

Did she hate me so much that she didn't even bother to tell me ?

Did I mean so little to her that she didn't even care enough ?

Was the child even mine ?

I stopped at that last thought... Of course the baby was mine ... How could I even think such a thing ? My overthinking was absurd.

I walked straight out of the hospital climbed into my car and without even thinking about where I was going, I drove, almost crashing into a silver car in front of me. I angrily climbed out only to be met with the familiar face of my sister.

"Explain..." Humairah said, as she took in my angry stare and clenched fists.

"There's nothing to explain... You should learn how to drive." Was my cold reply.

"Not about that. Although this is totally your fault... Rather explain to me why your wife is lying probably scared out of her mind in a hospital and you're angrily rushing off."

"I don't want to talk about it." I snapped.

"Well you don't have a choice! I thought I'd have to coax you out of that room, yet here you are, happily leaving her all alone. Don't you care? She is your wife..."

"If she was a proper wife... She would have told me she was pregnant!"

"She's what?" Humairah asked, the anger leaving her voice.

"She lost the baby... We lost our child." I finally said, defeated, as tears filled my eyes. "If she bloody told me maybe this wouldn't have happened. This is all her fault... she killed my child..."

"Hassan! Don't! This isn't her fault and you know it. Instead of trying to find the right person and standing together, you're turning against her. Your wife. Who I've seen you look at with so much of love. She is lying in a hospital bed. She just lost her child. Yes, maybe she didn't tell you... and that was wrong, but if you're feeling so much of pain having lost a child you didn't even know about... How do you think she is feeling? And instead of being with her...Instead of standing beside her and comforting her... She's all alone. And you're here throwing a tantrum like a little kid."


"She needs you Hassan... Now go." She said, pointing towards the hospital.

I nodded, swallowing the lump that formed in my throat. "Thank you..."

Humairah smiled sadly, and hugged me. "I'm sorry... Now let me park your car as you clearly don't know how to drive." she said, releasing me and grabbing my keys.

"Room 7... Second floor. I'll see you upstairs?"

She nodded as I turned and walked back.

All of my previous anger was replaced with pain.

Pain that set off the monster in me.

Whoever did this ... They were going to pay.

No matter what it took.





Salaams to all you beautiful people

yes... so I haven't updated in forever and I'm officially the worst author in the history of Wattpad.

But here it is... Here's the update I promised.

I hope you'll enjoyed it!

Please vote and comment.



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