Chapter 28

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@Happy early birthday libra767
Here's an update specially for you, hoping to make your day!
Enjoy it and have a good day!

Hassan's POV

"Sir please leave..." Someone said, but I didn't turn around.

"I'm not going anywhere." I replied tightening my gentle hold on Aasia's hand.

"Sir...please rest, you've been here for hours."

"And hours more I'll wait till she awakes, I'm not leaving and no one can force me to." I replied breaking my gaze from Aasia to look at the nurse behind me.

She sighed, nodded and left the room. I turned my attention back to Aasia, before picking up my phone, after a few seconds, Ridwaan answered.


"Ridwaan, I need you to find out everything you can about Aasia Hamid."

"Your wife? "

"Medical files, everything!"

Ridwaan laughed, "She's your wife, why don't you just ask her?"

I sighed, running a hand through my already messed hair, "I would...if we weren't in the hospital and she wasn't the patient."

"Asia's in hospital? What happened?"

I sighed, "I don't know and while you're at it do some research about Mohamed Seedat."

"Someone's jealous?" Ridwaan asked and I could literally hear his smirk.

I shook my head and cut the call, before turning my attention back to Aasia.

Please be okay.


(18 hours ago)

As soon as the elevator door opened, I stood up, "How did it go?"

When Aasia didn't reply, I started walking towards her, "Aasia?"

Suddenly she started shaking violently, and before I could reach her, she collapsed.

"Open the gate!" I yelled at the receptionist who didn't seem shocked at all.

She opened the gate and gave me a sympathetic look, "Sir do we need to admit her as well?"

"My wife is not on drugs!" I yelled, slowly placing Aasia's head on my lap.

The lady shook her head, "They all say that."

"Call the ambulance." I yelled at Mohammed, who was standing frozen in his spot a fearful expression on his face. N

"Already done." He replied, "And maybe you should remove her niqab, I'll be outside." He said stiffly, before giving one last look at Aasia and walking out.

I slowly removed her niqab, her face was cold, she looked almost peaceful.

"Please wake up..." I whispered, holding her hands, "I won't leave your side until you do."


A knock on the door broke my thoughts, and I looked up at the doctor who had just walked in.

"What happened? Is she going to be okay?" I asked, panic clear in my voice.

The doctor nodded, "Mr Malik please be calm, she's going to be okay. We've given her a sedative, to keep her calm. She just had a severe panic attack, but she is stable now. She just needs to rest."

I nodded, "That's good... How long until she wakes up?"

"It's different for everyone, but it could be any time now. And when she does awake please do not mention anything that might trigger her emotions again."

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