Chapter 39

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Hassan's POV:

I was in Aasia's room. The doctor said she would be ready for discharge today. She was asleep when I walked in and I found an innocent letter sitting on her bedside table.

First your baby and next your wife.

You will pay for what you've done!

That's a promise.

Signed : Revenge

I angrily slammed the letter down, causing the table to shake, awakening Aasia.

"Hassan..." she said sleepily, "what's wrong."

I shook my head, "Nothing for you to be concerned about my love... Sleep... the doctor will be here soon." I said gently kissing her forehead, before walking out of her room.

I stood in the passage, not wanting Aasia to overhear my conversation, but also not wanting to leave her alone.

I called Ridwaan, pacing back and fourth.

He picked up on the third ring.

"Hassan... Salaams bro."

"Wasalaams, Ridwaan... I need your help."

"Don't you always..." he said... and I could almost hear the grin in his voice.

"I need you to get me 2 female bodyguards and one male."

"What happened ? Is everything okay?"

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "No... things are far from okay."

"keep your faith in Allah, things will work out eventually...Okay... I found some..."

" Already...when can they start?"

"Did you forget who you speaking to? If you so wish I can have them there in 20 minutes."

"Sounds good to me...And Ridwaan... Jazaakallah "(May Allah reward you.)


I walked back into Aasia's room, feeling slightly relieved... whoever did this... whoever is doing this.. They will not get 20 feet close to my wife... Not now ... not ever.

I sat down on the chair beside Aasia, watching as her chest raised slightly as she inhaled... assuring me that she was fine.

I held her hand in mine, enjoying the familiar coolness of her soft hands. I placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles and gazed at her. My heart filled with Love and admiration.

"I will never let anything happen to you again." I promised again as a tear trickled down my cheek at the thought of losing her.


Aasia's POV:

I opened my eyes and found Hassan talking to the doctor in hushed whispers.

He turned to look at me, and he smiled as soon as he saw me awake.

I felt my cheeks heat up beneath his stare. I've never had anyone look at me the way he did.

"Aasia Malik..." the doctor said and I turned to look at her. For a split second I forgot she was there. "How do you feel?"

"I'm okay..." I said, trying to control the contagious blush as it spread from my cheeks, I could still feel Hassan looking at me. "Can I go home today?"

The doctor nodded "Any pain?"

I shook my head, "No ... none." The doctor nodded again and looked down at her file. I turned my attention back to Hassan, he was still looking at me, with a grin plastered on his face... I swear I've never seen him smile that much... except from our honeymoon... I looked down shyly as I felt my cheeks blaze at that thought.

I looked back up at Hassan and his smile widened and he lifted an eyebrow curiously.

"Everything looks good... I'll have the discharge papers sent to your room." The doctor said and I looked at her, even though I could feel Hassan's attention still on me.

"Sounds perfect ..Thank you."

The doctor smiled, "The pleasures all mine." She turned and left the room.

I watched her leave and as soon as the door closed, I looked back at Hassan, who had moved closer to the bed. "What?"

"You drool in your sleep," he said looking at my right cheek.

My eyes widened and I wiped at my cheek only to find it dry, I wiped my other cheek but there was nothing there either. I narrowed my eyes at Hassan.

He laughed, the sound making my heart... happy.

He ran his thumb across my cheek, before lifting my chin slightly so that I was looking at him."So beautiful." he breathed.

"I'm in hospital Hassan..." I said, laughing nervously... "I probably look like the dead."

" Never..." He whispered, his breath warm against my face... His face a mere inch from mine.

I swallowed, the butterflies erupting in my stomach. My eyes never leaving Hassan's.

Knock.. knock

"Someone's at the door..." I whispered.

"I know..." Hassan murmured, unmoving.

knock ... knock...

"Hassan..." A male voice called.... Ridwaan...

Hassan blinked and pulled back, his hand still on my cheek. "One second..." He said. a slight look of irritation flashing in his eyes. He grabbed my Hijab and handed it to me.

As soon as I put it on, he kissed my cheek, before fastening my nikaab and walking to the door.

After a quick discussion, he entered the room again, followed by a grinning Ridwaan, two females and a male.

"Aasia... Meet your bodyguards..."

Now what would I need those for?



I Hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did.

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