Chapter 9

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Aasia's POV

I twisted my hands nervously, as I sat on the couch, awaiting the arrival of the Maliks. True to his word, Hassan had waited for 2 days for my final decision. And now, 2 days were over, and after making Istikhaara, I finally had my decision.

"Aasia calm down." Mamajee exclaimed shaking his head.

I nodded and tried to sit still, but a few seconds later, I started twisting my hands again. I guess that's a bad habit of mine, whenever  I am nervous. Mammajee laughed and shook his head, clearly amused at my discomfort. 

"Stop laughing at her... the poor girl is just nervous." Aunt Sadia playfully shouted, tapping Mammajee on the shoulder. This only caused Mammajee to laugh louder.

"Were you this  nervous when I came too propose?" He asked.

"Probably more... Come on  Aasia, help  me fry the samoosas, it will help you take your mind off of things." 

I stood up, relieved that I would have something to do and followed Aunt Sadia into the kitchen. Josie the domestic worker, was running around the kitchen, grabbing plates and glasses, as she tried to set the table as quickly as possible.

I grabbed a plate and started setting out the samoosas as Aunt Sadia fried some more. I then grabbed a small  bowl, filled it with chutney and placed it on the plate. 

I had just finished setting out the samoosas, when the buzzer went off, making my heart jump.

I guess the Maliks were here... again.

I quickly washed my hands, before opening the front door.

As soon as the cars came to a stop, Hamza jumped out and ran towards me, "Sia! I missed you!" he shouted before giving me a hug, well... more like giving my legs a hug. I smiled and ruffled his hair, somehow this little kid took all my nervousness away. 

"Hamza!" Mrs Malik exclaimed, horrified at his behavior, Hamza instantly let go and hung his head.

"I am so sorry for his behavior!" She apologised, shooting him a glare.

I shook my head, " No apology needed, I don't mind at all." I replied, before shaking Mrs Malik's hand and giving her a hug "Assalaamu Alaykum." 

"Wa-aalaykum mus Salaam." she replied.

"Please come in, my Aunt will be down in a few minutes." Mrs Malik nodded and entered my  home, walking towards the guest lounge, and I followed behind her,completely ignoring Hassan's presence, even though I could feel his gaze burning holes into my back.

As soon as everyone, including Hassan and Mr Malik had taken a seat, my Aunt walked in...I guess she has great timing. She smiled and greeted everyone, before taking a seat besides me.  

After a few minutes of an awkward silence, Mr Malik finally spoke, "So... Aasia... Have you made your decision yet?" 

I nodded and looked at Hassan for the first time that day,he however had not taken his gaze off of me since he had entered. 

"Yes...I have... but, first can I please talk to Hassan."

Mr Malik and Aunt Sadia both looked at me confused, while Hassan just raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"I think 10 minutes are reasonable," Mammajee said, looking at Mr Malik who nodded his head eagerly.

I slowly stood up and left the room, with Hassan following behind me. I made my  way to the garden, twisting my hands as I walked.

I seriosly hope this 'talk' would be way better then the last two  we had. and that I dont regret my decision...


Salaams guys

again apologies for the late update.

Next update will Insha-allah be soon.

but since exams are coming up, they may be a bit late.

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