Chapter 25

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Aasia's POV

My fault?



All these words floated around my head, taunting me... and I could do nothing about it.

Mrs Seedat was currently sitting down...her cries and tears cutting through me...

What have I done?


(Approximately a year and a half ago.)

"Ready?" Faiza asked a smile across her beautiful face.

I nodded, "Do you think he'll show up?" 

Faiza frowned for a second, before smiling one of her contagious smiles again, "Your dad? Of course he will... Just send him a text... maybe his just running late! After all who would want to miss their daughter's graduation?"

I nodded, and gave my best friend a hug, "You're right... I'm sure he will be here."

She grinned, "Aren't I always right?" And with that she walked away, waving her graduation hat in my direction.

I slowly pulled out my phone and sent my dad a text, before slipping it back in my bag.

"Sending your boyfriend a text are we?" Someone asked and I turned around to find Mohamed - Faiza's twin brother and one of my friends- standing there a grin, just like his sister's plastered on his face.

I rolled my eyed at his statement, " Unless my imagination found a way to receive messages... than no."

He laughed at my reply, before suddenly going serious, "He will show up, Sia. He does love you." 

"Yea," I nodded, not entirely convinced, " I just... he better come in time." 

Mohamed smiled, and held out his hand, "Come on, let's go before we're late."

I laughed and slowly took his hand, before both of us raced to join the rest of our seniors. 


"Told you..." I said, disappointment clearly showing in my voice, I had just walked down the stage, having received my certificate.

Faiza frowned, "You sure, Maybe you just didn't see him." 

I smiled but shook my head, "Maybe I just shouldn't have hoped." 

Faiza shook her head, her black hair, flying around her, "No... maybe you should have hoped harder." 

"And face worst disapointment. Never." at this Faiza gave me another hug, 

"Wanna go out for a while?" she asked and I silently nodded, taking her hand, before both of us walked out.

As soon as we were standing outside, Faiza handed me a box of cigarettes, "Want one?"

I sighed and shook my head, "Neh...I'm trying to give it up...I thought you were too."

Faiza nodded, "I am's just hard."

I silently took the box from her and threw it away, ignoring her panicked look. "First start off by distancing yourself from it." I said softly, and she nodded, crossing her arms.

"What would I do without you?" she asked smiling.

"Probably become a drug addict and land in rehab, until I come there and save your ass." I said, laughing jokingly...not realising how true my statement would one day turn out  to be.



How are you guys?

I know I know... i was supposed to update on Friday, but I was having bad WiFi and semi-writers block so please forgive me!

And this is one REALLY  short chapter!

Super sorry!

Any way... what do you guys think of past Aasia?

The 'not so good' girl?

And Faiza?

And her relationship regarding Mohamed and Faiza?

Please vote... if u liked this chapter on the past.

I will Insha- Allah update soon...on  the present!

I just wanted to give you guys a glimpse on Aasia's past... before continuing.

I hope it cleared a few things up!



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