Chapter 34

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Aasia's POV

2 Days have gone by and Hassan and I hardly spoke, besides the usual, "pass the salt.", "the food is delicious " , "switch off the lights" and the occasional "I'm sorry"... all these words said by Hassan whilst I just nodded or shook my head, his apologies ignored.

I was hurt, I felt used and embarrassed, but I still wanted to know the true detail of this 'deal' I was just too afraid to ask.
Afraid of the answer, afraid that it would crush my already broken heart.

"I'm sorry." Hassan said for the third time this morning.

I nodded, "I know," I whispered softly, my head bowed as he turned around. This was the first time I answered him.

He slowly walked towards me, afraid I would jump away at any moment, "Aasia...I really am sorry, please let me explain" he begged giving me a hug.

I shook my head too tired to pull away from his embrace. I was tired of fighting, tired of all the anger- the pain. I wasn't ready to forget but I was ready to forgive...I guess it hurts more - not forgiving- when you live with someone, when you love them...

Hassan pulled back, releasing me, his eyes never leaving mine..."You deserve an explanation, even if I don't deserve your forgiveness. What you heard," he sighed, shame clouding his eyes, "was the truth but you're more than that- more than any deal- we are more than that."

I bit my lip looking down, willing myself not to cry, I've had enough of that.

"Before I phoned for the proposal..."

(Past -Hassan's POV)

I angrily shut my car door, I was definitely not in the mood. Firstly my father wanted me to get married and then somebody phoned requesting to see me and my father insisted that I go.

So here I the local coffee shop, waiting.

A few ,minutes later a man joined me.

"السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَ بَرَكَاتُه " he greeted to which I replied.

"I heard you were looking for a wife, and I have a proposal." He said and I frowned.

"Excuse me, but I do not wish to discuss this, I ..." but he cut me off,

"Just listen to what I have to say... I have a niece, Aasia Hamid, she-just like you- doesn't want to get married. She is the only heir to her late father's business, marry her, make her happy and not only will you be a part of her business but the one I have to offer as well."

"What?" I asked confused, was this man really trying to sell his niece over?

"Do we have a deal?" He asked sliding the papers towards me.

I briefly read through them and was surprised he was actually offering me a very good deal, "So...if I marry her and make her happy, I get all of this?"

"Yes, all of it is yours, no tricks involved."

"Well then, I guess we have a deal."

As soon as I returned to Malik Inc. my father called me to his office, a stack of papers- a list- of all the girls I could marry.

Aasia Hamid, the name stood out from the corner, beckoning for me to choose it, and so I did. I pulled the paper out, briefly reading through it -no picture was added as she wore niqaab- and handed it to my father.

"Her I'll marry her, make the proposal for this Sunday." I said in my best I-don't-care attitude.

What did I have to loose anyway?

Little did I know that she was about to become my everything.



I hope u guys enjoyed this part, sorry it was so short, but exams start tomorrow.

I'll try and make the next part longer.

Vote if you liked and comment your thoughts.



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