Chapter 24

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Aasia's POV

As soon as Hassan parked the car I started panicking. This was so familiar...

I climbed out of the car slowly and walked with Hassan to the front door. Hassan rang the bell and we waited... a few minutes later, the door opened, and there standing in the doorway was someone I hadn't seen in years but yet memories of him floated around my head.

Memories I tried  so hard to forget, but they stayed, refusing to move...refusing to leave me in a memory-less haven.

"Aasia Hamid...nice to see you again."  Ahmed said, scaring me out of my thoughts causing me to squeeze Hassan's hand tightly.

I nodded my head slowly, "It is a pleasure to see you too..." I said, ignoring Hassan's curios yet confused glance. 

"Do you too know each other?" Hassan asked, looking straight at me, his face emotionless, yet a spark of anger danced in his eyes. 

"Yes... now would you please come in! Humairah has been waiting for ages." Ahmed said, before turning around and leading the way to the living room, while Hassan and I followed.

As soon as we were all seated, Hassan and I on a double couch and Ahmed on a single one, a lady walked in. 

'Humairah!" Hassan shouted, standing up to embrace his sister. "this is Aasia." Hassan said,gesturing towards me, and Humairah smiled.

"Nice to meet you Aasia...long time no see!"Humairah said, before giving me  a hug, which I hesitantly returned. Her arm was in a cast and I did not want to hurt her.

"It has been a long time." I whispered, before releasing Humairah. 

"How do you guys know each other again?" Hassan asked, as soon as Humairah sat down.

Ahmed who had his gaze on me the entire time, now turned to Humairah, but she was looking at me. Each one of us waiting for the other to speak.

"We were...uh...Aasia went to school with my siblings." Ahmed finally said.

Hassan nodded, "Oh...small world isn't it!"he said, the fire in his eyes slowly fading. 

Just then, a loud cry echoed through the room and Humairah stood up, "Guess my little Jelly Bean is awake." she said, before walking out, with Hassan following her eager to see his neice.

As soon as they left, I turned my attention back to Ahmed, "How's Faiza and Mohamed?" I asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

"They're good." Ahmed replied, clenching his hands into fists.  

"Where are they now?"

"Out." was his short reply, "Now tell me Aasia where have you been for the past year and almost a half?"

"Out and about."

Ahmed nodded, "When did you go into niqab?"

"Straight after I graduated." 

Ahmed smiled, "Well...That's nice...I'm proud of you..." He said, before turning his attention to Hassan, who had just walked in carrying the most adorable baby girl. She was wrapped snugly in a pink blanket, with a pink hat on her tiny head and her fingers in her mouth. 


Hassan's POV

"Aasia, this is Ayesha." I said, sitting down besides Aasia. 

Aasia smiled - this I could tell from the crinkles that formed beside her eyes- and picked Ayesha up, settling her on her lap.

"SHe is so adorable!" She gushed and I smiled, pleased.

"I'm...going to help Humairah in the kitchen." Ahmed said, standing up, "I trust my daughter is in good hands." 

As soon as he left, shutting the door behind him, I reached out and took Aasia's niqab off.

She smiled gratefully at me, before turning her attention back to Ayesha - who was currently holding one of Aasia's fingers. 

I smiled at both of them, before placing a kiss on Ayesha's forehead.

"Why didn't you tell me you knew Humairah and Ahmed?" I asked, my gaze still focused on Ayesha.

"I...uh...I didn't know it was them until Ahmed answered the door." 

" met them at school?" 

"Yea...they would sometimes come and fetch Faiza and Mohamed and we'd talk. Faiza and I were best friends."she said and smiled at the memory. "Guess it is a really small world."

I laughed, "Yea a bit too small." I joked and Aasia laughed - a beautiful sound erupting from her mouth - I loved her rare as it was beautiful.

Just then the door opened, causing Aasia to jump u reaching for her niqab, but it was only an elderly lady at the door - Ahmed's mom- Mrs Seedat.

"Assala-mu-Alaykum." Aasia greeted, but the women didn't reply...her mouth set in an angry line and her hand resting on the door knob.

She marched towards Aasia and grabbed Ayesha, holding her protectively against her chest, "How dare you touch my grandchild!" She shouted.

"Mrs Seedat, this is my wife Aasia..." I said, confused with her behaviour. 

"You married her? This lying deceitful little..." Mrs Seedat said, but she was cut off by another voice.

"Mom!" I turned, shocked, only to find Mohamed, Ahmed's brother standing by the door. 

As soon as Aasia saw him, she grabbed her niqab and covered her face, but not before I saw the hurt look on Aasia's  face.

"Yes! Just grab your veil and get out of my house!" Mrs Seedat shouted, causing Aasia to flinch.

"Do not talk to her like that!" I said, trying to keep my temper under control...usually Mrs Seedat was a kind, relaxed, sweet woman.

"You cannot kick my guests out!" Ahmed said calmly, walking towards his mother, hoping to calm her down.

"She! You invited her here!" Mrs Seedat said, pointing an accusing finger at Aasia.

"Mom please." Ahmed said, trying to calm his mother down...

"You know what she did Ahmed!" She said, "She deserves to be kicked out!" 

"Mom!" Mohamed shouted, walking towards us, "Now is not the time?"

I frowned, confused at the scene infront of me, "Not the time for what?" I asked, and suddenly everyone turned to look at me. 

Mohamed and Ahmed both had a worried expression on their faces. Mrs Seedat was glaring at Aasia...and Aasia...she was looking at the floor...her face emotionless...yet confused.

"Mrs Seedat...I...I don't know what I did!" Aasia said softly...

"Aasia you didn't do anything..." Mohamed said, but he was cut off by his mother.

"Nothing! You call your sister nothing!" 

"No I...didn't..." Mohamed try to say but Mrs Seedat cut him off again.

"She put your sister in rehab is what she did."Mrs Seedat shouted hesterically.




I hope this chapter was enjoyed by all that read it!

I know it's kinda confusing but all will Insha-Allah be cleared up soon!

Pls comment ur thoughts n don't forget to hit that vote button!



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