Chapter 16

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Aasia's POV

The trip back to the hotel was awkward- needless to say.

Hassan kept that stupid smirk on his face- and for some reason i couldn't stop the heat from rushing to my cheeks.

As soon as the car came to a complete stop, i jumped out, and made my way into the hotel,without waiting for Hassan.

He had to park his car away and I had a key card of my own- so i did not have to wait for him.

As soon as I entered the room, I grabbed some decent looking pj's and practically ran into the bathroom. I could not stand this dress any longer!

It was beautiful and all, but i was so long- and me being the clumsy person Aunt Sadia claims I am- I was going to trip over it any time soon.

Luckily I managed to unzip my dress without anyones help - especially not Hassans - i jumped into the shower and started washing all my makeup off. I don't know about other girls in the world- but I absolutely hate it when my make up gets all sticky because I've been wearing it for too long.

While I was still in the shower I heard the door opening, so I guess Hassan was here.

I quietly got out of the shower and slowly dressed. My pj's consisted of a pair of satin trousers and a cami. I know- not the best thing a girl is supposed to wear on her wedding night- but I had no intention of doing anything and I didn't think Hassan did either.

Or that's what I hoped for at least.

As soon as I was done I slowly exited the bathroom, hoping Hassan was either not in or he was already asleep.

Luck was definitely not on my side. As soon as I exited the bathroom, Hassan looked up from his phone. His expression was unreadable as he looked at my attire silently. I suddenly felt nervous under his stare and had the sudden urge to dive under the covers, but seeing that he was sitting on the bed, I just stood there twisting my hands instead.

I slowly looked at the bed- which looked to small for the two of us and then back at Hassan.

"I'll sleep on the couch..." Hassan said, sensing my discomfort,

I immediately shook my head, "The couch is so...small...u'll never fit....I'll sleep on it." I said making my way over.

"No!I'll sleep on the couch, You take the bed." Hassan said standing up, "I'll fit."

"No you wont." I said rolling my eyes, "You don't need to act chivalrous no ones here to give you brownie points."

"Who said anything about brownie points." He questioned, his voice slightly raised in anger.

"Why else, would you hold my hand out of the blue and actually speak to me when someones around!"


"You only trying to show that you're a good husband in front of your family...don't worry I wont ruin your plans...but here when no ones around you don't need to act like you care."

"Who said I was acting?"

"You ignore me whenever we're alone and only speak to me and try and hold my hand when someones around."

Hassan's face darkened angrily, and he looked so angry one might think he was going to explode any minute now, that I actually felt scared.

'Great I had to open my big mouth"

"Sleep wherever you like...You're right...I don't care." and with that he stormed into the bathroom, slamming the door shut.

I stared stunned at the shut door, before taking out a pillow and blanket from the cupboard and making a small bed on the couch, before jumping inside.

I lay there silently, listening to the sound of my beating heart, when the bathroom door opened, and I heard footsteps walking towards me. I kept my eyes shut and the person walked away. I heard the bed move indicating that someone was sitting on it, and I slowly began drifting off into a deep slumber. Silently hoping I did not have a back ache the next morning- considering the couch was not comfortable at all.


As soon as I heard my alarm go off, indicating it was Fair time, I groaned and reached towards my dressing table - only to find that it wasn't there , and neither was my phone.

My eyes instantly shot open and I took in my surroundings... That's when it hit me: I got married yesterday... I fought with Hassan and fell asleep on the couch - wait the couch - I was not on the couch... Well not anymore.

"Switch that damn thing off!" A gruff voice said, and I froze...that voice was so...close.

I slowly turned around, and as soon as I saw Hassan next to me, I jumped up...causing me to trip over the sheets and land with a 'thud' on the floor.

I groaned, and stood up, trying to find my phone. As soon as I saw it, I switched the alarm off, and sighed, might as well read my Fajr before I was tempted to go back to sleep.

I turned around, and almost jumped in fright when I saw Hassan awake - staring at me - an amused expression on his face.

"If I knew you were this amusing so early in the morning I'd wake up even earlier just to watch you." He said and I crossed my arms, glaring at him.

Before I could respond, he stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

Who am I kidding - it was too early to even come up with a comeback. I sighed and sat down on the bed, as I let my thoughts.

"Why did you move me?" I asked as soon as I heard the bathroom door open.

Hassan froze, and looked at me, "I... The couch wasn't comfortable... It wasn't fair... This room is yours just as it is mine." He replied, with a shrug., before taking out his prayer mat and starting his Fair.

I watched him for a few minutes, something about his answer didn't seem... Right... Didn't seem ... True.


Hassan's POV :

I silently laughed as I performed wudhu.

When Aunt Sadia said Aasia was clumsy, I thought she was kidding - I guess not.

I smiled, before walking out of the bathroom.

"Why did you move me?" She asked and I froze... Confused.

I looked up at her, judging her expression... She looked serious... She really didn't know...

"I... The couch wasn't comfortable... It wasn't fair... This room is yours just as it is mine. " I carefully replied, before taking out my prayer mat and starting my Fajr before she asked any more questions.

I felt bad for lying to her... But for some reason I couldn't tell her the truth.

What exactly was I supposed to say in the first place?

That I didn't move her... That she moved herself.

She would never believe me... I wouldn't believe me if someone told me that.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair as I thought of it... The incident that happened merely 4 hours ago... The incident that changed my entire view on Aasia Hamid... The incident that made me realise that maybe her life wasn't as easy as I once thought it was...


Salaams guys!

Ha-ha (que evil laugh) I ended on such a cliffhanger!

So... Wat do u think happened?

Wats the incident that Hassan's going on about?

Update will be soon... So u won't have to wait that long.

But.... In the meantime I want u guys to guess wat the incident is... Whoever gets it right will have the next chapter dedicated to them!



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