Chapter 22

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Hassan's POV

"Hamza!" Aasia screamed, running towards my brother and giving him a hug.

I smiled and walked behind her, as she picked Hamza up and gave him another hug.

We had just got off the plane; back from our honeymoon. 

"I missed you!" Hamza squealed, hugging Aasia one more time. This caused Aunt Sadia to laugh at them. 

"Salaams." I greeted, walking towards them, only to be attacked by Hamza, who jumped out of Aasia's hands.

I smiled as I ruffled his hair, "How have you been?" I asked him, and he pouted, 

"Why you never phone me?" He asked in a sad tone.

"I'm time I'll call you first" 

Hamza immediately smiled and nodded his head vigorously. "Shall we leave?" Aasia's mammajee asked and when I nodded, he grabbed our bags and started making his way through the crowd of people, with us following behind.

As soon as we reached the car, Aunt Sadia grabbed my hand, "I'm sorry your parents couldn't make it." She said, giving me a smile.

I frowned, but nodded, "That's long as you guys came."

'It's not like I expected them to come anyway.' I thought, running my hand through my hair. 

The whole way back, Aasia spoke about the trip, telling everyone about Paris and it's beauty. She however spoke vaguely about the island, only mentioning the part where we decided to explore the forest and she ran screaming back to the house as soon as she saw a spider. Aunt Sadia smiled happily, listening to her story her gaze filled with love and adoration. Even mammajee was listening, commenting at various parts. 

Hamza was asleep on Aasia's lap and she was playing with his hair, as she told her tale. I watched her, a small smile playing on my lips. Now this...this is what I called a 'family  moment.' Something the Malik family was not quite familiar with. 


After spending some time and eating lunch with Aunt Sadia and Mammajee, Aasia and I dropped Hamza home, spent a few minutes greeting my parents, before making our way to a hotel.

Our house was not ready yet, and I refused to show it to Aasia until it was completely finished, so we were going to stay in a hotel for the time being. 

As soon as we reached our room,which was the penthouse suite, I jumped onto the bed, closing my eyes, I was exhausted. Suddenly I  felt someone flick my ear and I opened my eyes, annoyed only to find Aasia glaring at me. 

"This..." Aasia said gesturing to my body, which was lying across the whole bed, "is not allowed! Where am i supposed to fit? On top of you?"

I smiled, "Of course! I heard I make a pretty good pillow." I said, earning myself another glare from Aasia. 

"Whatever! I'm going to shower...and when I get back there better be space for me!" She said and I nodded, closing my eyes again. 

Just then my phone started vibrating, causing me to sigh. I slowly took it out, only to find 'Ahmed' flashing on my screen. 

I frowned, before answering, 'Ahmed hardly ever called...'


Aasia's POV

I waited and waited, pacing around the hotel room, but Hassan didn't come back. 

I walked out of the bathroom,pleased that I finally had the bed to myself, only to find that I was alone and Hassan wasn't there. I shook it off at that time, thinking he only went out for food or something, but hours later he still didn't return.

When I tried calling his cell, it went straight to voicemail. 

After some time, I decided to just sit down and read a book, take my mind off of tthings, thinking that Hassan probably went to work or something...

A few hours later, after trying to re-read a page for about the fifth time because I wasn't concentrating, the door opened and Hassan walked in looking extremely annoyed.

"Where were you?" 

He shrugged, "Out."

"Excuse me?" I demanded, my worry slowly being replaced with anger. As I followed him into the bedroom and he collapsed on the bed. 

"I'm pretty sure you heard me." Hassan said, closing his eyes.

"You didn't answer my question!" 

"I didn't need  to."

I frowned at his response, "You can't just leave in the afternoon and return at 2 o clock the next morning and expect me to be okay with it!" I shouted.

"And you shouldn't expect things from me!" Hassan said,his voice monotone. "I'm not a  kid Aasia! You don't need to wait up for me!"

"No!"I shouted shaking my head, "But you're my husband! I should...I should at least know where you are at 2 o'clock in the morning!"

Hassan suddenly sat up, his face a mask of anger, "I didn't want to be your husband! And the last time I checked you didn't want to marry me either! So I'm not inclined to tell you anything!"

I froze, his answer shocking me beyond belief. Slowly I shut my eyes, forcing the tears to disappear,as the pain in my chest increased. 

"You're  right..." I said slowly opening my eyes, as the emotions on my face melted away, "I didn't want to marry you."

And with that, i turned and walked away, ignoring Hassan's crushed look and the extreme ache in my chest...


Salaams guys

I'm super sorry about not updating! But I had a bad case of writers block! 

Please dont hate me! Or Hassan....

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