Chapter 38

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Aasia's POV

My head was throbbing.

My tongue felt like sandpaper  in my mouth.

There was a painful pulling sensation in my stomach... As if some invisible force was holding me together.

The drip in my arm was cold, but my hand was surprisingly warm enwrapped in another.

I opened my heavy eyes and found Hassan, his head against my bed, his hand holding mine.

I gazed at him as my heart filled with regret. 

Regret over the stupid fight that we had... it seemed so pointless now... so unnecessary. 

Regret over the secret I kept as revenge... A secret he had every right to... A secret I would no longer have to keep.

Pain rippled through my heart at that thought... My baby... Our baby... Gone.

I tried to swallow it, the pain, tried to control the tears that filled my eyes. But I couldn't . This pain... It was insufferable.

And so I let the tears fall. 


Hassan's POV

I heard a heartbreaking sob and I jolted awake... And the sight in front of me broke my already shattered heart.

All my previous, childish anger was gone.

All that mattered to me now was the heartbroken women in front of me.

I stood up and slowly sat on her bed, wrapping my arms around her, careful not to hurt her.

"Hassan.. I'm so s.."

"Shhh... don't worry about that now."

"Our baby.." she said, the words choked out as if they were suffocating her.

"I know and Allah knows best... Everything's going to be okay..." I said, my words soft as I tried to keep my voice from shaking.

Tears were already rolling down my cheeks. I hugged her a bit tighter, before leaning back. She looked up at me. Our eyes locked. "I'm the one whose sorry... I should have protected you...  Aasia ... forgive me." 

She shook her head slightly, her eyes never leaving mine. I gently pushed a strand of hair out of her face. I swallowed the bump that formed in my throat, as I let myself finally feel the love I so stupidly ignored. 

She swallowed and looked down guiltily. "It's my fault... if only I told you..."

"Don't!"  I said shaking my head. I put a finger beneath her chin, slowly lifting her head so that her gaze met mine again.

"None of this is your fault. Whoever did this ... they will pay...I will find them if it's the last thing I do... I will never let anything happen to you again." I promised, my eyes conveying the sincerity of my words. 

She nodded. Believing my promise. 

Slowly I leaned forward , my eyes never leaving hers, my hands holding her gently.

She swallowed again, and her lips parted slightly, but whatever she was going to say was lost

As my lips met hers.



Sorry about the short chapter.

I hope you enjoyed it.

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