Chapter 20

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Dedicated to : Shaakirah_99

Hassan's POV

'Whose Humairah?" Aasia asked and I sighed... I Knew she heard me...

"First tell me  if you're okay," I replied, turning her around, so that she was facing me, that bang was pretty loud.

Aasia shook her head, refusing to even look at me, "Answer my question Hassan," she said firmly,when I didn't reply, she shook her head, pushed me away and walked into the bedroom. 

I stared after her, as she climbed into the bed, why was I finding this so hard? Why couldn't I answer her simple answer?

I silently walked into the room, and switched the light on. Aasia was sitting up and leaning against the headboard, her face emotionless... 

I've never seen her like this...I've see her angry and sad...but this , this was even worst... it felt like looking in the mirror...having that emotionless face staring back at me... I hated it! Hated seeing her like this...Despised it... despised myself, and maybe that's what made me take a step forward and tell her my whole story... my own sad little tale that I've never imagined telling her... a tale I chose to hide from for 7 years...

 "My mom died when I was 11..." I said softly, and Aasia looked up at me, a small flicker of emotion running through her eyes, before disappearing again. 

"It was... a shootout at the mall...she was just at the wrong place at the wrong time...she left behind two kids... a boy and a girl... 11 and 18... Hassan and Humairah." I frowned, before continuing,

"2 years later my dad remarried... that same year, my sister...Humairah also wanted to get married... my dad refused, saying the man was too, poor. She fought with him , until one day he said that if she wanted to marry this man, she would have to leave,  break all ties with him...with her own father... and so - that's what she did. 

 I never spoke to her for 5 years. I hated my dad, for making her leave,and  I hated her husband -  Ahmed - more for taking her away... but I couldn't hate her. When I was 18 - the same year Hamza was born - I eventually found her. Ahmed turned out to be a great guy... and as it turned out my dad  had more of a personal grudge towards  his family, since they won a court case against his very rich - very important client." I stopped and looked up at Aasia... she was staring back at me, a sad look upon her face... she was pitying me...

"Hassan I'm so so..."

"Don't complete that sentence if you going to end with sorry... and don't look at me like that!" I said, my tone angrier then I expected it to be. 

She opened her mouth to say something, before shutting it again. "I don't need your pity, Aasia, had enough of it since I  was 11." 

She nodded, "I was... going to say that I am so... glad you told me.." She said, and I smiled at her lie. 

"So wait... Ayesha... is your sister's child?" She asked and I nodded.

"She was born the day you came  to my house for 'wedding preparations' and had to watch that...horrible conversation." 

"Why didn't you just tell them where you were?"

"They already knew... Ahmed phoned and told both of them...instead of congratulating him, they swore him." I clenched my jaw, my anger sightly increasing. "My dad missed his first grandchild's birth, because of his selfishness." 

Aasia nodded, slowly taking everything in, "Well...why didn't you tell me this earlier... I was left thinking you were crazy this whole time!" she said and I laughed.

"I didn't want to tell you... I wanted to show you. I... didn't want you to react the same way my parent did..."

" I'm not some gold-digger Hassan -  I don't care how much money Ahmed has! As long as  they are happy."

"They are."

Aasia smiled, "So...when do I get to meet this beautiful niece."

"Soon enough...straight after"

Aasia smiled, "I can't wait." I smiled...and moved closer, about to give her a hug, but she moved away... her smile falling.

"I'm so..." 

"Don't apologies." I said, cutting her off. She nodded, and climbed into the bed. 

"I...think I should sleep on the couch."I said slowly, standing up, and Aasia immediately opened her eyes.

"No...I said there's space for both of us."

I nodded, "I know." before walking out of the room, and resting on the couch, pulling a blanket over me, before dosing off to sleep.

Only to be woken up again, by Aasia's cries and her demands for 'him'...

'him'... that damn person she only mentioned while sleeptalking...

That person who caused her nightmares and made her sleep-walk towards me, begging for my help...

Begging for me to save him, when all I wanted to do was kill him for hurting her... not knowing that he was already  dead...


Salaams guys...

Well...there you have it... the reason behind all of Hassan's mystery - u see - his not such a bad guy after all...

I hope u guys enjoyed this part...

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Thanks for reading!



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