Chapter 7

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Aasia's POV

"I thought you said you didn't buy flowers for anyone." I said in an angry tone.

Hassan who had his gaze on me, now turned away and looked back at his computer screen, an emotionless expression covering his once startled one like a mask, "I don't."

"Then why did you buy me these? I thought you don't 'do romance'."

"I don't, " he replied keeping his gaze on his screen, "But these roses were an apology, not a romantic gesture, there's a difference."

"Well I don't want them, or your apology! You can't buy forgiveness!"

"I wasn't trying to..."

"Then take them back!"

"Don't you like them?"

"No...I do...but still...I don't want it! I already forgave you.... For what you said." I sighed, defeated.

Hassan stopped typing and looked up at me, confused, "You did?"


"But you're still angry?" He questioned raising an eyebrow.


"And what about the proposal? Are you going to respond?"

" No... I have no intention of marrying you." I responded.

"But I apologised. You have to at least think about it" He argued, confused and sightly angry at my snappy answer.

"There was nothing to think about."

"But you..."

"Goodbye Hassan." I said, cutting him off, as I turned around and started walking away,

"Aasia wait!" Hassan shouted and I froze at the panic laced through his voice, my hand resting on the doorknob.

"Please." The word was almost whispered out, "Think about it...." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, before opening the door and walking out so quickly I almost didn't hear him say, "You final answer in 2 days time. "

'2 days....'

Throughout the car drive all I could think about was my conversation with Hassan. As soon as I entered my house, Aunt Sadia came running towards the door, looking pretty angry, 'Oops I'm definitely in trouble now. '

"Aasia Hamid! Where did you go to young lady? Do you know how worried I was? You better have a pretty good excuse! And where are the flowers? You better not have thrown them away!"

I gulped, "I uh... I declined Hassan's proposal." I blurted out and Aunt Aasia's eyes widened.

"You did what?"

"I uh... I... I don't want to marry him."

Aunt Sadia nodded, and even though she looked liked she really wanted to say something, she didn't, instead she walked away.

A few minutes later she reappeared, holding a CD in her hand, "Watch this, before you make your final decision." She said holding out the disc.

I took hold of the disc slowly, holding it with care, "Is this...."

Aunt Sadia nodded, and I felt tears fill my eyes, blinding my vision slightly, as I looked at the familiar blue disc.

The same blue disc like the ones in my cupboard, each one with a different title written in a black marker.

Each one made with love.

Each one different, holding new advice.

Each one made by my late mother.


Salaams guys I'm so sorry for the late update!

But for some reason this part got deleted before I published it so I was pretty annoyed and had to re write it all again.

I hope u guys liked this chapter!

Let me know ur thoughts pls

Don't forget to comment either!



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