Chapter 33

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Hassan's POV

"Aasia calm down." I said for the tenth time as my busy wife rushed around the kitchen.

Today was the day everyone was coming for supper....and I mean parents and my sister in the same house... we were looking for trouble...but Aasia was right they need to learn to forgive.

She slowed down, placing a tray on the table, to give me a glare " Calm down? How can you tell me to calm down? There's so much to do! I still need to ice the cakes and make some juice and what about the table? And I still need your get dressed and..."

" Aasia stop! " I laughed

"Do you think they'll like everything?" She asked nervously twisting her fingers.

I smiled and walked towards her, "Everything will be fine..." I said gently placing a hand on her cheek, "You cook like an angel, they'll be too busy enjoying the food to worry about anything else."

She nodded and I smiled, "Okay? Now please relax."

She smiled wearily, "Will you ice the cakes?"

I raised an eyebrow, " Me? Icing the cakes? "

She nodded and I sighed, " But I don't know how to..." I lied.

"It's easy look, all you do is fill the icing in the bag and you'll get a hang of it and put some chocolate sprinkles on the top, a child could do it!"

My shoulders sunk and I sighed, " Fine you'll have to pay me first though." I said tapping my cheek, and before I could even smirk, Aasia kissed my cheek, before turning around and walking away, but I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me.

"I like your blush love." I said softly, reaching up to touch her heated cheek, my eyes never leaving hers, I leaned closer and slowly placed a kiss on her forehead. I then turned around, sat down and started icing the cakes. I would have loved to see Aasia's blush but I was too busy trying to hide my own, and thankfully a few minutes later I heard Aasia carry on what she was doing.

I iced the cakes slowly, making sure each one was perfect.

"Wow..." Aasia said and I stopped to look up at her, I was so focused on the cakes I hadn't noticed she had been standing there for a while. "I thought you said you didn't know how to ice a cake... These are amazing!"

"I'd hope so...I had a great teacher..." I smiled sadly and she frowned so I continued... I decided to let her in... let her see what I was feeling right then, how it hurt yet seemed like it was healing.

" I used to always ice the cakes with my mom before she... Humaira was always busy... you know teenage life, so I used to do it with my mom... I always loved how she took her time making each one perfect, " I said finishing the last cake, before looking back up at Aasia who had a smile on her face yet there were tears in her eyes, " When I asked why, she said she was making it for the people she loved that's why it had to be perfect."

Aasia nodded, " She sounds like an amazing woman... and these are perfect."

I smiled, "She was... one thing she always did when she was done," I said dipping a finger in the left over icing and quickly messing it on Aasia's cheek, " For the one I love the most, " I declared smiling, " That's what she did, every time." I said picking up the bowls and taking it to the basin, my smile fading, "Now go get dressed I'll set the table."

Aasia nodded her smile widening, before she quickly placed a kiss on my cheek and walked away, leaving me stunned.

Only after she left did I realize what I did...I just declared I loved her the most...well not directly...but I'd meant it. In that moment I'd let my guard down and now only did I realize that I did love her...


A few hours later, the table was set, Aasia was dresses - very beautifully if I might add - everyone had arrived. After realizing Humaira was there my father threatened to leave but after a lot of yelling and accusations he calmed down and sat down , deciding to stay.

The rest of dinner went well and my father actually made conversation with Ahmed and now we were eating dessert, the women were in the other room their laughter filling the house.

I hoped Aasia was happy, I'd managed to pull a few strings and Faiza was able to join us for supper. I think this family needed to heal and I was glad this dinner aided in some way.

After finishing my cupcake and brushing off Ridwaan's compliment on my icing skills, Mammajee asked me to talk to him in private so we left, heading upstairs to my study.

"Jee ?" I asked as soon as Mammajee shut the door.

He smiled holding up an envelope, "I'm very proud of you Hassan."

"What for?" I asked confused.

" You did it managed to make Aasia fall in love with you...and a deals a deal,"he said handing the envelope to me, "Here's the papers for the company, it's yours now. You deserve it."

I was about to refuse, when the door burst open and Aasia stood there angrily, "Deal?" She questioned looking from Mamajee to me, as if she didn't believe what she just heard, "This marriage was nothing but a business deal?"

"No Aasia..." I said but she cut me off...

"Don't ! You're nothing but the greedy Malik who cares about no one but his stupid law firm and making more money... and Mamajee..." she said looking at him, " I'm ashamed to say you're just like him..." she said venom dripping off her words, " I'd expect this from someone like him but from you? " she stopped for a moment as a tear rolled down her cheek " I can't believe I trusted or loved either of you." She said, before turning around and walking away.

" Aasia wait!" I shouted shoving the papers back into a stunned Mamajee's hands, but it was too late, she had already locked herself up in our room, refusing to even answer me. And after several failed attempts I went back to the study. I grabbed the papers and tore it up throwing the shredded pieces away.

"Screw the deal it's off!" I said angrily, regret and shame filling me up,


"No! At first I only chose her because of this damn deal...and then I met her... and you're wrong, I'm the one who fell in love with her, not the other way heard her she hates me!" I shouted running a hand through my hair.... I don't care that I just admitted I loved her, I don't care that tears were forming in my eyes and I definitely didn't care about my ego as I let one freely escape my eye.

I haven't cried since my mom died and Humaira left... I grew cold and angry... but now- now all I could think about was the pain in Aasia's eyes, pain I'd caused, after promising myself that I'd never hurt her.

"I'm sorry..." Mamajee said walking towards the door, her words hurting him as well, " But Hassan you're wrong...she does love you"

What have I done?



Pls don't hate me for this .... I'm also sorry about the delayed update.

جزاك الله to all those who made dua for me the operation went well and I'm good now. Alhamdulillah.

Pls vote and comment your thoughts.

I hope no one has tears in their eyes like I do.



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