Chapter 26

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Hassan's POV (back to the present)

"Aasia?" I asked, looking at her with worried eyes. Her gaze cast down, but her eyes held an emotion I couldn't yet understand.

Ahmed was talking soothingly to his mother in an attemt to calm her down. Humairah had disappeared from the room, taking Ayesha with her and Mohamed was standing beside me a worried look on his face, his gaze on Aasia.

Suddenly Aasia started breathing heavily, tears formed in her eyes, as she looked around, as if she couldn't quite believe what was happening. Mohamed took a step towards her, his hand outstretched, but before he could touch her, he stopped... his hand falling towards his side.

"She needs help. Your help." He said, his words sounding cold, as if he forced them out.

I frowned as the little green monster inside of me awoke... but this wasn't the time to get I forced my emotions back.

"How? How can I help her?" I asked, my words coming out in a whisper.

I didn't know what was happening so how was I supposed to help?

Mohamed frowned, and looked at me, "She is your should know."

I turned back to look at Aasia, "How am I supposed to know if it has never happened before."

Mohamed's frown deepened, " This has never happened before? Since you'll got married?" He asked, confused.

I nodded slowly, "I've never seen her like this before."

He nodded, "She's thinking...lost in thought...somewhere almost unreachable."

"What do you mean?"

"This would happen when we were in school. She'd be fine one moment and the next...she's out of it..." He paused for a while, his gaze moving to Aasia before returning to meet my eye, " Usually she'd be thinking about her mom...but this's not the same. Something's not right."


"Whenever she thought about her mom and completely lost herself to that thought... her eyes... they wouldn't look like that...They'd be sadder...but more alive...Now - she looks as if she's hurt and that pain is killing her."

"I still don't get you!" I said, running a hand through my hair- this guy was talking in riddles and i couldn't understand a single bit of it. "Let me get this straight...she's fine right..."

Mohamed nodded, "yes..." His gaze shifted to her, "Well physically at least."

"So...she is just lost in much that she doesn't know what's going on around her?" I questioned.

"Sort of...she does know what's happening...she just isn't acknowledging it."

"So how do we help her?" I asked, "Do we just wait...will it end? Her thoughts?"

Mohamed nodded slowly, looking from Aasia to me.

"So you can help her?" I asked...

He shook his head,"No...but you can.,,"

"How do I do that?"

"Hold her hands..." He said, stepping aside.

I frowned, "How will that help anything?" I asked looking at her hands - she was twisting them, in the way she always did when she was nervous.

Mohamed sighed, "She does that when she's nervous - if you haven't noticed - it comforts her. By stopping her movements... you're taking away her comfort...causing her to focus."

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