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Don't Bring It Out Of Me

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Ana was on her bed, arms behind her head as she stared up at the ceiling. It was probably four in the morning and she couldn't even get a wink of sleep. Mostly because of the awful memories jolting her awake every time. It had been a few weeks after her visit to the hospital, but she still suffered from headaches.

There was a beep next to her followed by a voice, "Ana, you up?" She heard Natasha call through the tablet by her bed.

Ana reached over and tapped the circle, "Yeah, Nat. What is it?" She asked and let go of the button to hear her reply.

"How do you feel about a morning training session?"

"I could let off some steam. Meet you in five."

- - -

Ana strapped the fingerless gloves on her hands, walking to the open facility used for the long range weapons testing and simulation training. She spotted Nat at the controls, most likely setting up a scenario for them to fight through. Last time it was multiple armed targets coming at both ends. Tony designed it, and everyone liked using it since it didn't actually include hurting people.

"Why you up so early?" Natasha asked, clicking the last button before the lights calibrated to her design.

"Can't sleep." Ana said, stopping in the middle of the room and waiting for the task.

Natasha's hair had gotten longer in the past few months, the high pony tail swishing as she stretched her legs. Ana put her hands on her hips as she looked at the wall opening up and numerous drone soldiers walked out.

She then frowned deeply, recognising the style of their uniform. Soviet uniform. The same type she grew up around. When she went to question Nat on it, the simulation started. Ana could sense Natasha prowl behind her, watching her every move.

"Nat, what the hell is this?" Ana asked with a low voice. Her eyes kept on flickering between the ten drones.

"The reason I was up is because I've been encoding some Hydra files I put up on the net. Some were of you. And I read them all." She replied from behind her.

Ana watched the drones set themselves up in a semi circle at the end of the room. Their green cameo uniform and machine guns, that only carried stun bullets, all pointed at her. Her head flinched to the side, her jaw clenching when images flashed before her eyes.

"Why are you reading them?" She asked.

"Because you won't talk to me about it!"

"Well I don't want to-"

"You don't want to what? Accept the fact that you're the Winter Warrior? A living weapon? Raised by Hydra? And that if I read a few words in Russian you're under my control?"

Ana snapped her head back to Natasha, hazel eyes glaring at her. Her hands were curled into fists and she took steps towards her. "What are you trying to accomplish, Black Widow?" She asked, her voice icy.

Natasha kept her face emotionless, "I want you to not let it control you. I want you to control it." She said.

Something inside Ana snapped and she snarled and took a step forward, but the drones caught her shoulders, stopping her. Natasha watched as a ruthless smirked appeared on Ana's lips. In a flash, Ana flipped backwards and sent her hands through the drones, grabbing onto their power source and crushing it. She turned and swung her hand sensing another behind her, but the drone caught it.

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