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The Tape p.2

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"It's legit

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"It's legit. The card, ma'am."

Jim looked at Madame Masque as they sat in the front of the auction room. Ana wished she could shove him away, his breath smelled. She rolled her eyes when he leaned in and whispered in her ear, "What you, uh, recovered from Barton's nethers, ma'am. It's legitimate " He said.

"The black card means no spending limit, correct?" Ana asked.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Well, well, well. SHIELD must want this tape back quite badly." Ana chuckled, trying to pull it off as cunning. She guessed it worked when Jim smirked and turned his attention to the front when the presenter started speaking.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's begin then. Today you are bidding on one videotape. It has been viewed by two people, both now deceased. It's credentials are impeccable. It's content one of a kind. Footage of a political assassination sanctioned by the United States government."

Ana was growing nervous when she noticed a few mafia and gang lords stare at her. She played it cool and kept her head high. This was her first mission, and so far it was going unexpectedly well.

"Let's start the bidding at one hundred million euros. Do I hear one hundred?" He asked.

A guy with a red ski mask put his hand up and the auctioneer nodded his way, "Agencé Byzantine comes in. Who has one twenty? One twenty out there?"

"The Maggia gets interested." The auctioneer pointed at a crime syndicate.

"One fifty? Who says- oh, our friend from China says hello at one fifty." He pointed at an old Chinese man sat behind Ana. "How does the room feel about two hundred million?"

As the price rose, so did the number of people bidding. Ana was going to loose if she didn't go higher. She went for it and raised her hand, "One billion." She stated.

The whole room grew quiet, save a few gasps, and she thought that was a good thing. The auctioneer nodded her way, "Yes, well. Excellent. One billion euros, then, for the videotape. Going once." Ana pleaded mentally that no one would top her deal.

"Going twice. Anyone?" The auctioneer looked at all the pissed faces and shrugged, slamming the table and pointing at 'Madame Masque', "Sold! To Madame Masque for the startling price of one billion euros."

Ana stood up and placed her hands on her hips, waiting for the auctioneer to hand her the videotape. "Congratulations." He said, giving her the package, "Enjoy, ma'am."

Ana took the tape in her hands and shook his hand, "Notify the hotel to have security posted at all points around my room. I shan't leave until my flight tonight. If anyone opens any doors or windows, then there's a billion euro theft happening under their noses." She openly glared at him. She needed to get Natasha and Clint out before anyone finds out she wasn't really Madame Masque.

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