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Ana accepted the fact that she was part of something bigger than herself. She had seen and done things no other human had ever done. She had faced beings with cosmic level abilities and managed to evade them when they meant harm. She believed that she was made to protect, never mind the harsh training she endured as a child to serve an evil organisation. She believed she could do anything. With the power she possessed, it made it seem like no foe would best her.

She was half cosmic. She was half human.

"Altogether a freakin' demigod..."

Ana scrunched her nose up, shaking her head. The information hadn't set in and quite frankly, she didn't think it would ever concrete. It was mind blowing and utterly astounding. She was in her kitchen, making some scrambled eggs while listening to her favourite songs that blasted from the laptop on the counter. She had just came back from Missouri where she removed the spore Ego planted about thirty years ago, effectively destroying the blue blob that had grew around it. She took about an hour in the shower just trying to take all the goo off since she had to use her sword to chop through it.

The thought of her sword made her smile. Knowing it's worth and history, and how it belonged to her father, made it special to her. She took comfort in how it chose her the same way it chose him. It was like she was worthy of it's power. She only hoped that wherever he was, if he was watching over her, that he would be proud of the things she had accomplished.

Something told her he was.

Her laptop started acting up and the music was getting all patchy. She turned the heat off from the stove and faced the screen, wiping her hands on the tea towel over her shoulder. It went black, causing her to press at the keyboard, trying to get it back up again. She just assumed the battery was low and sighed, shutting it. The stack of newspapers that kept on piling under her door from her weeks away sat beside the laptop, and she grabbed a few along with her breakfast, before taking a seat at the small table by the window.

"Let's see... Midland Circle complete. Rand stock rises. Daredevil M.I.A., huh." Ana chewed on her food, flipping through the headlines. The silence in her apartment was killing her. She didn't like being the only one in a large space. Abandoning the plan to stay at home, Ana quickly finished up her food and grabbed her bag and phone, fishing her denim jacket from the hook by the door before leaving.


"What the hell is going on?"

The first thing Ana noticed when she walked out of the elevator into the main floor of the Avengers Tower were people packing away furniture. They were bustling around like busy bees, and in the middle of it all was the queen bee, Happy, shouting out orders like there was no tomorrow.

He looked up from his tablet at Ana, and shook his head. "Tony's not here."

"Where is he?" She questioned, eyeing the boxes that were being loaded onto carts.

"Doing business." Happy vaguely replied.

"What's all this? Is he refurbishing?" Ana hugged her arms and frowned when she saw Clint's guitar being placed in a crate, along with many of the other's belongings.

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