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Follow My Lead

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Stephen had been learning remarkably well. After months of staying in the Kamar-Taj and working with the Masters of the Mystic Arts, he mastered most of their practises. His room was right next to Ana's which allowed them to talk. She learned about his car accident and how he blew all his money on misleading and unsatisfying treatments to fix his hands. He also gave her an insight to what was happening in the real world.

Currently, Ana strolled the halls of the Kamar-Taj temples with a smile. Everyone smiled back politely as if it was just another normal day. But her smile was a facade. Inside she was planning something. Earlier that day she had tried to take one of the books in Ancient One's private collection — the Book of Cagliostro. It was missing a page that Kaecilius took before he ran off. All she knew was that it required the Dark Arts, something no one should mess with.

Wong caught her right before her fingers could unlock the chain keeping it on the shelf. She stayed there, arms crossed as she tapped her feet in irritation while he gave her a lecture on not touching what isn't hers. She fired back and accused him of stealing her headphones and tablet which she managed to reassemble.

He said nothing and forced her out of the library, locking the doors behind her.

She was tempted to kick the doors in, but that would result in the whole building to come down. Instead, she devised a plan. And for her plan to work, she needed another pair of hands. Specifically the hands of a doctor.


Ana's eye twitched at the answer.

Stephen was on his own tablet, writing a letter to one of his co-workers. If Ana remembered correctly, their name rhymed with pristine llama. His eyes were glued to the screen, ignoring Ana's presence. Lately, her aggression was starting to get out of hand. Usually she would take it out on sparring with Steve and Natasha, but she didn't have them anymore and the students at the Kamar-Taj dodged her whenever she asked for a fighting class.

They knew what she was capable of. And they didn't want to end up in the infirmary.

Her fists tightened and she brought one up, pretending to hit his head that she took time in cutting his hair. She closed her eyes and breathed out, relaxing her hands and decided to go for a more softer approach.

"I understand you're a teachers pet and you don't want to get in trouble when you get caught-"

"When I get caught?" Stephen turned his head and raised an eyebrow in her direction.

Ana shrugged, "In my plans, at least half of the group gets thrown under the bus. Believe it or not, I got shot one time." Protecting Bucky.

Stephen didn't look like the information was a surprise to him and sighed, sending the email and giving her his full attention. "What's in it for me?"

Ana smiled. "You become a hero."

"I was a hero. I saved people's lives for a living." Stephen scoffed, standing up.

Ana squinted her eyes in thought, glancing at the window. She then shook her head. "Come on, doc. You know Kaecilius is bad news — I've told you. He has a weapon that he plans to unleash, bringing more death and pain than you could ever imagine. You may not know of all the dark dimensions and all it's monsters, but I do. I know what's coming. And for that you're gonna have to trust me."

Stephen already trusted Ana — with his life. He was only worried about the possible outcomes from the plan. Just like her, he was eager to get a closer look at the Book of Cagliostro himself. He nodded, causing a grin to grow on her lips.

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