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The Sokovia Accords

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"Eleven Wakandans were among those killed during a confrontation between the Avengers and a group of mercenaries in Lagos, Nigeria, last month. The traditionally reclusive Wakandans were on an outreach mission in Lagos when the attack occurred."

Ana sat on the edge of her bed and stared at the monitor in front of her, removing the white tape off her hands. The news was all over the incident that happened in Lagos. Wanda was blaming herself for the entire thing, and anything Ana tells her doesn't seem to get that out of her head. She knows Wanda wasn't fully used to her powers, she didn't even know how far they go to.

She threw the clumped ball of tape behind her and reached for her soft towel on the ground and wiped her wet face. When a familiar voice came from the monitor, she glanced at the King of Wakanda, T'Chaka.

"Our people's blood is spilled on foreign soil. Not only because of the actions of criminals, but by the indifference of those pledged to stop them. Victory at the expense of the innocent, is no victory at all."

"No. No it isn't."

Ana sighed and dropped her head, letting her hands dangle across her knees. She was drained, ready to close her eyes and sleep for an entire week. She thought that pushing herself further in her combat skills and track would improve her abilities. She was a peak health, physically that was.

"Hey, there you are." Natasha hummed. She smiled warmly down at her, walking into her bedroom and stopping at her side.

Ana felt Nat put a hand on her shoulders. "We have a guest downstairs. Remember General Ross?" She asked.

Ana lifted her head to look at Natasha, "Thunderbolt? Oh God, I can't stand that guy." She shook her head, making Nat laugh.

"He didn't like how SHIELD was poking into his business with Bruce." She replied.

Ana stood up, putting a loose black shirt over her sports bra and put her damp hair in a ponytail. She followed Natasha out into the hallway and they headed for the stairs. "Yeah, when Fury assigned me to the case, Ross got so angry I thought he was going to turn into a Red Hulk." She chuckled. Ana was glad Fury swapped her out for Natasha. She would've lost her own temper if she continued to work for Ross.

"One Hulk is enough." Natasha agreed.

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"Five years ago, I had a heart attack."

Ana was sat at the head of the table, with Steve, Natasha and Rhodey down to her right, and Sam, Vision and Wanda down to her left. Tony was on a chair separate from the table, having his head down as the new Secretary of State, Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross, talked to the entire group.

When Ana walked into the briefing room, she was surprised when he greeted her kindly. Something told her it was all an act, but she guessed she would have to wait and see what this meeting was all about to fully understand his behaviour.

Ross was standing on the other side of the table in front of the large screen, his arms in a position as if he was golfing. "I dropped right in the middle of my batting swing." He explained, "Turned out, it was the best round of my life because after thirteen hours of surgery and a triple bypass. I found something forty years in the army never taught me — perspective." He said, glancing at the group.

"The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt. You've fought for us. Protected us. Risked your lives." He listed, clasping his hands behind his straightened back. Ana had one hand on the surface of the table, lightly tapping the wood.

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