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Masters of the Mystic Arts

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"Let's just go over it one more time. You want to teach me everything you know about the multi-verse and the Mystic Arts because you fear something is coming and that I could be an asset to help you fight off this threat?"

Ancient One smiled at Ana's babbling in amusement. Her new apprentice was sat on the floor in front of her feet, crosslegged and dressed in black and red robes similar to Mordo's. Tina had braided her hair in a complicated fashion and it kept her brown locks from hitting her face.

"You seem to understand," Ancient One chuckled before holding up her pointer finger, "Except I will not teach you everything until I know you're ready. Some things are too powerful for beginner sorcerers and are best kept unlearnt."

Ana glanced at the Celtic woman. She ran the word sorcerer through her mind, feeling unsure if this was what she wanted. Ana was no longer an Avenger. She didn't have the job of protecting others anymore. Without that, she felt lost. The Ancient One rose a brow, having read her mind.

"Second thoughts?"

"I'll cut it to you short and sweet." Ana began, "I'm out of work, no longer having the title of an Avenger. I can't get it back without signing away my freedom and even then it won't feel the same. I'd be working with the government, not my team."

"And you feel lost without them. Without protecting your world." Ancient One added, understanding where Ana was coming from.

Ana nodded, lowering her eyes. "I have the abilities. They go to waste if I don't use them. And helping people, it's what always gave me hope and strength during a fight. Because they're your motivation to keep going."

Her voice died down and there was a soft silence in the room. Ancient One analysed Ana further, a smile on her face at the thought of another successful student using the ways of the Mystic Arts for good. Lately she had begun to sense some disloyalty to their cause among the older recruits. Many have been questioning her, underestimating her, thinking she was hiding valuable knowledge from them. And she did so with reasons they wouldn't comprehend.

"Forgive me, Ancient One, for intruding."

Baron bowed his head in greeting and walked further into the room after his master nodded for him to. Ana sent him wave when he flashed her a smile. He seemed excited and Ancient One knew exactly why.

She reached out for Ana to take her hand and pulled her up with ease. "It looks like Master Mordo has everything in place for your first lesson."

"Lesson?" Ana repeated, "On what?"

Mordo threw her a weapon without any heads up. She caught it anyway and turned the heavy gold object in her hands, scoffing lightly. She held it up, the sharp end of the curved blade facing away from her face.

"I know how to use an Egyptian scimitar."

"Not against magic you don't."

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"I like to train a beginner by throwing them into the deep end."

Ana stood up straight in the middle of the court. Baron was walking around her, circling her with his hands clasped behind his back. She hugged the scimitar to her chest, feeling nervous for what was coming next. She had no idea how to fight against magic. Wanda's power wasn't at all similar to the magic she had seen from her first week of staying in the Kamar-Taj. It looked more complex and specific, like there were certain spells and advances used in different situations.

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