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Crisis Averted

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"Oh, God. Okay, okay. She's is so going to kill me."

Peter was running down the strip of the Lincoln Memorial pool in his Spider-Man suit, holding his phone to his ear. He tried calling Ned, only for Liz to interrupt the call and ask him where he was. He had missed the big decathlon, and everyone was wondering where he was. He was attempting to warn Ned of the Chitauri power source he took from one of the Vulture's crew, knowing now that it was an active bomb. Nobody was getting his message. So he had to call in the big guns.

Ana Michaels.

The ringing stopped and her voice flooded in his ears. "Go for Michaels."

"Ana! Oh thank God! Listen to me, you know how I told you about the tech and how powerful they are? Yeah, well, it's alien, and Ned has the power source in his pocket. It's a bomb!"

"Peter Benjamin Parker, you are in so much trouble when you get back to Queens!"

"I know, I know! If the bomb goes off, I'm gonna need your help. How fast can you get to Washington?"

"But... I literally just sat down."


"Fine! I'll be there before you could say web-slinger."

Peter threw his backpack against a tree trunk and webbed it on there. He was approaching the Washington Monument where the top of the obelisk crumbled when a flash of purple energy hit it. He skidded to a stop, throwing his hands over his head.

"No, no, no! Karen? What's going on up there?" Peter babbled.

"The Chitauri core has detonated and caused severe structural damage to the elevator." Karen, his suit AI, assessed, giving Peter visuals on the elevator stuck at the top.

"My friends are up there!" Michelle cried, pointing up at the monument.

"What?" Peter turned around, widening his eyes. "Ah, don't worry ma'am, everything is going to be okay."

Peter continued running, climbing onto the Washington Monument, hurrying to get to the top. A helicopter with Washington police got there, and instead of helping the civilians get to safety, they aimed their weapons at the kid trying to save his classmates.

"Stand down! Return to the ground immediately!"

Peter crawled to the very top, holding onto the stone. He needed momentum to crash through the windows and get inside. The cops on him made the situation a whole lot more stressful.

"This is your last chance or we will open fire!"

An exasperated sigh, followed by a throat being cleared.

"Give the kid a second to breathe, officers."

The three cops turned around, shouting in surprise when a hooded figure was in the helicopter with them. They couldn't see her face from the mask she wore to hide her features. Ana had ushered the civilians closet to the monument away from the base incase anything heavy fell over their heads. She saw the helicopter threatening Peter and had to intervene before the fifteen year old got shot at.

"Web-slinger." Peter grinned underneath his mask, taking the opportunity to launch himself away from the monument and web-sling himself towards it, using the helicopter for the extra push. He crashed into the window, as Ana dropped out of the copter, escaping the cops that shot their weapons in her direction. She was holding the bars at the bottom, thrashing around to put them off.

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