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Farewell For Now

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"What's happening to me?"

Ana whispered as she stared at her hands. She curled them into fists, panting as sweat dripped down her neck. She had taken a shortcut to somewhere off the grid, a place deserted and quiet with a lot of heavy objects. After running for miles as a warmup, Ana began lifting train carts. But the metal box was too light for her to feel any type of physical strain. Ever since her last gig as an Avenger, she noticed how much stronger she had become. Instead of just sticking to lifting cars, it was trucks, train carts and everything in between. Now, it was all too easy.

And it scared her.

The reason why she was picking up training again was because of the fact that she wanted to get out there. There. As in the galaxies. The world beyond her world. A place with infinite possibilities and opportunities. She still had to search for Thanos, the being that she had seen in a meditated state. Something inside told her to keep tabs on the Titan — that something else was going on. Something big. Although there was another part that told her to stay away.

She never listens to those parts.

Ana didn't know what to do. She didn't know who to trust with her enhancing condition. Would Tony figure out the how's to her why's? He was a mechanic, albeit a very good one, but how could he comprehend something that no one knows the real answers to? Like her biology and physiology. He would have to dive into her birth parents' background to figure that one out. But unfortunately for her, there were no records. The only thing she had of them were one page profiles created by Hydra with their standard appearance descriptions and skills. Nothing about blood type or ethnicity — though it was no doubt that her mother was a Russian. Her father on the other hand, it says that he lived in New York. Nothing about where he was born originally.

He was the real mystery.

Ana placed her palms on her forehead, pushing back the loose hair strands from her braid. She inhaled the crisp winter air heavily before exhaling. She lowered onto her back, lying on the snow beside the rusty train tracks. She knew that by thinking on it too much, it would just create more problems. More unanswerable questions. She couldn't do that to herself.

Ana decided to let the issue go unattended for now, letting herself enjoy the quiet environment even if it was for a few minutes. She had to call her friends to tell them she was going to go on a trip, somewhere far, far away from the states. Like Asia. But she did have to return to accompany Rhodey to his old Air Force Base in Washington — she promised him she would.

As she relaxed in the cool snow, she began to speculate. She was in Russia, Natasha's birth home. Maybe the red head was in town. She had left after SHIELD's fall to go in search for her parents, only finding graves beside a chain fence. Ana hadn't heard the whole story, Nat didn't get to explain from the Civil War going on between them all. Ana wanted to ask Natasha a lot of questions. Particularly the one that circled around her words she spoke to Bucky when he was in Winter Soldier mode.

"You could at least recognise me."

Ana remembered Nat telling her about confronting Bucky. She just didn't know how many times it happened. Or what happened during those times. Ana then immediately shut her mind up. She didn't want to be coming off as nosy. That wasn't her. And she didn't want to risk finding Nat incase it set off alarms in the UN. The Black Widow did allow fugitives to leave in a jet, betraying Tony and Ross' clear demands.

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