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Nice To See You Again, Doc

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"Welcome back."

Ana pulled a smile and walked into Steve's open arms, ignoring the minor headache she was getting and embraced her friend. She left Bucky back in Russia after he wanted to chase another lead. He was going after all the people who had some sort of connection to Alexander Pierce, and the ones who tortured him for all those years. She offered to accompany him but it was something he had to do and she understood completely.

Bucky promised he would make himself known again, and she promised to find him.

Steve pulled back carefully after hearing her wince. "You alright?" He asked, looking down at her through his glasses.

Ana nodded softly and dug her hand into her sundress pocket, pulling out a piece of paper and handing it to him. "I couldn't think straight on the flight back. I wrote everything down though. Here." She said, before furrowing her eyebrows when her vision blurred for a split second.

Steve read Bucky's name being mentioned near the end on the letter and pursed his lips together, "Thank you, Ana." He gave her a soft smile.

"No problem, Cap. If you don't mind, I feel a migraine coming on-" Ana stopped and pressed her hands on her temple when there was a sudden throb of pain.

"Ana?" Steve called in concern, grabbing her arms when she almost fell. He slowly lowered her down on the wooden bench. Ana couldn't feel her fingertips and she brought them up to her face when they felt numb. What the hell was happening?

"Are you okay?" Steve asked, looking around cautiously at all the people at the park.

"Yeah, just... my head." Ana waved off, closing her eyes away from the blaring sun and putting her palm flat on her forehead. She could hear what everyone was saying as they passed her and Steve, making her look up in confusion. This doesn't happen to her, it was like her senses were amplified one minute, then mute the next.

"We need to get you to a hospital." Steve whispered, taking out a tissue and wiping off the trickle of blood that came from her nose. Ana nodded, "I don't think I can walk, Steve. I can't feel my..." She said, swallowing.

"Just stay with me, you're zoning out." Steve looked at her fluttering eyes and hauled her up. She felt a wave a nausea coming on and shook her head, "I'm loosing it, Cap." She breathed out.

"Don't close your eyes- Ana!"

- - -

When Ana opened her eyes, she couldn't hear anything. She was in a hospital room, tucked into the white sheets and connected to the monitors with wires behind her. Steve sat in the seat next to her bed, reading the letter she had written for him on Bucky probably for the tenth time. She went to sit up, the rustling of her sheets alerting Steve.

He hopped up and gave her a relieved smile, "Hey. You okay?" He asked, but she couldn't hear a word he was saying.

Steve chuckled at her confused squint and removed the earmuffs off her head, "Your hearing kept on going over the limit and the nurse suggested to put these on." He explained, putting them down on the table.

Ana rubbed her face tiredly and sighed, "What happened?"

"You blacked out at the park and I took you to the closest hospital. The nurse told me you experienced a-"

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