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Bella p.o.v
After school I went to a shop and bought Seth 2 pair of shorts, one pair of running shoes, 1 shirt which he will never use and candy lots of candy. Seth is like my little brother. Leah and I are like sisters. She sleeps over all the time and Seth comes over too. She tells me how Seth needs clothe because he ripped them when he transforms into a wolf so I bought him clothe.
"Are you done yet" Edward asked.
"Yep. Let's go" I said. He drove slowly as of to give me time to change my mind.
"Edward hurry up" I said. After a while we reached the treaty line and I got off and left looking back to give him a small smile.
I walked to Emily's house and knocked on the door. Emily open the door to greet me with a huge hug
"Bella! Welcome haven't seen you in so long" Emily said excitedly.
"Hi Emily how are you I miss you" I said walking inside
"I'm good cooking like always you know" she said laughing slightly.
"Bella! I'm glad you could make it i though your boyfriend wasn't going to let you come" Leah said.
"Well he didn't had a choice" I said laughing. We went to the living room and sat down. As we did my heart was beating fast and out of my chest. Jacob who I hadn't seen in forever was there sitting in another couch with a light brown hair girl with blue eyes. She was really pretty I had to say like pretty. He was talking to her. He didn't do anything didn't even looked up to see me. He was just with her laughing, who is this girl?!
"So how is Seth?" I asked.
"He is good excited. I see you bought him something. Bella that's too much you shouldn't have" she said. I had 3 presents and balloons.
"No he is like the brother I never had" I said.
"How's Charlie?" She asked.
"He is fine. Excited to go fishing with Billy. He wanted me to go but I denied I would die. I wouldn't even make it pass leaving the ground I would trip over thin air and even if I made it pass the boat which I doubt it I would somehow manage to fall in the water. To many risks, to many risk my friend I tell ya" I said and Leah laughed hard too hard like wanting to attract somebody's attention.
"Are you okay Leah?" I asked laughing.
"Yes I'm fine" she said annoyed.
"Who is that girl?" I whispered in Leah ear.
"She is Jacob's friend. She is here all the time. I don't like her but hey Jacob likes having her so we have to deal with it" she said. What?! They are friends.
"How did they meet?!" I asked.
"She leaves around this area" she said.
"What's her name?!" I asked.
"Lizzie" she said.
"Cool. She is really pretty" I said.
"Yeah she is. She likes him, everybody knows that." She told me. I could here them talking and laughing it made me sick. Jacob had his arm around her and she had her head in his shoulder.
"Does he like her?" I asked.
"I don't know I guess yes if you want an answer" Leah told me looking over her shoulder at the two giving the girl a death glare.
"Well I'm happy for Jacob he deserves someone who can make him happy" I said sadly.
"Yeah he looks happy with her" she said.
"Well then im glad she is his friend I said.
"Yeah. They hang out when he is not is patrol duty" she said.
"Does she know?" I asked.
"No" she said.
"Here! I'm sure you are hungry Jacob and ladies you too" Emily came with some snacks and drinks.
"Yes I am" Jacob said. Oh his voice how I miss it!
"Do you need any help Emily I'm free and ready to help" I offered.
"Sure Bella I could use some hands in the kitchen" Emily said.
"Great" I said getting up. I heard people coming in and then all of sudden the boys came and attacked me with hugs and I squeak.
"Bella!" They all said
"We missed you!" They said happily. They hugged me so tight I could barely breath they were so hot like Jacob.
"I missed you guys too" I said as they all finished hugging me.
"Where is Seth?" I asked.
"He is not here yet" Quill said.
"Oh okay" I said.
"We truly missed you Bella" Paul said.
"You missed me Paul. Woah that's a miracle" I said jokingly
"Well hey you are family of course" he said.
"Have you met Lizzie, Jacobs friend?" Sam said slightly hugging me from the side to say hi.
"No i haven't" I said anger inside of me built.
"Well hi I'm Lizzie Jacob's best friend" she said getting out of Jacob's hold. I his best friend not anymore I guess. Pain shot right through my heart.
"Hi I'm Isabella Swan but you can call me Bella" I said Stretching my hand out she took it and shook it slightly.
"Do you Jay?" She asked.
"Jay?" I asked confusedly
"Jacob" she said.
"Yeah I know Jake" I said.
"Jake?" She asked.
"I mean Jacob" I said rolling my eyes. I walked away from them and she return to his embrace. I was in the kitchen baking cupcakes for later on. Seth likes my chocolate chips cupcakes. I was thinking about this girl. Jacob likes her, I mean what could I expect she is like pretty and he looks happy. He doesn't need me in his life anymore. I'm only bothering him, but I can't stay away from him. It hurts me not to get those big bear hugs but.. snap out of it Bella! But it hurts me too much.
"Bella!" I heard Seth from the living room. I stopped baking and ran tripping for on my way.
"Seth! Happy Happy 16th birthday. You are growing up so fast" I said as he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly lifting me off the ground just like Jake would do. No stop!
"I'm so happy you could make it. Can Leah and I sleep over again today" he said releasing me from the tight hug.
"Of course you guys can. Family doesn't need an invitation Seth you know that" I said.
"Our little brother is growing up so fast" Leah said wrapping her arm around my shoulder.
"Yes he is" I said wiping an imaginary tear of my cheek.
"Oh here I bought you a present" I said running towards my present and hitting my lower leg with a tiny table.
"Ouch.. stupid table" I whispered. As I reached the couch my gifts weren't there. I couldn't stop myself from looking at Lizzie and Jacob so close. They look like a couple. What if they are? No they can't be. Leah would of known werewolf telepathy.
"Where are my gifts?" I asked Quill who was sitting in the couch that I was before.
"I don't know" he lied.
"Quill" I warned.
"I don't know Bella. Ask Jake I'm not the only person in here" he said.
"Paul! Give me back my gifts" I yelled.
"Sorry honey I just needed to do that" Paul said appearing with my gifts.
"Your heart was beating out of your chest" Paul said laughing.
"Haha funny I'll get you later. Keep an eye out!" I said trying to be serious but failing at the end giggling.
"Whoa that was scary specially that giggle at the end sister" he said laughing.
"You know me all about the tough life" I said.
"Bella" Seth said. Right his gifts.
"Happy birthday Seth" I said handing him my three present and balloons.
"Whoa thanks Bells" he said. Jacob used to call me that.
"Hope you like the candy" I said.
"Heck yeah I will" he said.
My phone ring and I grabbed it.
"Hello" I said.
"Bella are you okay?" Edward said. Gosh can he just leave me alone for one second.
"Excuse me for a second" I said but everyone knew who was on the phone because they frowned. I stepped out of the house.
"I'm fine Edward they won't hurt me" I said annoyingly.
"Has Jacob talk to you?" He asked hoping my answer would be no.
"No. are you happy with my answer Edward" I said anger building inside of me.
"I'm sorry Bella but you know it does.I don't like Jacob he likes you in a way that I don't like" he said. I walked further out so people won't hear my yelling but of course they will hear.werewolfs.
"Are you serious Edward? I lost my best friend because of you. You cause this to happen and you don't even care. It hurts me not having Jacob in my life but you don't care. How selfish can you be? You only care whether Jacob and I are together right now not the fact that I'm with werewolfs. You are unbelievable! You know what I think we need a break from each other Edward" I said angrily.
"Bella calm down I didn't mean to upset you" he said.
"You never mean anything but you end up hurting people Edward" I said angrily.
"Bella please I don't want to loss you" he said.
"When you left, Jacob stayed" I said. I'm so selfish Jacob is hurt because of me. I cause his pain. Tears were building in my eyes.
"I lost my best friend because you came back in my life. Now I have to live without him. So why not live without you too" I said tears escaping my eyes.
"If that's what you want" he said coldly.
"For now yes" I said. There was no pain when I said those words. But that doesn't change anything between Jacob and me.
"Okay" he said and hung up. Tears ran down my cheek. I don't care. I just need sometime for myself. The beach is not that far away from here. I'll tell the guys I'm going over there for a while.
I wipe my tears and forced a smile.
"Hey guys I'm going to the beach for a while don't worry about me" I said going through the door. The whole room was silent except Jacob and Lizzie. Well Lizzie was talking but not Jacob.
"Do you want me to come?" Leah asked my sympathetically.
"No im fine just need some fresh air that's all. But I need to finish baking Seth cupcakes first be right back" I said getting out of the room.
"Hey!" Emily said. At least one human I could talk to.
"Hey. I'm just here to finish the cupcakes. Are we going to the beach later for the campfire?" I asked.
"Yeah we are. Your dad won't mind if you stay tonight would he?" Emily asked.
"If I asked him I don't think so he loves you guys" I said. Guess sleep over is cancel. Maybe tomorrow.
"Perfect. You can sleep with Leah there is an extra bed in her room" Emily said.
"Great this weekend is going to be amazing. I'm going downtown to the mall with Leah tomorrow want to come. We can have a girl day out and then you can sleep over and watch movies with us. Sunday we need to get stuff ready for your weeding. I have my car so we can get the things started and your dress we can look at that too. Oh so many things so excited" I said hugging her tightly.
"I know it's sounds good to me. I'm so excited for Sunday we need to get so many things done" she said excitedly.
"I'll just have to cook tomorrow before we leave" she said.
"I'll help you and Leah too" I said.
"Perfect now this is going to be relaxing. Finally having some alone time with girls" she said.
"Yeah" I said.
I finished the cupcakes and left. On my way I grabbed my jacket. Jacob quickly looked at me and I looked at him frowning. Poor Jake.
I walked alone listening to waves of he ocean and feeling the wind hitting my face. Jake would always have his arm around me to keep me warm but not anymore. I'm alone, cold missing him. I remembered when we first met. He looked so pure.
I laid down in the cold sand. I closed my eyes listening to the waves hitting the rocks violently. It sounds like my heart, like a ripping sound, with every wave my heart broke into Tony pieces. Jake is gone and I'm alone.
I felt tears running down my face, I guess it's good that I'm crying. Just to let it all out. My feelings. Why does my life have to be so complicated. Jake is with that girl. She is warm in his embrace and I'm here empty with nothing. More tears ran down my cheeks knowing that I would never have that ever again. I couldn't dare to open my eyes cause it sold only bring more pain knowing this is all real. I heard voices. It was Jacob and... Lizzie.
Hey guys hope you like this chapter. I'll update tomorrow
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