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Bella p.o.v
I woke up and got up. I notice that Jacob was sleeping in the couch. I should have known that it was all a dream. He would never do that. Well if I only can have him in my dreams, then I have to sleep more often. Everything was a dream, all the kisses and love between us, all fake. After a while thinking about that, I remember that I had forgotten to call Alice yesterday. I quickly went down stairs and grabbed the phone, dial Alice number. Jake was still sleeping, he looked cute.
"Hello" Alice said.
"Hey Alice, sorry I forgot to call yesterday" I said.
"It's okay" she said. I heard shuffling and a 'stop' that was really faint.
"Alice you there?" I asked.
"Bella" Edward said. I did not say anything.
"Why are you with Jacob?!" He said after a while of silence. He was angry.
"Why is he with you Bella? Answer. He has no right being there!" He said.
"You have no right to get in my business" I whisper making sure not wake him up.
"He is there isn't he?" He said growling.
"Stop! Okay it's my life and it doesn't involve you!" I said a little louder.
"Why?he can't be with you Bella! Don't you understand you guys are not meant to be together!" He said. I heard Alice telling him to relax.
"I don't want him near you Bella. I don't want him to touch you, to feel you, to smell you! I can't live without you Bella! It hurts too much. There is a big hole in my heart that only you can fill"He said.
"It kills me to think that Jacob has you so close to him and I'm so far away! Bella don't you understand it makes me sick when I  think about you two being together!" He said breathing heavily, growling/ hitting something.
"I can't stand it, it kills me in the inside! DAMN IT BELLA! STOP PLAYING LIKE THIS!" He said screaming.
"I CANT LIVE WITHOUT YOU! Please come back!" He said lowering his voice.
"I'm sorry!" I said
"BELL-" he began but I hung up.
I put my head against a wall and breath heavily. Sighting I lifted my head, a lot of emotions inside of me. I turned around and saw that Jake was behind me.
"Hey, sorry I woke you up, want breakfast. Why am I even asking of course you want breakfast! You are always hungry!" I said quickly.
"You okay?" He asked.
"I'm fine. How are things between you and Lizzie? " I asked grabbing things from the kitchen to make breakfast. Jake sat down on the kitchen counter.
"We are good, we are going to the beach tomorrow actually!" He said.
"That's cool, I'm glad she makes you happy" I said faking to be happy for him. It killed me to know that the things we use to do together now he is doing it with her.
"Yeah. I was thinking of having like a picnic basket and some flowers. Remember that time we stayed talking under that one tree?" He asked.
"Yeah I remember" I said.
"Well I'm doing it there. I think it's a really nice place don't you?" He asked.
"Yeah I do. It's a nice place to relax, I go there all the time, when have things on my mind, things that need solving" I said handing him a cup. I was moving all over the place. I do that when I'm worried about something. Jake grabbed my hand as I was handing him a cup.
"Are you sure you okay?" He asked looking at me.
"Yeah just got stuff in my mind nothing important" i said removing my hand from his and turning around.
Yeah just got a vampire ex boyfriend that won't leave me alone and will not stop until I'm back with him. No big deal!
"Here" I handed him his big plate of food.  I only drink my orange juice. After that talk with Edward I'm not hungry!
"Are you going to eat anything?" He asked.
"I'm really not hungry" I said.
"That storm is going strong still isn't it?" I said looking out at the window.
"Yeah it's suppose to last for another day or two" he said.
I didn't say anything. Someone was outside the window. It's Edward.
"Bells?" He said.
"I'll be right back" I said grabbing a jacket in sight and walking towards the door.
I got out and closed the door behind me.
"How can you have this dog in your house?" He asked angrily.
"He is not a dog" I said.
"Where is Charlie? Why isn't he back yet?" He asked angrily. Protectively over me.
"It's none of your business" I said.
"Bella you are killing me. You two are alone! I want you BELLA only for me! I want to feel you, smell you, kiss you, love you" he said placing his hand in my cheek and making his way down my back. He got closer.
"I'm sorry Edward I can't" I said trying to pull away. He grabbed me and rubbed his hand down my back. He slowly lean in and kissed my lips roughly and pulled me closer. I didn't kiss back, I was trying to pull away but he was too strong.
"Come on Bella, your love for me couldn't have disappeared, it's still there" he said kissing me again more roughly.
"Stop!" I said. He stopped and looked at me sadness in his eyes.
"My love didn't disappear it just changed." I said.
"We can change it back" he said.
"No Edward. You wanted to talk we did! That's it, i told you it wouldn't change my mind! I'm really sorry I did not mean to hurt you or keep hurting you but you make it too hard for me to not hurt you without telling you things as it is" I said walking back to the house.
"Don't follow me" I said grabbing the door handle and wiping my mouth roughly. I slammed the door shut and locked it. I ran upstairs and locked my window too. I saw Edward and locked my dad's too. Alice picked him up and I saw him leave. I went to the restroom and clean my mouth. I calmed down a little before I went down stairs. I was freezing and had snow in my hair.
"Sorry about that" I said. Jacob got up and walked towards me
"He shouldn't have done that" he said coldly.
"It's hard for him Jake" I said. He came closer to me and lean in so close to me I got goose bumps.
"Are you okay?" He whispered in my ear. His hot breath brought chills down my spine.
"I'm fine" I said trying to walk away and act like there was no tension between us. He grabbed my waist and slowly pulled me back.
"Are you sure?" He whispered again. He is making my knees go weak.
"I'm-" i began.
"Don't say you are fine because I know you are not" he said. He was so close, our difference in height was noticeable. I love seen how much bigger Jake is from me.
How I am so little compare to him. It's so hot to me.
"Well then don't ask Jake. Look this is hard" I said.
"For him or for you?" He asked.
"For him. He is heart broken. I didn't want to hurt him by finishing things but I couldn't stay and lie about my feelings. I thought about it and I tried for months to make it work without letting him know but I just couldn't. He doesn't deserve it" i said.
He was silent. After a while of just being there without saying anything I began to walk away.
"What's the rush Bella?" He asked brining me closer this time.
"You have gotten way bigger since the last time I saw you" I said looking up at him.
"Really? You like it" he said chuckling.
"No just an interesting fact that I've notice" I said. Our bodies were touching. I had to put some boundaries. It's too close for my own good. I tried pulling away slowly this time.
"What are you afraid of Bella?" He said pulling back again.
"Nothing I'm just cold I was out there too long that's it" I said lying. He brought me closer and hugged. Taking the snow flakes out of my hair.
"Jake" I said.
"You are cold Bella" he said.
"Okay I'm good" I said trying to push him off me.
"What are you afraid of Bells" he whispered slightly brushing his lips in my ear.
His phone ring.
"Hello" he said.
"Oh hey Lizz how are you babe?" He said. Those words stung my heart.
"I know but we can do it next week don't worry babe it's fine" he said smiling.
"I know you like it when I call you that" he said chuckling.
"Okay babe bye see you soon" he said blowing a kiss through the phone. I slowly pulled away so there was a good distance between us. I went to the closet and grabbed some blankets and pillows and came back to living room. He is with LIZZIE. He is not AVAILABLE. he is NOT mine. I had to get that through my brain. I went to the kitchen and grabbed some snacks. I was silent. As I made my way to the couch Jake grabbed my arm and pulled me back and touched my bruise lifting my shirt slightly.
"It's doesn't hurt anymore thanks for the help" I said a hint of annoyance on my tone. I went to the couch and sat down thinking of Edward kissing me so forcefully made me feel bad for him. I'm causing him all of this pain. I turned on the TV to see the weather. Great it will last at least another 2 days just great.
I turned off the TV and put my knees in my chest resting my head in there. Everything is complicated. Would it be better to go back with Edward?
"Bella?" Jake asked.
"What?!" I asked annoyingly.
"Are you okay?" He asked. That was it. I just exploded.
" IM FINE! Perfectly fine! Cause it's so nice to feel that you are the reason for why somebody is crying. All I bring into people's life is disaster! I'm bad Jake can't you see! I'm bad for you! I'm bad for Leah and Seth and the pack! I'm bad for Edward, for Charlie, I'm too much! I don't deserve anybody love you know why? Cause I give the opposite in return, I'm worth nothing why can't people see that! Why Jake why can't they just leave me!" I said tears falling down my cheek.
Jake tried to get closer but I didn't let him.
"No stay away! I'm not good for you! Leave me Jake! Do what I did to you, break my heart just like I crushed yours... Jake I deserve it.. do it! Don't look at me like that Jake okay, I don't deserve to be seen like that! You deserve a better friend than me! Do something Jake... scream at me, walk away from me.. do something! I said crying
"I love Edward! There is that enough for you to leave me! You are nothing to me! You are worthless! Edward is the best thing that ever happen to me! He is the right kind of monster for me! Jake walk away , leave me, forget about me! Don't you see that I don't care about you! Leave me! Why don't you just leave me!! Please walk away from me, isn't what I told you enough!!" I said falling to the floor and crying.
"Please leave me!!! I don't care about you I never did Jacob Black you are a monster that I will never love! PLEASE Jake just go! Listen to what I told you and go I DONT CARE ABOUT YOU!" I said not looking at him once. I couldn't lie looking at him. I got up
"Do something! Say something JAKE! Scream at me please!" I said crying. Jake looked at me straight in the eyes and came to me and hugged me with all of his force.
"No Jake! Leave me, what do I have to say for you to leave and not come back" I said crying. He grabbed my face and pulled me closer.
"Look at me in the eyes and tell me you love Edward" he said. I tried looking away but he wouldn't let me.
"I love Edward" I said looking at him in the eyes.
"Okay that's a lie. Now tell me I'm not the right kind of monster for you" he said.
"You.. are not the right kind of monster for me" I said I didn't even look at him in the eyes
"Now tell me you don't love me" he said.
I was silent I couldn't say it. He was looking at me and I was looking at him.
"I....don't..." I said looking down.
"Please Jake its best for you to just leave me" I said.
"Say you don't love me Bella, if you do that I will leave you" he said.
"Jake just go" I said trying to pull away. He pulled me closer.
"That's all you have to do" he said looking at me. Our faces inches apart . There was silence, but the silence talked for itself. It let him know that I loved him. The silence said so much things. The tension, the love, the passion was what the silence was giving.
"I.......don't..... I can't say it. I'm sorry" I said looking away. I pulled away and started walking to the stairs, I looked back.
"I hope your date with Lizzie goes great Jacob" I said and lay down in my room. I closed my eyes. I felt a cool breeze against my body. Edward.
Hey guys hope you like the chapter!
Take care!

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