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Bella p.o.v
So Jake left. He was really mad and slam the door so hard that I thought is was going to crack in half. Honestly now that I think about, I feel bad for the things that I told him. It's not like it's not true but I shouldn't have said it so harshly. He most likely just turn into his wolve self because he does that whenever he is mad! Ugh my life is just a full on drama. Life has surely put up a fight just to keep me walking. Right now I just finish cooking for Charlie, I went up stairs to my room cause my head hurts and my body aches from the fight that I sort of had today. As I came into the room I knew someone will be waiting for me in a dark corner. I felt his presence.
"What are you doing here Edward?" I ask as I turned on the light and lay down in my bed.
"how could he let that happen to you Bella?" He said growling.
"It's not his fault that he had a crazy bitch as a girlfriend" I said annoyingly.
"You are all bruised" he said sitting in my bed.
"I'm fine it doesn't even hurt that much anymore" I said getting up.
He looked at me and gave me a bright smile.
"How much did you hear?" I asked.
"Well enough to think that I might have a chance with you Bella" he said.
"No no Edward. Not because I'm not with Jake it means we can happen" I said.
"Why not? Just give me one more chance" he said coming closer.
"Please we talked about this. And you promise not to come to window anymore. There is a door remember. You are already breaking your promises" I said backing away.
"I'm sorry by Alice had a vision. And well I just thought that it was best if I can in thru the window" he said.
"And then you decided to listen to Jake's and I conversation. How polite" I said.
"I couldn't help it. He started saying shit about me and well you defended me" he said happily.
"Not because I don't like you like I used to it means that I don't care about you" I said.
"Thanks for having a special place in your heart for me. I'll just try to win back what once was mine. It doesn't have to be now, but I know I can win your heart again" he said kissing my head and leaving before I even got to say anything.
"And that's what I get for being mean to Jake. Like they say karma is a bitch" I said turning off my light and laying in my bed. I thought about Jake for a while and drifted off into sleep.
I woke up early next day and made breakfast for my dad. I got ready and head to Emily's house. It was 8:30 when I reached her house and the pack was eating breakfast. I could see Jake from where I'm at. I turned off my car when I saw Seth and Leah coming out of the woods.
"Hey guys!" I said smiling and only Seth happily said hi. Leah didn't acknowledge my presence.
"Hello Leah..."I said.
"What,are you tired of hanging out with your bloodsucker friends. We are not leftovers Isabella! Go back to your 'family' and leave mine alone!" She said angrily walking away and slamming the door of Emily's house as hard as Jake did yesterday.
I was just staring at the door that had been slammed a few second dumbfounded.
"What just happen?" I ask Seth.
"It's a werewolf thing. We can feel each other's emotions and know what we are thinking when we transform into a werewolf. You see Jake phased yesterday and well we were doing patrol duty. The second he phase we all knew what had happen with you two. We were all mad, not at you of course but we felt what he felt. Leah was the angriest! Wow you did not wanted to mess with her yesterday. When we all phased back to human form, we weren't mad anymore because those are Jake's feelings that we had felt not ours! You can call it telepathy. But with Leah, everything hits her the hardest, she is the most sensitive with emotions and it takes her a while to let go of other people's emotions. maybe it's because she is the only female werewolf it affects her the most. I don't know just give it time. She will be over it by tomorrow" he said pulling my along to go inside.
"You know Seth, maybe I'll come back in a few days" I said.
"No it's fine trust me only Jake and Leah are mad at you" he said happily.
"That's great" I said sarcastically.
"Yeah" he said pulling me.
"Okay let me pick up something from my car and I'll go inside. You better go in before they finish all the food" I said And Seth eyes widen running to the house.
I waked back to my car and got my keys.
"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" I heard someone say from behind me. I turn around sure enough Bitchzella was standing in front of me.
"What now?" I said.
"Oh you are a fucking bitch! Trust me Jake doesn't like you! He made me his a week ago and trust me feeling him inside me was the best thing in the world. His touch was heaven. His hands were so hot that as it traveled and wondered all around my body it cause sparks to form. His lips, his body, feeling him against me that's when Jake told me he loved me. I'm his and he is mine and there is nothing you can do about it. He makes love like nobody you can ever imagine. He is like a wolf, aggressive yet so caring and loving to the ones he loves. So I'm here to tell you to back off! He is mine!" She said. Anger build inside me as she talked to me. This bitch is a slut! He threw herself at him.
"Yeah okay Bitchzella calm the fuck down and back off! Whatever you and Jacob do is none of my fucking business" I said turning around.
"Look Isabella! His marks on my body are just the prove of how much love he feels for me, and trust me all the marks that I left in his body is a prove of that too" she said grabbing my arm. I yanked it out.
"Okay look bitch, get our shit together! I don't want nor am I interested into knowing how you and Jacob fuck each other! That's something called privacy!people don't need to know how you spread your legs and fucked a guy at the age of 16.  Hopefully your parents have educated you enough into using protection and if they didn't I don't give a shit. Go suck a dick and leave me the fuck alone!" I said angrily turning around.
The more she talks about Jake and her... it gets me so angry! I want to rip those fake extensions of her hair!
"He is mine! He has fucked me so good trust me there is nothing like it" she said.
"Really? Great I'll let you know when I find out" I said.
"Look hoe, get away from my man cause he is only mine. I wouldn't want you to go back to your mommy cause Daddy is bye-byee". She said smirking. Uhhhhh that's it bitch!
I jumped and grabbed her hair slamming her the ground.
"If you ever touch my dad I swear bitch that you will not fucking live to see the light of day!!!" I said.
"Oh who said I was going to do it! I have contacts dear Isabella. You don't know if daddy has now gone bye-bye!" She said.
I put my hand in a fist and punched with all the strength Isabella Swan can master right into her nose! I heard something crack and I felt satisfied.
"Oh bitch trust me I have people too and you wouldn't  want to mess with them if I were you. Touch my dad and you are fucking dead!" I said and she just jumped scratching me. I started pulling her hair and kicking her.
"FUCK YOU!" She yelled. I heard people screaming for us to stop put I kept punching and she kept hitting  so I was not going to stop! I felt two strong arms around my waist pulling me away from the fucking pest I had in front of me. As I fixed my vision on Bitchzella i noticed that Jacob had his arms around her, which means that someone else was holding me back. It stung a little knowing that he had pulled Bitchzella away and that he had his arms around her! Her nose was bleeding and he was checking on her. She was smirking triumphantly at me and my reaction, knowing that him doing that had meant she won the battle. I was still kicking my legs
"LET ME GO SETH! I yelled angrily.
"Bella stop!" Seth said gripping me harder.
"Hands off now!" I said sternly and he let me go. Jake still had his arms around Lizzie whose smug smirk had no disappear yet.
"Try me one more time and you a fucking dead bitch!" I said angrily passing through Paul and Quill who were blocking my entrance
"MOVE!" I said forcing my way pass them. I walked pass them and walked into the woods. No way am I going to drive so mad right now!
Ugh! How can Jake choose to protect her! He had his arms around her! Well of course they had sex! I kicked rocks angrily! The more I thought of them being together, and him feeling her, touching her, kissing her made me more mad. I walk to a lake and threw rocks as far as I could! They made love to each other, he has being with her! I went inside the lake and stood there for a while! Jake has had her in his arms! He told her that she loved her. Just knowing that he had her in is warm embrace makes me so jealous! He probably slept with her in his place. She felt his body against him, something that I haven't felt in a long time. I went out of the lake and dried my hair and walked back throwing some sticks on the way! As soon as I saw the pack waiting outside Emily's house I turned to go to my car. I could also see Jake sitting down cleaning Bitchzella's nose up. For that I'm grateful at least I know that I complete broke that bitch's nose. On the other hand it hurts cause he is helping her and I'm here with scratch knees, elbows, arms, legs and face. Nothing too serious but add all the up together and my whole body burns from my open wounds. I knew Seth had my cars keys. I saw Leah stand up as soon as she saw me coming out of the woods. Bitchzella looked up and smirked.
"Bella" Leah said.
"Not now" I said passing right through her and 'Lizzie' hid behind Jake who had now clean her nose, so much toilet paper with blood in it made me nauseous, I mean yes happy to see that my hard work paid off but nauseous cuss I hate blood.
"Keys. Now" I said.
"I don't have them. " he said
"I know you took them before I left give them to me" I said.
"Jake has them" he said.
"I'm not in for the games. Give me my keys" I said.
"He has them" he said and I looked at Leah and she nodded in agreement.
"Give me my keys" I told Jacob who had gotten up to put his first aid kit inside.
He kept walking and I walked behind him.
"Stop walking and give me my keys" I said and he just kept walking like I wasn't even there. He went inside Emily's room and inside the Bathroom. I closed the door and stood right in front of locking the door. He got out
"Keys!" I said harshly and he didn't say anything and kept walking.
"JACOB BLACK KEYS!" I said grabbing him by the arm and pulling him back!
"I need to take her to the Doctors, let me go" he said
"Do that shit after you give me my keys" I said angrily.
"Her nose is broken" he said.
"Great that'll teach her to stop threaten me" I said. I couldnt look into his eyes because all I could see was him making love to that bitch.
"You shouldn't have fight her and broke her nose" he said harshly and it hurt to see he was defending her.
"Then she shouldn't have threaten to kill my dad" I said.
"Still. You are the grown up, she is 16 and you are 18" He said.
"Don't start putting my age as an excuse because a 16 year old doesn't fuck-" I stopped before I finished what I was going to say.
"You know what, whatever I'll just call Angela to pick me up" I said letting go of his arm and unlocking the door. Getting out of the house lighting fast. Ugh why does it hurt so much knowing that he has been with someone! I called Angela and she picked me up and dropped me home. I took a shower and lay in bed. Jacob is not a virgin. How stupid of me to think that I could have lost my virginity with him just like him with me! So childish, what am I 7. My dad wasn't home and I was home alone. I went down to get water and the bell ring. My car was outside which means somebody came to drop my keys off. I opened the door and saw Jake.
"You broke her nose" he said as he hand me my car keys.
"Great" I said slamming the door in his face and walking back to the kitchen. I turned around and Jake was behind me  looking at me. UGH just looking at him makes me annoyed I bet he just made out with her in my car or even had sex. I should sell my car.
"Anything else? Does Bitchzella need more money for the fake extensions I ripped out of her hair" I said roughly passing Jacob and into my room. I put my water  in the desk. Oh the bracelet Jake gave me is in the car it might have falling. I went downstairs and into the car to look for it, I couldn't find it!!
"Are you looking for this?" He asked pulling out the bracelet.
"No im looking for some college applications that I left in my car, that need to be filled out. But of course you know nothing about it because you are a sophomore" I said slamming my car door
"Oh and by the way you can keep the bracelet I don't want it" i said going inside my house.
"So I can give it to Lizzie?" He asked.
"As you wish, at the end of the day she is the one you-" I said and stopped.
"I what?" He asked.
"I don't care" I said.
"I what Bella?" He asked.
"That's your business with her I'll rather not get involved" I said.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him.
"I what?" He said.
" YOU FUCKED!" I said annoyingly.
"What?" He said.
"I'm not saying that shit again" I said.
"How do you know?" He asked his cheeks getting red. My heart shattered into pieces knowing that what Bitchzella said was true.
"Apparently your bitch doesn't know what privacy is and just decided to tell me the details about your 'love making' as she calls it" I said yanking my arm off his grip and turning around.
"Ohh she told you" he said.
"Is there anything important you want to talk about cause I'm tired of having surprise visits from people I don't want to see" I said.
"You don't want to see me" he said.
"Oh sorry was my slamming the door in your face to settle for you or did you need anymore signs" I asked.
"I just came to tell you that Lizzie won't put any charges against you for attacking her" he said.
"Unbelievable! What a blowjob can do to a guy" I said annoyingly.
He choked on air.
"Oh don't act like you have never heard that before 'Mr. I am not a virgin anymore' " I said.
He got close to me  and whisper "what makes you think she was my first time?"
"Well I don't know just a lucky guest based on how many girls you've dated in your life which are zero" I said.
"Trust me for being a beginner I'm very qualified to being a professional" he said.
"Oh don't flatter yourself too much, not because she scream your name in pleasure it means it was good, it just means she probably lost her virginity to you too and was screaming in agony" I said pulling away.
"Since when have you become so sassy?" He asked.
"Since the day people stop standing up for me" I said looking at him in the eyes.
"And about her not suing me, it was a fair fight, now me winning the fight doesn't mean she gets to tell the policies I attached her, cause I can tell the police she has threaten to kill my father, and trust me that can get her to spend a lot of time in jail. Being the daughter of a police officer has teach me a lot about bitches like her, you always have to be a step above them. But I don't want to send her to jail cause then you are not going to get your blowjobs and life will be very very sad for you then" I said.
"Trust me, I can always get someone else to do it. Maybe someone who I trust enough and I'm very close with " he smirks.
"I don't think Seth will like the idea of doing blowjobs for you. I'll just be weird. Plus I don't think he is interested" I said smiling.
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