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Jake's POV
She just walked off... like what I had told her didn't matter! Maybe she didn't feel the same way! Maybe she didn't want to be my imprint and be stuck with me forever, I mean she doesn't have to be with me, even though it will kill me.
I shouldn't have told her that I imprint on her and then kissed her right afterwards.
I was too upset at the fact that Bella just left me alone without caring that what I had just told her meant everything to me. Does she even know the significance of being someone's imprint???? You are their whole world! But it seems like she doesn't care! I phase into my wolf self and headed to the woods trying to clear my mind out.
Does she love Edward?
Of course she does! She left you for him you idiot! She loves him way too much, she loves him more then she loves you! Why would she love someone like you? My conscious said.
My anger made run after and tear everything on my way.
She will choose him over you any day, she broke your heart once, don't be surprise if she does it again. Stupid conscious!!
Bella doesn't love me, she won't ever love me the way she loves Edward so why do I even try?

Bella's POV
"And that's how I know you better then everybody in this planet!" Rob stated confidently and proudly.
"And it took you two hours to prove me that! You could of just said so, I would have agreed with you" I said bore out of mind.
"I know but then I wouldn't have made you suffer, right?" He said.
"You know me so well" I said.
"I know" he said smirking.
"Oh shut up I'm bored let's go somewhere" I said getting out of his grip.
"Okay" He said getting up.
"Where is everybody?" Rob asked.
"Oh no they died of boredom! WHY! WHY!" I began to fake cry hysterically.
"Oh stop it wasn't that boring" he said.
"Whatever" he rolled his eyes.
"Oh hey guys" Elizabeth said walking towards us.
"Hey" Rob said.
"I'm bored wanna go somewhere?" She asked.
"Yeah, where is Jake?" I asked.
"I don't know he never came back" she said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"I haven't seen him since he went after you, probably because of me. We got in a fight yesterday and he is kinda upset but I'll fix things with him" she explained.
Uhhh nooo bitch that's called getting dumped. You should google it up sometime!
"Really?" I asked annoyingly.
"Yeah, I'll go look for him and I'll meet you guys in the car" she said sweetly.
"Let's go"I said grabbing Rob's arm.
"She is so annoying!" I said
"I know" Rob said as we got into the car.
"Oh look Jacob is over there" Rob pointed to a buff figure far away walking towards the house.
"Well honk to get his attention" I said in a duh tone.
"Oh Elizabeth bet us to it. Let's wait until they talk things out" Rob said leaning back into the seat.
"They broke up" I said.
"What?" He asked like those gossip girls.
"Yeah" I said.
"No way what happen, give me details don't just leave me hanging!" Rob said and laughed slightly.
"Well that's all I know. Jake just said they broke up" I said.
"Who broke up with who?" He asked.
"Jake with Elizabeth" I said.
"OH SNAP!" He said.
"Yeah I know crazy" I said.
"Well lets save them both from an awkward situation shall we?" He asked starting the engine.
"We shall" I said. We drove towards where they were at and Rob rolled down the windows.
"We are gonna go walk by the beach, wanna come?" He asked both Jake and Elizabeth. Elizabeth had a wet face, which means she was crying.
"Yes" Elizabeth said her voice barely above a whisper
"Jake?" I asked.
"I don't have anything better to do" he said coldly and I don't know different. A tone I couldn't figure out.
"Well lets go" I said as they both made their way to the car.
The car ride there was very uncomfortable besides the soft music playing in the background, no one daring to start a conversation. Even Rob who talks 24/7 knew it was better to not say anything. We all made our way to the beach, Elizabeth right next to Rob and Jake next to me. Both Rob and I were in between Jake and her, both of them in the opposite end of each other.
"So when are you guys going back to Forks?" I asked to break the silence.
"I'm leaving tomorrow" Elizabeth said
"I though you still had a week left" I said.
"I do but I wanna go back home" she said her eyes sparkling with water forming in her eyes.
I can't help but feel bad for her even though she was bitch for cheating on him.
"Yeah I get you, I miss my dad" I said.
"I miss my mom" she said laughing a little to herself.
We walked the waves were the only sound that didn't let us suffocate from the tension in the air.
"The beaches in Florida are nothing like the ones in Forks" Elizabeth stated.
"Yeah they are nothing alike" I laughed a little while nudging Rob's Rob's to start talking.
"Yeah my girlfriend likes Florida, specially the climate. New York is cold even in summer. She likes getting tan and also likes getting vitamin D" He said laughing.
"You know you should talk to her" I whispered feeling bad for him.
"I'll do it later. You know us boys, we sometimes get tired of apologizing for things we don't do, we also need a break from you're guys nonsense" he said looking with anger in his eyes. Well he is on his feelings.
"Don't look at me like I'm the one who told you crap" I said laughing.
"I'm sorry I'm just stress" Rob said.
"I know you are and I am sorry" I said.
"So what you think of Florida, Jacob?" Rob asked.
"I like Forks better, you know I'm LOYAL to my people, I don't change my mind so easily , I stick with what I have" He said and for some weird reason I felt like he wasn't talking about Forks.
"Well I'm from Florida and I learned to like Forks" I said.
"Yeah well we all know you are different" he said bitterly.
Okay know I definitely know we are not talking about the same thing.
"Yeah well I adapt to change, you don't" I snapped back.
"Yeah well that's because I don't need to change to be happy" he said.
Why is he so mad? Do all werewolves get PMS?? Gosh now I know what it's like to be a guy and be clueless about mood swings.
There is a first time for everything!
Hey guys! I hope you like the chapter! Hopefully this makes it up for not updating for a long time. Please don't forget to VOTE AND COMMENT!
Text me for ideas!

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