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Bella's p.o.v
So I decided to leave forks a week or 2 to go and visit my mom, I haven't seen her in over a year and I miss her, but the truth is that I needed to get away from Jake for a little. Some many things happened that night that I still can't get my head around. Jake imprinted on Lizzie. Those words were like a stab to my heart. That's why I needed to get away fro a while. Johna decided to go back with me and then go to New York to spend some time with his girlfriend. That's why he stayed over my house for the next week. Oh yeah I forgot to mention I haven't seen the pack for 2 weeks. I cogent bring myself to see Jake. But I'm going to see them today because I'm leaving tonight.
"Your ready Johna?" I asked as I walked down stairs.
"Yeah let's go" he said. Our bags were in my truck already. We were going to spend the day out until it was time to go to the airport.
"You drive" I said throwing my keys at him and he caught them without even blinking. Our car ride to Emily's house was silent but not an awkward silence, a comfortable one if that makes sense. As we reached her house I got nervous but I pushed that feeling away and got out of the car with Johna by my side. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we walked slowly.
"I'm excited to see your mom" I said happily.
"Yeah ma is excited to see you too" he said  laughing. We made our way to Emily's house. We went inside the house to see everybody sitting down fighting for the last muffin.
"Bella!!" Seth jumped up walking towards me pushing Johna's arm out of the way to hug me in a protectively manner which made me laugh. While I just saw Johna's lift his hands up in surrender. Leah pushed Seth out of the way and hugged me too.
"Long time no see Bella! What's up with you?" She asked.
"Nothing much just being hanging g out with Johna, you know trying to catch up with our lives" I said and she nodded.
"Sure" she said. Everybody else gave me a hug and Sam just smiled at me happily.
"Bella I'm so happy to see you" Emily said happily hugging me.
"Same here" I said.
After I hugged everyone Johna made his way back to wrap his arm around me. He knew I was nervous and he also knows that always helps me relax, at least when he does it. Seth death glared Johna the second he wrap his arm around me but I told him to ignore him. I heard two distinctive voices coming closer to the house. Jake and Bitchzella. When they walk in Jake frozen on the spot and looked at me. For some weird reason having him close to me made me feel complete and happy but I refused to let him see that.
"Hey guys" Lizzie said.
They all nodded.
Jake just looked at me intensely until Lizzie kissed his lips. Johna's gripped around tighten and I smiled him reassuring him I was fine.
"So what's with the delightful visit Bells" Seth asked happily.
"Came to say hi to you guys" I said and they nodded. I placed an arm around Johna's waist before I continued.
"And also to come by and say bye because I'm going back to Florida" I said as I tighten my grip around my best friends shirt which made him chuckled.
"Wait what?!" Leah and Seth said at the same time in shock and fear.
"No no no no... let me clarify.. I'm going to visit my mom" I said feeling my cheeks burning.
"Gosh Bella warn a girl out!! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Leah said breathing out in relief.
"Yeah same here!" Seth said.
"How long?" Sam asked and I was surprised he actually was caring about me going somewhere else besides forks.
"Oh 2 weeks or 3 weeks, I don't know yet" I said.
"THREE WEEKS!!" Seth said over dramatically.
"Stop you big baby, it's not that long" I said giggling at his goofiness.
"You are breaking my heart!" He said placing a hand in his heart and falling off his chair.
"Seth stop" I said laughing.
"When are you leaving?" Leah asked more seriously.
"Tonight" I stated simply.
"And you didn't come sooner so we can hang out before you left. Well looks like you are stuck with me all day" she smiling sweetly.
I briefly looked up at my best friend, we both smiled at each other.
"Actually Leah... in sorry but Johna and I are going somewhere" I said and her smiled faded.
"But you have have being hanging out for the past 2 weeks, don't be selfish would you, let her breath" she looking Johna.
"No can do Leah sorry" he said smiling sweetly showing the dimples the I loved so much.
"Oh come on pretty boy don't be mean I actually like you don't make me not like you" she said trying to be serious but ended with a smile on her. He is too cute, you can't be mad at his face or smile.
"Sorry Leah but it was actually my idea to explore around forks before we left. He just does what I say" I said smiling up at him and he blushed.
"But Bella!" She whined.
"Leah. He hasn't seen much of forks. I want him to see what Forks have before he leaves" I said.
"There isn't much to see"she said.
"Not true" I said.
"Can we go, Leah and I?" Seth ask clarifying who was going.
"Ummm..." I said.
"Pleaseeeee..." they both said like 5 year olds asking for candy.
"Would you mind?" I asked Johna and he shrugged smiling. I smiled happily before kissing his cheek.
"Thank you" I said.
"Come on kids we are taking you guys on a ride" I said and Leah along with Seth got up form their seats so fast I was shocked that Johna didn't looked shocked or scared.
"I'll see you guys soon. I love you all" I said hugging everybody and making my way out of the house with the two siblings following close behind us.
Johna and Seth were talking and walking towards the car together. Leah and I were a few steps behind them. She suddenly grabbed my arm and made me stop walking. Johna looked back at me and I told him to get in the car.
"Hey Bella I don't want to ruin anything but I feel like you need to talk to Jake. He has being really down lately and I don't know what's up with him. I don't want him doing anything crazy, something is up with Billy but he won't tell us and I can't read his mind when he phases. I'm really worried, I can sense that he is scared... but I'm just afraid he'll do something dumb because of how he feels, he has being thinking a lot of about his mom, something happen between Billy and Lizzie I know because Emily told me they got into a fight and Jake defended Lizzie, I don't know what happen, but whatever it is, it's killing him slowly" she said
"Okay but why would he tell him?" I said a little annoyed.
"I don't know Bella help me out here! I'm really worried I wouldn't tell you or even ask you to talk to him if it wasn't serious!" She said desperately.
"Okay what do I do?" I asked.
"Just talk to him. I don't know... his mom die when he was little, her birthday is coming up and fucking Elizabeth is not helping with her fucking drama about her fucked up life. That girl has some serious issues with her own mother and it only makes him feel like shit since he can't help her... he imprinted on her did you know that?" She said.
"I know he imprinted on her... Jake told me 2 weeks ago... umm I'm gonna talk to him before I go. Wait in the car" I said. She nodded heading to the car and I went back to the house and saw Jake sitting down with Elizabeth on his lap. He looked sad and concern. Leah is right, he is like depress.
I walked over and tapped his shoulder, I couldn't help but feel that tingly feeling when my skin made contact with his but I ignored it.
"Hey Jacob can we talk?" I said quietly.
"Yeah yeah sure" he said while Elizabeth just death glared at me.
"Babe stay with me" she whined tightening her grip around his waist.
"I'll be right back" he said pulling her off of him with ease. He started walking away when Elizabeth pulled him back kissed him so hard it made me whine in pain as she bit his lip hard. I turned around and began walking refusing to see that anymore, it just broke my heart. A deep pain that I couldn't handle. Yet having him so close made me feel complete it was this weird feeling that I couldn't explain.
Once I stop walking I turned around to see he was still in Elizabeth's hold. Damn it hurts!
"I DON'T TRUST HOES LIKE YOU BITCH!" She yelled back angrily.
"FUCK YOURSELF" she said.
"SORRY IM NOT A WEIRD ASS BITCH!!" I yelled. I guess I can talk to Jake when I come back.
"LOOK I'LL TALK TO YOU WHEN I COME BACK! BYE GUYS!" I said waving and turning around.
I walked out of the house to see that my car wasn't parked and that the guys were nowhere to be found
"What the fuck happen to my car?" I said looking for it.
I called Johna
"Johna where are you?" I asked.
"We went for a ride" he said simply.
"Ummm I think you forgot someone.... maybe the owner of the damn car you currently driving in" I said angrily.
"Sorry babe but Leah wanted ice cream and you know how much I love ice cream" he said.
"I thought you loved me more than ice cream. You said so" I said.
"I do love you more BUT you were there a long time and I said why not?' You know?" He said.
"I'm hurt" I said.
"I'll buy you ice cream" he said.
"Money doesn't buy happiness" I said.
"But it brings joy into your life" he said.
"Fine BIG CUP!" I said.
"Yes babe" he said.
"Don't call me that I'm mad at you!" I said.
"Say it" he said.
"I will not do such thing" I said.
"You promise you would from now on" he said.
"But I'm mad at you" I said.
"I'm buying you ice cream" he stated.
"Fine fine" I said.
"Bye baby love you" I said.
"Love you too babe" he said emphasizing the word babe.
"Stop. Okay bye" I said hanging up.
I turned around and saw Jake behind looking at me.
" Sooo.. you wanted to talk to me" he stated.
"Yeah and since those jerks including my best friend left me for ice cream I'll just talk to you right now" I said.
"Best friend? Leah?" He asked as we sat down.
"No,Johna" I said.
"Oh" he said.
"I mean in his defense I would leave him for ice cream too, we just loveeeeee ice cream, but we love each other even more. You know I love you when I share my ice cream" I said laughing.
"So I guess you love your best friend soooo much since you guess share ice cream all the time" he said something in his voice told me that I should change the topic.
"Anyways... Leah told me that you've are acting weird. You okay?" I asked.
"I'm fine" he said coldly.
"You know the last time I heard you talk so coldly to me it was because you couldn't tell me that you were a werewolf so my guess is that's something is up and you can't tell me" I said looking at him carefully to see any face expression that would help me figure what the hell was going on. He tenses up looking down.
"I can't talk about it. I promised her I wouldn't tell anybody" he said.
"Her? So this is about Elizabeth?" I said trying to sound as cool as I could.
"Yeah" he said giving up" I said.
"What's up?" I asked said to see him so heartbroken. It hurt more than it should. It was almost as if I was getting hurt.
"My dad, he and Liza started arguing while I went to get food. When I came back he was holding her wrist and she started crying. I told him to let her go but he wouldn't so I-I-I..." he said looking at me in the eyes so heartbroken like his world was falling apart.
"Is he okay?" I asked already knowing what he was trying to tell me.
"He's fine but he won't talk to me. I'll go to sleep and he won't be home and I'll wake up and he is gone" he said his voice disappearing.
"Bella I don't know where is he? He's been gone for almost a 2 week. I don't want to loose him too" he said looking at me with watery eyes and I wish I could take all the pain away.
"Don't worry Jacob, Billy is at my house" I said.
"He-he-he's at your house?" He said.
"Yeah I didn't know why, my dad jus told me he was staying with us and he is sleeping in my room" I said understanding everything like a puzzle coming together.
"Where are you sleeping?" He asked wiping his tears away.
"I either sleep in the living room or sleep at Johna's place. Depends on how I'm feeling" I said.
"How-how's my dad?" He asked.
"Why did you punch him Jake, when I saw him he had a purple eye, what's wrong with you?!" I said disappointed.
"I-I got mad because he was hurting her and he wouldn't let her go and she started crying and he only held on to her tighter" he said.
"Right that's a good fucking reason to punch your own father! Fuck that bitch! Billy is your dad! Did you ever question why he did that in the first place or is your first instinct always going to be to believe her all the time and kiss her lame ass! Is she really worth you loosing the most important thing in your life!" I said angrily at this point.
"SHE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN MY LIFE" he yelled and I felt like a sharp knife had just stab my heart.
"I GIVE A FUCK! HE IS YOUR FATHER! HOW COULD YOU! YOU BETRAYED HIM!" I said feeling angrier by the minute.
"She is my imprint, he knows she comes before anything! That's a wolf thing! He has to understand!" He said getting up. I had stood up a long time ago.
"STOP PUTTING THAT AS AN EXCUSE! DAMN!" I said. Part of me was fighting for Billy's inability to talk to his son and the other was a pissed off Bella! Shit I get it I'm not his soulmate!
"You listen to me well Jacob Black, I'm only gonna say this once! I give a damn about your imprint, fuck her and her family! I care about your fucking family and you know who your family is? Well let me tell you, Billy is your family, and if you don't get your shit together and get your ass up and apologize by the time I leave to Florida when I come back, I'm kicking the shit out of you to see if I can knock some sense into your fucked up thick ass head! Got it! Your dad was there before your bitch so fucking grow up!" I said so angrily I knew I was refer than a tomato.
"Oh and one more thing if you ever touch your dad ever again, I promise I will get the pack to kick your ass! If you are not gonna respect your own father than I will! Jacob Black I recommend you think damn well about who you are not willing to let go off cause I'm telling you right now that if you don't choose who you want to keep in your life, your dad is going to choose for you" I said.
"My dad can't prohibit me from seeing my imprinted" he said angrily.
"Who said he is not choosing to let YOU go!" I said.
"He can't leave me, my mom already did and he can't do that, he promise"?he said looking down at me.
"And you also promised him you'll never hurt him and you hurtled him the most" I said.
"I didn't mean to hit him" he said.
"I don't mean physically! You broke his heart in a million pieces the second you let go of him" I said.
"But I never let go" he said.
"He lost both his son and his best friend on the same day" I said.
"But I can't choose between them. I love them both the same" he said.
"You are gonna have to think about who you can't live without, Jacob Black look at me" I said grabbing his face.
"Tell me who you can't live without?" I said.
"She's my imprint" he said looking away.
"Bye Jacob" a voice said behind, a voice that belonged to Billy.
I turned around to see Billy so heartbroken. He lost both his son and mother. He turned around with Charlie behind him taking him away. I saw my dad's eyes and I knew that Jake had just made a huge mistake. I turned around.
"Bella..." he asked confused.
"He let you go" I said. Jake looked at me and just dropped to the floor sobbing.
I can't deal with so much pain.
"Bella I can't loose him too." He said. I sat down next to him rubbing his back. I've never seen him cry. I ran my hand through his hair over and over again.
"It's okay, it's okay. Shhhhhhh" I said. I heard foot steps and then yelling
Oh hell no! I've had enough of this fucking bitch!
"Just fucking stop!" I said getting up, Jake still on the floor with his hands in his face.
"If I don't what you gonna do?" She said threatening.
I got up and punched her across the face knocking her out flat con the floor.
"And that's from Billy  fucking ass bitch!" I said seeing her on the floor.
Hey guys sorry for the late update! I'm officially on summer vacation!! Today was my last day of finals!
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