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Bella p.o.v
Rob and I are eating breakfast right now, my flight leaves at 1 pm so at least I get to spend a couple of more hours with Rob. Rob says he will try to come visit Forks before Alice's weeding so he can be my plus one.
"You will really do that for me?" I asked happily.
"Of course, you tell me the day of the weeding so I can be there a week before it" he said.
"You are so sweet thank you! I will definitely show you around Forks and it will be so much fun" I said excitedly.
"I'll go under one condition." He said.
"What is it?" I asked.
"You need to talk to your mom" he said.
"Rob" I sighted.
"That's my only condition. Your mom was crying when I left. She feels bad about what she did" he said.
"I'm not ready. I'm still hurt. We both know it was way out of line for her to do that! She hit me because of her. What, she wants to be Elizabeth'a mother too? Defending her and shit, fuck no! She choose her over me. IM HER DAUGHTER NOT THAT LAME ASS BITCH" I said.
"Your jealous?" He asked.
"I can't be jealous, idiot" I said.
"Of course you can. It's called daughter jealousy! Since your mom is showing more affection towards Elizabeth, you're afraid you'll loose her and then the fact that she hit you because of her, makes you feel like she prefers her over you and that kills you!" He said.
"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes.
"Eat your food, I mean I woke up EARLY just to do breakfast. The least you could do is give it a few bites and then throw it away. Don't you pretend it isn't there" he said.
"Sorry I'm really just not hungry" I said.
"You haven't eaten since yesterday morning" he complain.
"I'm really not hungry, I'll probably eat at the airport" I said.
"Well I want you to eat right now" he said.
"Come on" I whine.
"I'll feed you" he warn.
"Don't you dare" I gasped.
"Don't make me!" He said.
"Rob" I whine and he grabbed my fork.
"Open your mouth you little baby" he said in a baby voice and before I can refuse he shoved the food in my mouth. And that what he did, he fed me to make sure I wouldn't spit it out, well that's until someone open the front door and to my surprise it was Jacob. Who if I may say so myself did not look happy.
"Bella" he said coldly.
"Jake" I said choking on my food and Rob just laughed grabbing my plate and throwing it away. Even though I wasn't doing anything bad, I couldn't help but feel like I was.
"I didn't know you were coming" I said getting up.
"Yeah I can tell" he said bitterly.
"Umm... so what are you doing?" I asked.
"What you want me to go? He asked.
"No no. I'm just surprised you are here since you were mad at me yesterday" I said.
"I'm sorry" he said.
"About?" I asked.
"Bella honey can we talk please?" I heard a familiar voice say. Mom.

Jacob's p.o.v
I woke up early the next day. Well I technically couldn't sleep all night. How could I not realize before. I IMPRINTED ON BELLA! I imprinted on Bella!!! That explains why I had missed her soooo much when she left.
"Good morning" Liz said already sitting down eating breakfast. I just nodded.
"Are you ready to go?" I asked Bella's mom.
"Yes yes, lets go" she said grabbing her purse.
"I'm going with you guys. I should apologize to Bella for getting in her business" Liz said.
"I don't think that's a good idea" I told her.
"But stepmomma made me realize that what I did was wrong. I'm gonna fix things" she said.
"Let's go" I said as I walked out of the house.
Liz took the passenger seat and tried to touch me, hold my hand and start a conversation throughout the whole car ride. I didn't say a word. Bella's mom gave me the keys to the house. I opened the door and then I saw Bella and Rob. He was feeding her! I felt my whole body tense and my eyes fixe on the space between the two which was none. Like zero, like the air, it's invisible! Yeah and she said they weren't together! Ugh! What the fuck! I don't like how close they are. I'm so pissed that I just want to grabbed him and throw him across the room.
"Bella" I said coldly.
"Jake" Bella said choking on her food and Rob just laughed grabbing the plate she was feeding her off and throwing it away. I could see the guilt in her eyes and at the same time her eyes were telling that nothing had happen. I just look away. Right, they are not together my ass!
"I didn't know you were coming" sha said getting up quickly.
"Yeah I can tell" I said bitterly.
"Umm... so what are you doing?" She asked anxiously.
"What you want me to go? I asked.
"No no. I'm just surprised you are here since you were mad at me yesterday" She said.
"I'm sorry" I said.
"About?" She asked confusedly.
"Bella honey can we talk please?" Her mom said.
Bella vision fixed on the person behind and then back to me. Her eyes a mixture of anger, sadness and betrayal. Right now the strong emotion was anger.
"I told you but you never listen do you?!" She asked angrily.
"Bella I'm sorry honey I never meant for you to feel like prefer Beth over you. I love you both and never meant to make you feel left out" she said.
"Yeah well you are also forgetting I'm your ONLY daughter. Now you are saying you love us both. Great mother, it takes you two damn weeks to love her as much as you love me." I said bitterly.
"That's not what I meant. I love you both and I'm sorry I didn't take your side and instead hit you. I've had a long week and I took it out on you and I'm sorry" she said crying and Bella's eyes soften.
"Mom please don't cry. Okay fine I'm sorry for being an ass to you okay. I don't want to be the reason why your crying. I don't like seen people I love, hurt. You know I'll rather cry my whole life than see a love one shred a tear. I'm sorry" Bella said pushing my aside and hugging her mom.
"I'm sorry sweetie" she said cleaning her tears. Okay good now everything is fine.
"Isabella I'm really sorry too" Liz came in through the door and then Bella's body tense and she put her hands into fists.
"You've got to be kidding" she said looking toward me.
"You are seriously such a dickhead sometimes Jacob Black" she said walking out of the house and shoving Liz out of the way with so much force she fell to the floor.
"I warned you but you are too stupid to understand" I told Liz and quickly follow Bella out.
"Bella wait up" I called after her.
"You are such a traitor!" She yelled.
"I'm sorry I tried to stop her" I said keeping up with her pace.
"No no! Just stop, you could have persuade her in... ways that she likes. I don't know you could have..fuck her... and then tell her not to come" she said and I saw her eyes flicker from anger to pain.
"Bella" I tried again trying to come near her.
"Don't touch me Jacob! I'm tired of you and Elizabeth and everyone that keep hurting me! Maybe I deserve it but damn it I need a break from this shit too!" She screamed looking at me sadly.
"I'm sorry" I said.
"Stop apologizing! You know how bad you make me feel whenever you apologize! You make me feel like I'm the bad guy, like I'm the one hurting you when it's the other way around!" She said turning around.
"You know hurting you is the last thing that I would ever want to do!" I said softly.
"Then leave me alone. You being near me hurts me too much!" She yelled.
"You want me to leave you?" I asked softly.
"Yeah just go and be with whoever you want but don't be near me, don't talk to me, maybe I should just go back with Edward since you talk about him all the time. Maybe breaking up was a huge mistake!" She said looking at me.
"You love him?" I asked.
"Yeah I do but I broke up with him for you, so we can be friends again! But this is getting me nowhere!" She said pointing at herself and at me.
"Then I'll leave you, you won't hear from me. I made you a promise to never hurt you and if I hurt you then I'll leave" I said turning around.
"Yeah and you also promised to never give up on me and you did that a long time ago. So why try to keep up with your promises if you can't keep up with the one that I truly care about" she said.
"I never gave up on you" I yelled angrily.
"Yes you did. You stopped talking to me and I called you day and night for 2 months straight and you didn't even bother picking up the phone to tell me to stop calling you!" She yelled.
"Because you chose him over me! I helped you through hell and then he came back and you left me without a care in the world like I never meant anything to you! So why couldn't I do the same, act like I didn't care about you. Why couldn't I move on if you did the same?" I yelled angrily.
Her eyes broken but I was too angry to care.
"I I- Jake" she sighted.
Bella's p.o.v
"I I-Jake" I sighted.
"That's enough" he said walking away from me.
"Jake please don't go. I'm sorry" I said walking towards him. I grabbed his arm and his body tense.
"You are right" I said softly. He sighted.
"I need to go" he said trying to pull away.
"No no no Jake, please" I said tighten my grip on his arm.
"Bella" he warn
"Tell me why I always end up being the bad guy." I said.
"Let me go" he said softly.
"No I'm not. I'm sorry" I said.
"You said that already" he said.
"Why are you mad at me. What did I do?" I asked.
"You being with him 24/7 drives me crazy." He said angrily shaking.
"Jake" I said softly
"And then you lie to me saying you guys aren't together" he said his hands in fists.
"We're not!" I said.
"Don't lie to me" he hissed.
"Calm down" I said.
"I CAN'T" he yelled.
I hugged him tightly by his waist rubbing his back.
"Calm down" I repeated slowly. His whole body tense underneath me.
"Let go of me I don't want to hurt you!" he said angrily.
"Rob and I aren't dating" I said.
"Okay whatever" he said grabbing my arms to pull me away.
"You have to believe me" I said.
"Okay whatever" he said walking away from me.
"Why don't you trust me?" I asked angrily.
"Because the last time I trusted you, you broke my heart!" I said my voice shaking.
"I know I did! I take total responsibility but Jake stop punishing me please. It kills me!" I said.
"Bella you hurt me, a lot, but I can't stay mad at you it's just impossible! Tell me something, have you been feeling..different?" He asked carefully.
"Different?" I asked confusedly.
"Yeah between you and I?" He asked.
"Why? I asked.
"Answer me" he asked.
"Well yeah but it's just too complicated to explain." I explain looking at his eyes for this random question. His eyes sparkled something new and peaceful about his eyes made me get lost in them. For a second he looked at me like I was the only person in the world.
"Bella, promise me you won't get mad at me if I tell you something mind blowing" he said grabbing my hands.
"Jake what did you do?" I asked suddenly anxious.
"I can't help it" he said.
"Jake" I said.
"Bella.. I-I-I I imprinted on you" he said softly and slowly to make sure I would understand.
My world stop. No way! I looked into is eyes to search for the answer but I didn't need too cause because before I knew it, Jake's lips were on mine and that was the only answer I needed.
Holy fuck!
Hey guys hope you liked the chapter. I might not update for a while because of school Please VOTE and COMMENT! What was your favorite part? What would you like to happen next? What will Liz do?

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