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Bella p.o.v
"Bella here me out" he said
"I don't want to talk to you. Edward please just go, Jacob is still in the house" I said not even caring at this point. I still had my eyes close I didn't even move.
"Bella I want you to run away with me. Let's just go away and start over" he said.
"No Edward I'm not going to leave my life for you" I said.
"Bella I can give you everything. Anything at all" he said.
"No Edward I'm sorry. Please leave now. I don't want Jacob seen you here. I'll make things worse" i said.
"But you told him you love me" he said.
"I was lying to him. To make leave but he won't" I said.
"But you meant it I felt it. Bella you loved me once we can try and make it work" he said.
"Edward I told you that it won't happen I don't want to give you hope to crush your heart again. We can still be friends, but nothing more" I said finally sitting up.
"Well friends can take friends out right?" He asked.
"Yeah, but I don't want you thinking that because we are friends there can be something else, cause there won't be" I said.
"Okay it's fine if I can see you, I'll be fine. I can see you whenever I want right?" He said.
"Whenever I think it's right for me to see you. And you can't come in my house from the window anymore Edward. That's over too" I said.
"Okay, but I can come to your house?" He asked.
"Not alone. Alice has to come with you" I said.
"Okay she won't mind" he said.
"Okay Edward it was nice seen you know I got go down stairs bye" I said pushing him out of the window.
"Oh no Bella you said I can use your window anymore. I'm afraid I'll have to use your door" he said.
"No because Jacob is down stairs" I said.
"Sorry I have to keep my promise" he said. Oh he wants to make him jealous.
"No" I said as I tried pulling him away from the door. He open and went down stairs. Jake and I made eye contact I held his until he looked away and looked at Edward.
"Hello Jacob, I will leave now Bella, see you later" he said kissing my forehead and smiling leaving. I had my arms cross.
"Why was he is your room?" Jake said after a while.
"He wanted me to run away with him" I said sitting down in the kitchen counter with him.
"And you are leaving with him" he said. Didn't even asked like he just expected me to go with Edward.
"No. I'm not just going to leave because he asked me too. I can't do that, I would have before... a long time ago, but not anymore" I said grabbing an apple so I can play with it.
"But you were willing to run away with me once. Remember, when I couldn't tell you that I was a werewolf, you were willing to leave with me" he mention.
"Well it was different Jacob" I said still playing with the apple.
"How?" He asked.
"I don't know, it just was, you were suffering I didn't wanted to see you hurt I never have" I said observing the apple carefully.
"But you didn't care, you offer to run away with me. Why didn't you do that with Edward, all your feelings towards him can't be gone. You still have to have something inside your heart that still likes Edward" he said.
"Well Edward and I broke up because I decided that it was the best for us" I said.
"But it doesn't mean you don't like him" he said frustratedly.
"No for a long time I wasn't sure about my feelings toward him, but I didn't wanted to just break up with him if I wasnt sure. Not long ago did I realize that I didn't like him anymore. I couldn't lie to him and just be with him to just not break his heart" I said.
"And why all the sudden change in heart Bella?" He asked coldly. It hurt me a little. He gets like this when he is mad. His eyes get dark too.
"Well life changes when you least expect it. You of all people should know that" I said referring to him and the werewolf situation.
"Yeah but your feelings aren't as drastic as me becoming an animal and killing vampires" he said clenching his fist.
"Yeah but it is important to me. I did love Edward once but not like I thought I did. Things in life change and so do feelings you know that too" I said.
"You are right in that, feelings change" he said. It hurt me to know they he doesn't like me anymore.
"Edward still loves me Jacob, it hurts him and he doesn't like guys hanging out with me but he can't control me" I said.
"But he will do anything to get back with you" he said.
"It won't change my mind. You can't control who you fall in love with or not. I learn that too" I said.
"Why don't you give him a chance Bella" he asked. I got up and walked to refrigerator.
"Because I did already, I'm not giving him a third chance.plus he didn't do anything it was me who decided to end things" I said grabbing orange juice.
"You know what I like about Lizzie, her eyes are pretty. And I like her smile too" I said sitting down trying to change the topic.
"It reminds me of yours" I said.
"Yeah she is great. She like my sunshine" he said smiling. It hurt so much to hear that, but what was I to him.. a dark cloud in a beautiful sunny day.
"That's great" I said turning on the heater.
"And how are you holding up with the werewolf thing?" I said.
"I mean I'm use to it. I'm just adjusting to this change. The worse thing is that I can't tell Lizzie about it. She doesn't understand my change in mood sometimes and we get in fights sometimes which doesn't help me. I don't want to hurt her Bella. I appreciate her dealing with my moods cause it's so sudden sometimes and if I could tell her it would help our relationship but I can't" he said.
"Well you guys are a couple can't you tell her?" I said trying to help him out.
"We are but I can't, not even if we are a couple which drives me crazy. It's just so stupid! Sam just likes to control everything I do! It's so annoying!" He said furiously. This are his mood swings. His fist are clenching and his eyes are shut so tight.
"Jake relax. Just take deep breath" I said slowly getting up and approaching to him. I carefully touch his shoulder and he quickly grabbed my wrist squeezing really hard which surprised me. His eyes were dark and full of hatred.
"Jake calm down" I said calmly. But it was like I wasn't talking to him. It wasn't him it wasn't Jake. He looked at me and it scared me.
"Hey it's okay you'll be fine" I said trying to soothing him with the other hand he did not held. He quickly grabbed the other one and held it. He was in a defensive mode. Just like werewolf, they have quick sense instincts.
"Jake everything it's fine. I'm not going to hurt you. You are fine" I said and he held me tighter as I talk.
"Shhh it's fine. You are safe... you are fine. Jake" I said trying not to whine from the pain.
"Jake" I said.
"Don't say anything Bella!" He said huskily in a deep tone that scared me even more
"This is not you Jake. You have to control so you can be with Lizzie and not do this to her. She can't find out that you are a werewolf" I said looking at him
"Why does this have to happen to me?" He asked angrily.
"It's okay you are not alone Jake. You'll get through this don't worry about it" I said. His eyes slowly changed to his normal color and he quickly release me from his hold.
"There you go. Good job Jake you are doing great!" I said encouragingly. He looked at me carefully and then looked in pain.
"I'm sorry Bella" he said.
"It's fine. You are working on this I know it's hard" I said pulling my sleeves down. If he found out hd would hate himself for it I don't want that he has enough problems to deal with mine.
"I shouldn't have reacted like that it's hard sometimes. That's why I don't like Lizzie around me sometimes cause I'm afraid to hurt her" he said. I hesitantly rub his shoulder.
"It's fine. If she really likes you she will love you just the way you are. She won't leave you Jake, if she really loves you she will stay with you through thick and thins" I said.
"The problem is that she gets annoyed sometimes. She leaves and gets upset" he said,
"That's because she doesn't know Jake. Just have patience" I said.
"Thanks I'm sorry about that" he said. He got up and I got scared but tried not to show it.
"I'm not going to hurt you" he said.
"I know you won't" I said. He grabbed me and pull me into a hug. I carefully wrap my hands around his waist hugging him back. He held me tightly.
"Did I hurt you?" He asked.
"You could never hurt me" I said.
"Good cause I don't want to ever" he said smiling against my forehead.
"I'm going to sleep. You staying here or leaving?" I asked.
"Well I'm not going to leave you alone in the night. Your dad will kill me" he said.
"Great" I said and went upstairs.
I put some pjs with sleeves and wash my teeth and slowly wash my wrists they were a little swollen but it wasn't that bad.
I went down stairs and found Jake sleep in the couch. He must be tired. I grabbed a blanket and put in Jake it's cold even with his temperature he won't hold below zero temperature from outside. I went to my bed and fell sleep.
I've been hanging out with the pack all week. Like usual Lizzie is there but I've gotten use to her presence but Lizzie hasn't. She doesn't like me going to their house and specially spending time with Jake.
"Jake can't we go somewhere else" Lizzie said.
"Why you okay?" He asked grabbing her hand. She glanced at me and smirked in satisfaction from my reaction. She then lean in to kiss him and face a really heated and passionate kiss wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Keep it appropriate for us over here" Seth said.
Jake pulled away but Lizzie pulled him back to keep kissing and he looked at me and stopped.They started arguing and one thing lead to another and they started screaming at each other. Jake started shaking and Lizzie said.
"There you go with your shaking again! I'm sick of it it's so stupid and fucking childish. Why do you have to shake when you get mad it's annoying!" She yelled.
Jake's eyes turn black and I quickly grabbed him and pulled him out of the house.
"Jake remember you don't want to hurt her, you want Lizzie to be safe" I said and he closed his eyes.
"Focus on my voice Jake" I said.
"Oh don't be ridiculous really your best friend had to pull you out to calm you down. What are you a 5 year old" Lizzie said coming out of the house.
"Shut up Lizzie!" I said angrily.
"No i won't and leave him you are not his fucking girlfriend I am" she said coming closer to him and trying to pull me away from him.
"Don't touch her" he said grabbing my hand. His hands were burning. I rubbed my thumb against his skin to soothing him.
"Don't protect her" she said grabbing me arm and trying to pull me away from Jake's hold.
"Stop" he said. Pulling me.
"Ugh I'm leaving see you next time your crazy mood swings are over again. Maybe I'll just not forgive you so easily this time" she said walking away.
"Hey you okay?" I asked looking back at him.
"Yeah I'm better" he said squeezing my hand still having his eyes shut.
"It's fine, take your time" I said.
"Thanks" he said. After a while he open his eyes and smiled at me.
"You okay?" I said smiling.
"Yeah" he said. I felt Seth and Leah staring at us. I don't know why. Oh right we are holding hands. His hands are not that hot anymore.
"Do your hands always get hotter when you get mad?" I asked.
"Yeah they do. Werewolf thing I guess" he said.
"Good to know" I said laughing.
"I better get going before my dad gets mad that I'm not home yet. Bye Jake" I said giving him a quick hug.
"Seth don't forget prom is tomorrow. I'll pick you up and you can drive from here" I said.
"Okay. You have my tozudo so I'll pick it up later today" he said.
"Okay you know where it is just get it if I'm sleep I'll leave the window unlock for you to come inside" I said. He hugged me and then Leah hugged me too. I walked to the car to be pushed against a tree.
"Oww" I said.
"Look Bella you better back off Jay! I don't you near him anymore I'm tired of this so stop before I give you a beating that you will never forget!" Lizzie said grasping my already swollen wrist.
"Let go you are hurting me!" I said struggling to get of her grip. Everybody is stronger than me.
"I'm warning you Bella stop trying to steal Jay from me cause it's not going to work. He loves me not you, he is over you so just give up! You better do what I tell you" she said pushing me against the tree and then letting me go. She left and I got up and got in my car. My wrist hurt so much I couldn't even drive. When I got home they were bleeding. What am I going to do?
Hey guys hope you like the chapter. Much love
Bri ❤️

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