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"So now that you have established the fact that I broke your girlfriend's nose then I would be very happy to show you the way out" I said pointing towards the door.
"I know my way around your whole house" he said.
"Great, then OUT!" I said
"Mm... let me think about it. No I'm good" he said.
"Plus it's like 20 degrees outside, it's too cold to be outside. How can you possibly do that to a poor guy" he said laying down on the couch
"Yeah well you are not a normal guy so I think you will be fine" I said.
"Well I'm not leaving" he said.
"Charlie will be here in a hour so stay at your own risk, but I will warn you he always carries a gun with him" I said walking to stairs.
"I kill bloodsuckers like your boyfriend I can handle your father" he said dryly.
"He is not my boyfriend" I said walking back to the kitchen.
"But seriously I want you out of my house in less than a minute" I said throwing ice on him which made him jump.
"I'm getting you out one way or another"I said looking at him.
"Bella?" He asked.
"What?" I asked.
"Why would you jump on Lizzie just for coming to my house?" He said. I looked at him dumbfounded. SERIOUSLY!
"What?" I asked him.
"You broke her nose, I told you that remember. I don't want you hurting people" he said.
"Especially not her right? Oh I'm so sorry, not really. I want you to leave now! I am not asking again" I said angrily, but more hurt than actually angry.
"Bella she doesn't know that I am a werewolf, that's why I broke up with her. I can't hide something like that from her. I'm not telling her who I truly am" he said.
"Imprint on her" I said walking towards the door. I'm so mad at him.
"You don't get to choose who you imprint in Bella it just happens" he said.
"Then make it happen. Leave I want to be alone" I said opening the door.
He did not say anything else, and left. He broke up with her because of his werewolf thing not because he doesn't like her. I spend the rest of my night thinking about it.
I woke up and ate breakfast. Ate with my dad this time and left to go to Emily's house like always.
I parked and walked in. I'm glad the guys are not here yet
"Hey Emy how are you?" I asked.
"Oh Bella I didn't see you yesterday, sorry about everything that happen with you know who" she said looking at me sympatheticly.
"Don't look at me like that, it annoys me that people think I'm weak and fragile. I can protect myself. I broke her nose you see. I have never been prouder of myself" I said grabbing an apple.
"Still fighting is no way to solve problems. I thought you knew better than that" she said placing the breakfast on the table.
"You too Emy really,I thought Jacob Black was the only one giving speech about checking my moral compass but you too, don't do that to me please. I've had enough" I said.
"Well its true! You can't do that, I actually feel bad for her you know!" She said.
"Oh sure feel bad for her but not for the victim of this whole situation. Do you see my bruises! My whole face has bruises and my body is bruised! I am white, super white this bruises will stay in my body FOREVER!" I said showing the bruises.
"Still not a broken nose" she said eying me.
"HELL NO! Her nose is the only thing that she has to prove she was in a fight!" I said.
"Oh great that is the only thing ! You lucky Jake came in between you guys, I honestly thought you were going to end up breaking her!" She said.
"Oh trust me if you would have giving me five more minutes, I would have" I said.
"Bella! Lizzie looked like a ghost when Jake picked her up to take her to the hospital! Maybe she was exaggerating a little, but her nose wouldn't stop bleeding" she said.
"Good for her" I said sitting down.
"Bellaaaa" she warned.
"She shouldn't threaten me. Good thing she knows what she will get if she messed with me" I said.
"Ugh you are impossible!" She said laughing as Seth and Leah came in.
"Hey Bella" they both said.
"Hey guys" I said and Seth hugged me.
"Ouch, not too hard my ribs hurt" I winced as he came in for a bear hug just like every other member of the pack.
"Oh sorry!" He said letting go of me.
"It's fine" I said smiling.
"Oh wow, she sure threw some punches at you didn't she?" Leah asked looking at my face.
"That bad huh?" I asked.
"It's just that your are white, pale white. I will be gone in a week" she said.
"Great" I said.
"Well if it helps. She has a broken nose. Nice job Bells. High five!" He said and I high five him.
"Seth!" Both Leah and Emy said.
"What, if you are not congratulating her,I am! Girl you killed it! I'm proud of you" he said side hugging me. I winced and he laughed pulling away.
"But she sure kicked you ass too" he said and I punched him in the arm
"I'm going to teach you how to punch so next time you fight somebody your knuckles won't bleed or get bruised" he said grabbing the hand which I punch Lizzie with.
"It's the prove of my hard work I like it" I said pulling my hand away.
"Okay" he said and I heard the rest of the pack coming in.
"BELLA!" They yelled as the crushed me in their bear hug. I couldn't breathe and I winced but they were too loud to hear me.
"Can't breathe" I said. And they pulled away. I rubbed my ribs.
"Nice job Bells! That was so cool! You broke her nose! So proud of you" Quill said.
"Thank you" I said.
"That is nothing to be proud about" Sam said coming in with Jacob by his side.
"Bella, how are you feeling?" Sam said as he came in slightly smiling at me giving me a sympathetic look.
"Would everybody stop looking at me like I'm a lost puppy" I said rolling my eyes.
"Bella there is someone outside looking for you" Seth said looking through the window.
"Who? My dad?" I asked confused.
"No his name is Jonah" he said.
"What?!" I asked excitedly fulfilling me.
"You know him?" Leah asked.
"He was my best friend back in Florida! Oh my gosh!" I said getting up from my seat so fast that I almost fell, running towards the door, and the pack followed.
"JONAH!" I screamed jumping into his arms. I haven't seen him in FOREVER! I can't believe he is here!
"ELLA!" He said wrapping his arms around me.
"OH MY GOSH ! What are you doing here?!" I asked hugging him tightly. Jonah and I have been friends since my mom and I left forks, then I came back to Forks my senior year to spend it with my dad. He was the only thing that kept me from coming. He means so much to me. I felt so bad when I told him that I was leaving. I didn't tell him until the day I left and we both cried.
"Well I graduated, yes thank you very much! So I came to see you and spend some time with you, it's been so long! What one year and half. My mom says hi by though way" he said embracing me into another hug. Yes it hurt but I was so happy to see him I didn't care.
"Oh I miss Cassandra's and her cookies so much!" I said.
"Yeah she misses you too. A lot. She wanted to come with me, but Dad planned a trip for them so she couldn't make it" he said.
"How did you find me, as in how you know I was here?" I asked confused.
"Oh Charlie told me you always come here. You see I went to your house and he said you were here!" He said.
"Good enough for me. Here I'll introduce you to my friends, no they are my family" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him along. The pack was standing by the door, all of them surprised.
"Guys meet Jonah my best friend that came all the way from Florida!" I said and he waved shyly. I get it, if I was standing in front of guys this buff I would be scared too. Not like Jonah isn't buff or tall, he is just normal tall. He is 6'0 and works out too. But you know, not good enough standing next to a bunch of Hercules.
"Hey I'm Seth, nice to meet you!" Seth said breaking the silent by shaking Jonah's hand.
"Jonah, Seth he is like my little brother so mess with him and I'll kick your ass so far you won't need to get a flight back to Florida" I said. He laughed.
"Thank you for the heads up." The pack one by one made their way greeting him.
"Dude, that guy over there is so tall, how tall is he?" Jonah asked after a while of catching up on our lives.
"Jacob?" I asked.
"I guess, the tallest of them all?"he asked.
"Yeah his name is Jacob" I said.
"Okay how tall is Jacob?" He asked emphasizing his name.
"Honestly I don't know, the last time he told me, he was 6'4" I said.
"Wow!" He said.
"Yeah, don't get on his bad side" I said laughing.
"Yeah I'm smart enough not to" he said. When I fixed my vision on Jake, I saw a to familiar blonde that ruin my day, who had her arms around Jake. LIZZIE.
"What's wrong?" Jonah asked.
"Nothing, how long are you staying?" I asked.
"What you want me to leave already? Gosh Ella" he said jokingly.
"I'm leaving in a week" he said.
"Oh why so soon?" I asked trying to sound as sad as I could manage while looking at Jake with his arm around her shoulder.
"I'm going to visit my girlfriend at her hometown in New York since she went their for her vacations" he said.
"Who is this lucky lady I am hearing about just now?" I asked excitedly.
"Her name is Madison. She is lovely you will love her" he said.
"I am so happy for you!" I said.
"What about you, anybody?" He asked.
"Well I just got out of a relationship if that counts" I said.
"Oh I'm so sorry" he said.
"Oh it's fine I broke up with him, it wasn't working out you know, but life keeps on going" I said getting up, breaking the deep stare I had locked on them two. She knew I was looking cause she smirked and pressed herself more against him whispering something in his ear and nibbling his ear slightly, ugh I'm going to puke.
"Hey, can you show me around Forks tomorrow. I'll pick you up at 9 yeah?" He said as we were walking.
"Sure" I said happily. His phone ring and he told me it was Madison. We FaceTime and I got to meet her, she is so pretty!!and so nice too, perfect for Jonah. We talked a while with her and then he went inside his car to talk to her in private. I walked pass Jacob and Lizzie to go inside the house.
"Okay spill, who is Jonah,your long lost love?" Emy and Leah said the second I stepped into the house.
"Nooo, we have been friends for like 10 years we literally grew up together. I love him yes, but not like that! Gosh can a girl have a guy friend without people gossiping about it" I said grabbing my bag.
"Sorry, it's just you two were all lovey birds so everybody thought that you know, something happen. I haven't seen you this happy in like forever" Leah said.
"Maybe because there is nothing in life for me to be happy about. My life is full of drama. Trust it wasn't like that before. Back in Florida my life was great." I said as I walked outside with the two gossips behind me.
"Really he is that great?" They both said once we were out the door which made Jacob and Lizzie look up from their conversations. What are they talking about?
"You know sometimes I feel like I would be better off going back to Florida. The only thing keeping from not going is my dad. I can't do that to him" I said shaking my head in  frustration.
"Jonah is a great person Bella, we like him. He is nice! And cute too" they said. I looked at them confusingly. And I realized what they were doing!! They are trying to make Jacob jealous!
I rolled my eyes. "I know he is" I said walking down towards Jonah's car.
"Hey, you done?" I asked.
"Yeah, want to go get ice cream?" He asked.
"Is that even a question" I exclaimed.
"Here let's go in my car, I'll drive you down to a place that I know. Their ice cream is the best!!" I said.
"Okay" he said getting off his car.
"HEY GUYS WANT TO COME GET ICE CREAM?!" I yelled and Quill, Paul, and Seth ran towards us with smiles on their face.
"is that even a question?"they said.
"Looks like they are really your family" Jonah said laughing wrapping an arm around my shoulder as Jake and Lizzie approached us. This are the times in which having an oblivious friend who is so close to you comes in handy. Jonah and I are so comfortable with each other that gestures like this don't mean anything to us. He is like my brother, but not just my brother, he is like my twin! Nothing is awkward between us. Yes, it makes it seem like we are a couple but that's just they way we show we care about each other. Jonah and I are the same age and we used to have sleepovers all the time. We were neighbors back in Florida. I won't lie, we did try the whole been a couple thing, he was my first kiss and I was his but, it just made everything awkward and we couldn't talk to each other. Everything changed and we didn't like it. So that's why we decided to be friends. And that was like 3 years ago so it didn't matter.
"Okay let's go" I said getting in the car with Seth and Leah in the back.
"So Jonah. We heard you are Bella's bff, is that true?" Seth asked.
"Yes, I like to think that I'm her best friend" he said laughing.
"You are cute you know?" Leah said smirking.
"Thanks" he said blushing.
"He is taken Leah! Sorry better luck next time" I said winking at Jonah playfully.
"Oh is he now! by who?" Leah asked.
"That information is classified" I said and we all laughed. We reach the place and parked. We went in and everybody got got their ice cream flavor.
"You want chocolate right?" Jonah said more as a matter of fact.
"Can we share I really don't want to much ice cream" I said.
"A big cup it is" he said as he order. He ate some and handed me the ice cream as we waited for everybody to finish. After everybody got their ice cream we were walking. Jonah grabbed the ice cream from me and had been eating non stop.
"Hey leave me some" I said smacking his arm.
"You said you didn't wanted much" he said.
"Yeah but I want more than just one spoon full of ice cream" I said and he handed me the ice cream.
"Aww so cute sharing ice cream" Leah said. Oh man they are still doing this try and get Jake jealous thing.
"You know I've been thinking about moving back to Florida." I told Jonah ignoring what Leah said.
"You have? How come everything okay?" He asked.
"I don't know. I feel like I should just forget about everything that has happen here. I was way happier back in Florida" I said looking at Jake and Lizzie holding hands.
" I have a feeling that it's because of something, more like someone" he said looking at Jake and then back at me.
"Here let's talk in private" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me away from everybody else.
"You have been looking at them two the whole day and every time you do your eyes change. Is because of Jacob right?" He asked.
"Yeah, mainly because of him. It's just so many things have happen, among other drama stuff. Why is life so harder now?" I asked placing my head in his shoulder.
"Because we are not kids anymore. It's no longer you and me against high school Ella. It now you against the world" he said placing his head on top of mine. A few tears escaped my eyes.
"Well I definitely liked It when it was just you and me" I said sincerely.
"Me too Ella, me too" he said kissing the top of my head.
"You can't let this get the better of you. Fight this feeling and soon it will disappear" he said
"Trust me I have" I said laughing at myself a little.
"Then don't fight it and fight for him" he said.
"I have done that too, didn't end up well" I said.
"Then keep on trying until you do" he said.
"Thanks Jo, I love you. You know that right?" I said.
"I love you too Ella" he said. I kissed his cheek and Leah smiled looking at Emily! Oh no what are they going to do?
"Don't they look cute together?" Emily asked Sam and he smiled nodding in disapproval.
"What do you mean they don't? Of course they do, right Leah?" She said.
"Couple goals" she said laughing.
"He has a girlfriend" I said laughing as I looked at him and he just smirked.
"Of course he does" she said winking at me. 
"No im serious right Jo?" I asked him.
"Yeah I do, plus I can't date my twin!" He said looking at me and we both laughed until our stomach hurts and tears we running down our cheeks.
"I don't get it" Seth said.
"You don't have" I said patting his shoulder.
"Shall we go my twin?" Jonah asked as he held out his hand.
"We shall my brother" I said as we marched our way to the car.
We went back to Emily's house and Jonah drove off to where he was going to spend the next week at. I gave him a goodbye bear hug as well as doing our goodbye handshake. He drove off and I walked back to Emily's house.
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