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Bella p.o.v
"Oh come on move it people!" I sighted annoyingly.
"We had to get stuck in traffic today of all days. Alice will kill us" Edward said.
"Should we call her and tell her about being late?" I asked sticking my head out of the window to see the cars in front of us.
"I have 20/20 vision and I can't see where the line ends" I said.
"Get back in the car Bella" he chuckled lightly.
"I hate traffic" I said sinking into my seat crossing my arms, whinnying like a baby.
"Alice is calling yo—" Edward began but was cut of by my phone ringing.
"Hello?" I said through the phone.
"WHERE ARE YOU GUYS!?" A very angry Alice yelled.
"Stuck in traffic" I said.
"You've got to be kidding me. Why is the whole universe against me" Alice shunned dramatically.
"Not the whole universe just the 200 cars in from of us" I said trying to humor her.
"I am not in the mood for your humorless jokes Bella" she said.
"Oh wow and here I was thinking about becoming a comedian" I said chuckling.
"Bella" Alice warns.
"Okay okay I'm done" I said smiling.
"Can't Edward find a shortcut, find another exit?" She asked.
"Alice we haven't moved for the past 45 minutes, Edward had to turn off his car to save gas" I said.
"I'm gonna die" Alice said sighting dramatically.
"Well I called and moved our appointment for a later time so you don't have to worry about that" I said
"Okay that's good, we didn't loose our appointment. Okay I can work with that and I'm here at the flower shop so as soon as they open" she said her spirit lifting.
"See everything is okay. We will be fine" I said.
"Okay keep me updated" she said.
"Will do" I said.
"Okay bye. Thank you." She said hanging up.
"Well at least she won't kill us" Edward said
"I'm glad to live another day" I said.
"Eat something Bella. We're stuck here a while" Edward said handing me the bag full of snacks.
"Well normally I would refuse but I am hungry" I said grabbing the bag from him and opening a bag of chips.
"What do you think happened?" I asked.
"Looks like a homicide" he said.
"Really!?" I said shockingly.
"That's what the police is saying" he said.
"Well is good you can read minds. Now my loving genius, can you estimate the waiting time?" I asked.
"So you really want to know?" Edward asked.
"Hmmmm" I nodded.
"2 hours? Maybe 3" he said.
"They changed the appointment to 3pm" I said.
"Good" he said.
"Just make the snacks last 2 to 3 hours" he chuckled.
"It's okay, if I finish them, you can just get me some more, you move way faster then these cars" I said.
"You know I would run the world for you" he smiled lightly.
"Great, so it would be no problem" I winked playfully opening another bag of chips.
"Are you using me?" Edward asked placing a hand over his heart faking to be hurt.
"Maybe I am maybe I'm not. To be or not to be" I said.
"Wow" Edward said laughing.
*cellphone rings*
"Hello" I said.
"Hey Bells, how is it going?" Jake asked.
"We're stuck in traffic. Real bad traffic" I said.
"How bad?" He chuckled.
"2 to 3 hours is it?" I asked looking towards Edward and he nodded.
"What happened?" He asked.
"Homicide" I stated.
"Shit.Bella I gotta go. Talk to you later. Be safe. Love you baby" he said.
"Okay I love you too" I said.
"Seth get in here, that girl is dead" he said his voice seemed distant.
"Crap. He killed her" Seth said before Jake's line went dead.
"Did you hear that?" I asked Edward.
"I did" he said.
"Who killed her?" I asked.
"A vampire, but I don't know who?" He said.
"Oh my god" I gasped.
"But there is more. Something more dangerous about him, because if he wasn't the wolves wouldn't be so worried about it" he said.
"What could it be?" He said.
"I don't know yet, but I will" he said.
Just then we started moving.
Hey guys sorry for the late update now that I'm on summer break, I will hopefully update more!

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