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Bella's p.o.v
We are currently in the ER waiting for me to get stitches. For some weird reason it reminds of the time that Jake was teaching how to ride a motorcycle and I hit my head in the rock, Jake also took my to the ER and I got stitches.
"Bella Swan"a nurse called calmly and proceeded to walk as a sign to follow her. I quickly got up and Rob followed by my side. The stitches stung a little bit but not as much as I expected. Soon we were on our way home again.
"Bella Swan why do you always end up going to the ER!" My mom said sternly walking towards me with a worried look on her face as she grabbed my forehead to examine it like a doctor, which she isn't.
"It's her natural habitat" Elizabeth said innocently.
"What's yours animal control center??" I asked bitterly.
"Excuse meeee" she said in a high pitched voice.
"I'm tired mom would you mind if you talk to me tomorrow. Love you" I said kissing her forehead and turning around but she grabbed my arm.
"Are you sure you feel fine?" My mom asked caressing my head slowly.
"Doesn't even hurt" I forced a wide smile even though I felt my head was about to explode.
"Okay honey. Love you" she said kissing my cheek.
"Are you staying here or leaving?" I asked Rob.
"Staying if momma doesn't mind" Rob asked looking at my mom and yes he calls my mom, 'momma'. My mom nodded in approval.
"You gonna have to share your bed Bella because Jake and Beth are occupying the other room for their stay" she said warmly.
"I'll be fine as long as you don't kick me!" I glared at Rob.
"I don't do it purposely" he said.
"You kick and I will punch you. Got it?" I said sternly.
"Yes ma'am" he said as he made his way to my room.
"I'm taking the right side, you take the left" I said.
"No funny business" my mom warn eyeing both Rob and I.
"No promises" Rob said winking at me and I smacked his arm.
"OUCH! I was just kidding!" He whine while chuckling a bit.
"Try and I'll put those defense classes I took back in sophomore year to test" I said and my
mom laughed.
"Okay okay enough threatening and go to bed" my mom says and we did as told. Rob would wake me up every 2 hours as Doctors instructions.
When morning came I woke to a sharp pain on my back.
"ROB" I whine punching his arm so hard that if he gets a bruise I'll be super proud
"ISA! What the fuck" Rob whine as he stood up.
"I warned you" I said grumpily.
"Great now I can't go back to sleep" he said getting of the bed.
"Thanks to you I can't either" I said doing the same.
And so I went outside and made breakfast for everyone. One by one everybody made their way to the table.
"Good morning pumpkin. You sleep well?" My mom asked setting the table up while Elizabeth hold Jake's hand and then talked to her dad. How much it hurts.
"You okay?" Mom asked grabbing my hand snapping me out of my thoughts.
"ROB KICKED ME!" I said louder than intended.
"She punched me" he said showing his fresh bruise.
"Bella" my mom said.
"Look" I said lifting my shirt up slightly to reveal the bruise in one side on my hip bone.
"Rob" my mom said with the same motherly tone.
"I didn't mean to" he said.
"Sorry hon but I warn you" I said placing breakfast in the table and drinking orange juice.
"Aren't you gonna eat?" My mom asked.
"I'm not hungry" I said
"Come on honey you gotta eat something" my mom said.
"I'm really not hungry mom" I said.
"You know that's a bad habit your boyfriend has. He never eats but it doesn't mean you can't eat. I don't want you getting into the bad habit of his" my mom says.
"Oh talking about Edward how come he didn't came with you. You two never leave each other's side. You guys are like magnets" my mom said taking a bite of her food.
"We broke up" I said taking a sip of my drink
"What?" My mom asked surprised chocking on her food slightly.
"You okay?" I asked with monotone.
"You guys broke up" my mom repeated.
"Yes" I said in a monotone.
"Why didn't you tell me. I'm so sorry honey" my mom said with pity in her eyes.
"Let me rephrase that. I broke up with HIM" I said.
"You did what?" My asked so shocked that her eye almost bulged out of her face.
"Can we not talk about him right now. Here." I said emphasizing the last word.
"Edward is a great guy " Elizabeth said.
"I never said he wasn't" I said.
"Why did you guys break up then?" She asked challenging.
"Sometimes even though you might love somebody, life doesn't work out the way you want it too. Things happen and change is something that is a contast challenge even when  you want everything to stay the same. Sometimes you have to be willing to let go" I said looking at her intensely.
"What?" She asked not following my train of thought.
"You'll understand when you're older. All you need to understand now is that sometimes grown up's need to make tough decisions in life. We good?" I asked.
"I'm not a child" she said.
"Stop acting like one" I said.
"I don't act like a child. Plus look who is talking at least I don't get lost in a forest for a whole day and have a full team of police people and teenagers looking for you everywhere just to find you laying down whining your ass off because your boyfriend left you and because he didn't think you were good enough for h-" she angrily and I felt my blood boil as I slammed my hands hard on the table with a loud 'boom' noise.
"Shut up before I say things your daddy would HATE to hear" I warned glaring at her angrily. Both mom and Phil look at me with wide eyes in shock.
"What are you talking about?" Phil asked still shocked looking at my confusedly. I'm not gonna hurt him by telling him his 16 year old daughter is having sex.
"Stay out of my life or you'll regret it" I told her as I grabbed my keys and headed for the door.
"ISABELLA SWAN! YOU APOLOGIZE TO ELIZABETH RIGHT NOW YOUNG LADY OR YOU WONT LIKE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!" My mom said angrily standing up, grabbing Elizabeth's hand and glaring at me with so much anger in her eyes. I stare back at her not budging by her threat.
"You heard me, do it!" My mom said walking towards me angrily. I bet I had embarrassed her. I've never seen her this mad at me in my entire life yet it didn't bother one bit with my blood boiling and with how pissed I was.
"I'm sorry mom but you know damn well I'm not gonna do that" I told her all eyes on me now. Elizabeth right next to my mom smirking at the current argument I was having with my mom.
"I'm not asking you, I am telling you to apologize. End of discussion!" She said grabbing my arm so forcefully I whine in pain as she pulled closer to Elizabeth.
"Let go!" I said pulling away from her hold holding onto my arm.
"Do it now!" She said angrily.
"You can't tell me what to do" I said. What happened next was so fast yet so slow. I heard a loud noise and then a sharp pain in my left cheek. My cheek burned like hell and my mom's fingerprints were for sure marked in my face. My eyes looked at her with shocked eyes.
"I told you that you wouldn't like what happens next" she said angrily not even looking guilty at the fact that she had just hit me. My mom has never ever hit. And I mean NEVER!
"Don't you ever touch me ever again... Mother" I said bitterly my eyes stung from the tears that were threatening to spill.
SHE HIT ME BECAUSE OF HER! She picked her over me. She defended her instead of me. She should have protected me, told HER to stop talking but no I had to stand up for myself! I feel betrayed by my own mother!
I turned around with a burning cheek towards the door. My mom grabbed my arm forcefully.Again.
"Don't be a brat! I didn't race you like that! You are not the daughter I left in Forks. You are something-something so disappointing" She said angrily.
"Don't fucking touch me!" I yelled my voice cracking, tears ran down my cheeks. She lifted her hand to hit me again.
"What again? Come on hit me! That won't hurt as much as you telling that I'm such a disappointment of a daughter" I said looking at her and her eyes soften.
"I didn't mean-" she began saying softly.
"Save it for someone that's actually willing to hear your excuses but I'm way done taking bullshit from people that don't deserve it" I said slamming the door behind me and headed to my car, turn it on and went to the one place I always go. Forest. The more I tried to stop crying, the harder I cried. I ended up stopping in the side of the road, crying my eyes off. My own mother chose Elizabeth over me. First Jacob and now her! Am I that bad? Maybe I am a disappointment to my mother but she never had the courage to tell me that. Maybe Jake never loved but took pity of me and faked liking me to help me through my depression. Maybe his friendship was fake all along and I made false assumptions in thinking that we could be friends in the first place. Maybe I dragged him into all of my mess. Maybe he hated me for it and never actually told me. Maybe me leaving him was a weight lifted off his shoulder. Maybe his life was much happier without me being in it.
I cried and cried. I cried because of my mom and I cried because Jacob never loved me. I cried because I needed Jacob so much, yet he didn't need me at all. I cried because I didn't want to let go of him, yet he had let go of me a long time ago. I cried because he had given up on me, yet I didn't.
And so I cried silently on my car on the side of the road. It was dark already but I didn't care. I might not even come home tonight. Maybe I should go back to Forks plus I've been hear for almost 3 months. Coming home 2 weeks earlier won't hurt anyone.
I heard a sharp knock on my window which made me jump of my seat with a scream.
"Open the damn car Bella!" A husky voice said lowly. Even though I couldn't see his face in the dark, I knew it was him. Jacob.
"Go home and leave me alone" I said stubbornly even though my heart thank him for being here because for some weird reason it felt like my heart didn't hurt as much. Like in some weird way his presence was all I needed.
"Please just open up!" He said against my window.
"Just go damn it Jacob. Leave me alone. Go shove your face up Elizabeth ass" I said angrily.
"Bella" Jake said annoyingly.
"GO!" I yelled through the window more tears ran down my cheek.
"No" he said.
"I need time to myself" I finished silently in a whisper so low only Jake with is super hear would be able to hear.
"Well I think I gave you enough time to yourself. Open up!" He said.
I angrily opened up the door slamming it behind me. Jake took a few steps back to analysis my physical appearance. I mean I know I look bad but come on at least be settle.
"What!?" I said angrily or at least trying.
"I couldn't just leave you alone" he said looking at me.
"Well I've been doing fine for more than 2 months so I don't need you to worry about me now do I ?" I said bitterly.
"Not because I haven't talk to you lately it means that I haven't missed you. I have, a lot" he said softly trying to calm me down because I was shaking. I wasn't shaking because I was angry, come in I'm not Jacob. But I was shaking because everything was coming down on me and my chest felt heavy like my lungs were being ripped apart. My breaths were heavy.
"I don't care okay Jacob. Can't I be alone? Go home or whatever you want to do. I don't need pity from anyone specially from you. I'm past that, I don't want people getting close to me for pity. Not anymore" I said between breaths and talking faster than normal. My legs were a bit shaky but I managed to stand up straight.
"I don't follow?" Jacob asked confused.
"It doesn't matter. I just don't want pity" I said walking away from him slightly. I just can't be so close to him right now, because I had a huge urge to wrap my arms around him and hug him tight. This feeling was so strong it was killing me inside. What the hell is wrong with me?
"I'm not here for pity, you know I don't do that!" He said softly.
"Look just tell my mom that you saw me and that I'm fine...well at least that I'm still alive" I said being aware that I was far away from being 'fine'.
"You can tell her that when we get home" he said.
"I'm not coming home tonight" I inform him.
"Bella" he pleaded but I was way ahead of him. No way am I going on that death hole.
"Jacob don't even try" I said softly walking back to the door of the driver seat and grabbed the handle. Before I even got to open the door, Jacob's hand was on top of the handle therefore on top of mine. His other hand place on the window, meaning I was locked
By his body from any access inside the car or to walk around. My back was facing his chest, I could feel his heat against my body.
"I don't trust you in this state of mind" he said firmly.
"Lucky for you I do. Trust me I've been through worse" I said bitterly.
"Like when Edward left" he said bitterly and I could picture him rolling his eyes.
"Well it use to be, but not anymore. I don't think that's the worse that's happen to me. Yeah Edward leaving hurt, a lot but I lived through it... with your help of course. But then you lef-" I began but stopped myself. I almost whisper the last part to myself.
"Then I what?" He asked curiosity definite on his voice.
"It doesn't matter. Point is, I've been through worse and I've made it out alive." I said.
"I don't want you getting hurt" he said concern.
"I'm not" I said.
"May I remind you about the 5 stitches in your forehead. Yeah I'm not trusting you" he said and I got a tighter grip on my door handle.
"Jake I'm not arguing with you right now, that's the last thing I need" I said sighting.
"And I'm not trying to start one so please don't make this hard for me" he pleaded again.
"I can't Jacob. I won't go home... at least not tonight" I said.
"Bella I can't live you. Look at yourself. Your eyes are red, your nose is runny, your face is pale, your legs and hands are shaking and it looks like your gonna pass out any second" he whisper in my ear.
"I just can't do it! She HIT me! And she hit me because of her! This is all her fault! I'm such a disappointment! Wow that's something" I said more tears threatening to spill.
"My mom took her side not mine! I had to stand up for myself. That day in the forest, when Edward left. I was ready to die there in the woods, I found no meaning in having a life without Edward. You know how hard it was being there, feeling like my heart was being shattered into pieces. I lost all hope, I let myself go that day! Whoever I was before that happen, disappear in the matter of hours that I was in the ground. That's the day that I let Bella Swan go. What you see standing right in front of you, I don't even know who it is" I said as tears ran felt down my cheeks.
"Jake I'm not going home. I'm going back to Forks first thing in the morning" I told him as I clean my tears.
"Bella" he said heartbroken. His voice sounded so shattered that it made me feel like he felt my pain too.
"Don't say anything. I'm just telling you so you won't think I committed suicide" I said laughing bitterly.
"I know it was way out of line for Liz to say that to you" he whisper.
"Well at least you don't agree with everything your fucked up brainless girlfriend says. I can take her bitchy attitude, I've gotten that since day one, but I will not take bullshit from her" I said anger in my voice again.
"I should have said something" he said guiltily.
"She is your girlfriend after all" I said losing my grip on the handle so my hand was no longer touching Jacob's and he sighted.
"But I know that day was the toughest one of your life" he said.
"Like you said 'was'" I said.
" I'm sorry" he said and I turn around still locked between Jacob's huge figure . He towered over me, he keeps getting bigger!
"YOU don't have to apologize" I said looking up at him.
"When I saw you with your mom... I'm sorry I should have done something other than stare. She hit you pretty hard" he said looking at my cheek and then touching it with his thumb. The sudden movement made me shudder underneath him.
"We both know that's not what hurt me" I said pulling away from his touch but he quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me against his chest wrapping his arms around me.
"I know it wasn't" he whisper through my hair. I try pulling away from his embrace but held onto me tighter
"Don't" he said softly and that about broke me. Whatever strength I had left in me was gone and I began sobbing, crying into his shirt and he just stroke my hair lightly.
"It's okay I'm here" he kept repeating over and over again and somehow having him with me made it feel like it was all alright.
"I'm sorry look I'm gonna talk to her and-" he began but I cut him off.
"No I don't need more bullshit from her" I said pulling away from him suddenly feeling guilty that his shirt was wet.
"I'm-I'm sorry about your shirt" I said wiping my face with the sleeve of my shirt.
"Don't worry about it" he said, his voice a little... I don't know bitter.
"Umm.. are you okay?" I asked softly.
"Yeah I'm fine" he said coldly.
"Okay" I said walking pass him to get in the car. What did I do?
"Why are you such a difficult person?" Jake sighted frustratedly placing his hands into tight fists.
"What?" I asked confusedly once I sat down on the driver seat.
"God, I just can't keep up with you. It's like everything you do and say has a double meaning. Sometimes I feel like you love me and then sometimes you look at me and I think you hate me" he said walking away from the car with his eyes tightly shut and shaking his head from side to side.
"What?" I asked shocked looking him through the dark night.
"It just frustrates me so much that I can't get to you" he said his voice sounded so distant because he kept walking further and further away from me.
I slowly got off the car and walked towards him.
"I'm sorry" I said softly.
"Don't apologize" he said through gritted teeth.
"I do because I keep hurting you and I don't know what to do to stop it" I said only being able to see his back. He suddenly turn around and look at me so intensely.
"Stay" he whisper.
"Then I will get hurt" I whisper to myself.
"What?" I asked sadly.
"Nothing" I said more loudly.
"Bella did you ever truly wanted to be my friend?" He asked.
"What?" I asked.
"Were you ever my friend, like without interest. I knew since day one that you started to hang out with me, that you only did it because you wanted to forget about Edward. But tell me, did you ever hung out with me because you truly wanted to be with me, because you wanted to be with me?" He asked heartbroken.
"So you think that our friendship was fake? I ask sadly.
"Yes" he said his hands still in fists and it only got tighter.
"Well I don't blame you. I just thought that after of all this time, you would know me better than to ask me a question that you should already know the answer to. You want an answer. No my friendship with you was real, at least to me it was. I love you Jacob. You are my best friend" I said looking away sadly, my heart broken. I felt more sad then normal like Jake's pain was my pain.
"I I didn't mean to hurt-" he began.
"Don't say anything. It's really dark. You should go home, I don't want you getting hurt" I said.
"If you aren't going neither am I" he said still not looking at me.
"I think we both know it's best if we give each other space right now" I said walking towards my car
"So 83 days for you isn't enough?" He asked.
"What? No I mean, it's just you're upset and I don't want to upset you even more" I said.
"If you push me away you will. And that's what I think you're doing right now. Pushing me away" he said.
"I'm not, I'm just.. I don't even know anymore. I've been lying for so long, I don't even know the lies I'm telling" I said sadly.
"Then don't. Just be you" he said grabbing my car keys and getting into the driver seat.
"Who am I?" I asked myself.
"You're my Bells" he said.
"Where are we going?" He asked.
"I don't know" I whisper and placed my head on my knees.
"And now you are back to old Bella" he said.
"I use to go to a house up in the woods, my dad bought it for my mom and I when I was little. I don't think my mom remembers that place anymore. I'm staying there the night. Rob already brought my luggage so I'm leaving tomorrow" I said ignoring his comment.
"So he is gonna stay with you?" Jake asked his jaw clenched.
"Yeah" I said softly.
"Looks like you don't need me then" he said bitterly.
"Jacob" I said softly.
"Just don't Bella" he said tightening his grip on the steering wheel.
The rest of the car ride was silent. Nobody said anything and I was too lost in my thoughts to start one either. He is upset and if I say something I'll probably just upset him even more. Once we reached the house, I got down and look back at him one last time.
"Drive safe" I said softly over my shoulder.
"Yeah right" he said bitterly his hands shaking under the tight grip on the steering wheel.
"Maybe you should sleep over, it's pretty late" I offer quietly.
"No thanks. I don't want to disturb" he said bitterly.
"You're not" I said.
"Yeah I'll rather not, plus you have him. You don't need me" he said looking away from me.
"If only you knew how much I actually need you" I whisper to myself.
"Bye Jacob" I said more loudly.
"Bye Bella" he said without even looking away and he drove away.
Looks like someone is 'pushing me away' now and to be honest I don't even know what to do!
HEY GUYS! Hope you like the chapter! Please comment below what you think will happen now? Imprinting?? Hmmm... sounds so familiar. He imprinted on Elizabeth right???
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