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Bella p.o.v
I call my dad twice or three times a day now. I would be lying to myself if I said that my dad was the only reason why I call. Truth is that I get to see Jake twice a day even if Elizabeth is always there. Right now I'm laying down with Rob in my bed watching a movie. We have popcorn and chocolate.
"Rob do you mind if I call my dad?" I asked.
"No no go ahead, I'll make more popcorn mean awhile plus I want to say hi to him" he said smiling at me and going to the kitchen. And so I call my dad for the second time today.
"Hi dad!" I said happily as I saw his face in the camera.
"Hey honey" my dad said walking to the living room.
"You alone?" I asked.
"Nope same old group" he said.
"Is Billy there?" I asked.
"Of course" he said changing the camera focus to Billy.
"Hi Billy, I didn't get to say to you earlier you were out" I said.
"Yeah Jake took me to La Push" Billy said.
"You had fun?" I asked.
"Yeah nice seen family again" he said.
"I'm happy for you" I said.
"Oh Bella honey I hope you don't mind but Jake and Liz have been staying in your room" my dad said.
"What?!" I asked harsher then I meant.
"Sorry but they come everyday first thing in the morning, I thought it was better if they just stayed here" he said.
"A room is like private dad, specially for a girl! I don't want anyone in my room!" I complain.
"Is not like they go through your stuff Bella" my dad argued.
"Dad having someone im my room is disturbing! I don't want them" I whine.
"I can't kick them out now" he said.
"Why didn't you ask me first" I said.
"I don't have to, is my house" he said.
"BUT is my room, you wouldn't want someone sleeping in your room either while you are not home" I said.
"Well there are here now so I can't do anything about it" he said.
"Wow it was so easy for you to give someone else my room. It almost seems like you don't want me back" I said slightly hurt.
"You are making a big deal about it?" He said.
"It's MY roo-" I began.
"How is Rob?" My dad asked changing the topic.
"He's fine" I said.
"What have you guys done?" He asked and I heard voices in the background
"Good morning guys" my dad said looking away from the phone.
"Morning Charlie" I could hear Jake's husky voice said.
"Good morning everybody" Liz said happily.
"Who's on the phone?" Jake asked sitting next to him to see.
"Bella" my dad said.
"Hi" I said
"Hey" he said.
"Where is Rob, Bella?" Liz asked.
"Why you asking?" I asked.
"Well I haven't since him in a long time" she said.
"You saw him yesterday" I said annoyingly.
"Yeah Bella is right. Why would you want to see him?" Jake asked slightly angry.
"I don't know. It's just weird that Rob is not glued to Bella like he always is" she said.
"Well actually I am. What's wrong with that?" Rob asked coming back to the room handing me the popcorn.
"Oh nothing is wrong with that" she said glaring at me.
"Then why ask in the first place?" Dob said laying down next to me.
"Well it's just obvious that you guys are glued to each other all the time. Don't you guys get tired of being with each other all the time. It's like you guys need each other to breath. Isn't annoying?" She asked getting angrier by the minute. Oh wait is she jealous?
"You are kind of describing your relationship with Jacob. I mean you guys are always together isn't that right?" Rob asked eating some popcorn.
"Yeah but I'm talking about you and Bella NOT Jakey and I" she said.
"Why do you care. It's my life?" I said.
"I just don't understand why someone would spend so much time with you" she said.
"Maybe because I'm nice" I said.
"You guys guess what. Jakey and I are leaving today to go to Florida! Hopefully we get to see each other. I'm visiting my dad and stepmother for like 2 weeks so yeah! We will definitely see you soon" Elizabeth said.
"Hopefully we don't" Rob whispered and I laughed.
"And they say that they are not together" Dad said.
"Dad don't start again" I warned.
"I mean at least  Edward would get a hint to move on. He comes every week to see if you are back" my dad said.
"Who is Edward?" Rob asked.
"My ex boyfriend" I said.
"You had a boyfriend, that's a miracle" Rob said jokingly while laughing at me.
"Haha you are so funny that you should be a comedian" I said coldly.
"I'm just kidding you know I love you" he said hugging me.
"Okay" I said.
"You have to say it now" Rob said holding me. It's kind of a thing we did when we were little. If one of us says 'I love you' with a hug you are kind of force to say it. It's a rule.
"Fine fine, I love you too" I said hugging him back.
"Let's go Jakey. We need to pack. See you soon guys!" Elizabeth said.
"Bye Bells" Jake said.
"Bye Jake" I said.
"Bells?"Rob asked.
"His nickname for me" I said.
"So you guys are close?" Rob asked.
"Yeah you can say that" I said.
"He looks older than you. How old is he?"Rob asked.
"16" I said.
"No way, you kidding" Rob said surprised.
"Nope he is younger than us" I said.
"Fuck! He makes me feel bad about myself. He is fit!" Rob said.
"Not even my arms are they big" he said looking down at himself.
"Work out" I said simply.
"I do Isa" he said.
"Well good look friend" I said laughing.
"My ego just took a huge hit" he said.
"Good" I said.
"So the Edward guy, how long were you two together?" Rob asked playing the movie again.
"About a year" I said.
"Why the break up?" He asked.
"I like someone else" I said.
"You do?" He asked.
"Yeah and I couldn't lie to him so I just ended things between the both of us" I said.
"Who do you like now?" Rob asked.
"Jake" I said.
"Billy's son. Wow" he said.
"But he has a girlfriend " I said.
"I think he likes you too" he said.
"Why you think that?" I asked.
"Because everyone I'm with you it looks like he wants to tear me to pieces" He said laughing.
"He is very nice guy trust me, he wouldn't do that" I said.
"If he comes, maybe we can play with him a little" he said.
"What you mean?" I asked.
"Like old times. We would pretend to like each other to get our crush jealous enough to admit it in our faces. Remember those times, ahh they were amazing" he said.
"You think it would work?"I asked.
"Trust me, I'm a guy and if my girlfriend was flirting with some other dude that would about drive me crazy" he said.
"You have a girlfriend?" I asked.
"Yeah.. well we are on a 'break' right now but you can say so" he said.
"What is up with you and Johna not having girlfriends" I said laughing.
"I don't know Isa. I don't know" he said laughing.
"If we see him, we will do 'operation get Jake jealous'" I said.
"PERFECT!" He said excitedly.
"Make to those games again" I said.
"I am so ready!" He said.
2 days later.
"Honey are you ready?" My mom asked.
"Yes" I said for the 10th time.
"Sorry honey I'm just so nervous" my mom said.
"Yeah me too" I said.
"At least Phil is happy she is coming" she said.
"You've never seen her" I said.
"I will today" she said.
"She is on her way!" Phil said excitedly.
"What's the big deal about his daughter?" Rob asked me.
"Don't know" I said.
Ding dong!
"Go open the door Bella" mom said nervously.
"Hi Welcome!" I said opening the door.
"Bella!" Jake said confused and my smile dropped.
"What are you doing in my house?" Elizabeth said.
"Fuck!" I said.
"BETH" Phil yelled excitedly.
"Daddy!" She said pushing me aside.
"This is Isabella, my stepdaughter!" He said.
"We know each other already" I said.
"Nice to you again" she said.
"ROB!" Elizabeth yelled jumping towards him hugging him. Rob stood there still, not moving like a statue.
"Hey" he said patting her back and I hold back a laugh.
"Is so nice to finally meet you!" She said letting go of him.
"Yep" he said pooping the 'p'.
"Dad this is my boyfriend Jake. Jake this is my daddy!" She said grabbing his arm to bring him inside and I closed the door and went back to being next to Rob. As soon as I was close enough to him, Rob put his arm around me and pulled me close to him.
"Oh hi stepmom!" She said hugging her.
"Hi honey" she said hugging her back and I tighten my grip on Rob's shirt.
"You okay?" Rob whispered.
"I want to throw up. Need some fresh air. Wanna come?" I whispered back.
"Yeah let's go" he said.
"Umm mama we gotta go pick up some things from my car be right back, let's go Isa" Rob said while talking to my mom.
"Oh okay you guys go ahead" she said.
"Thanks mamma!" Rob said while holding the door for me.
"Bye mom" I said.
"Wait why don't guys all go while we finishing setting up the table. You and Rob can show Beth and Jake around" Phil said.
"That would be great, thanks daddy!" She said kissing him in the cheek.
"Let's go Jakey" she said grabbing his hand.
"Well let's go then" Rob said grabbing my hand in his and walking out.
"Wanna walk around the forest?" Rob asked Jake and Elizabeth.
"If you want" Elizabeth said.
"Okay" he said.
"Forest really? You wanna kill me" I said sternly.
"I gotcha Isa! I'm not gonna let you fall! You trust me right?" He asked.
"With my life, but it's dark outside!" I whine.
"No excuses!" He said.
"Whatever bossypants!" I said.
"Piggy back ride?" He asked.
"For old times sake!" I said happily. I jumped on his back and he started walking.
"Jakey I want to do that too" she said and before you know it, Jake was beside us with Elizabeth on his back.
"Remember when you hit your head and I had to take you to the ER, that was hilarious!" He said.
"For you" I said.
"You know I love you" he said.
"I love you too but you are a pain in the ass" I said.
"I'm hurt!" Rob said pretending to let go of me and I tighten my grip on him like a cat.
"Wow Isa, chill before you choke the life out of me!" Rob said readjusting his grip around my thighs.
"Don't let go!" I said in a duh tone.
" So where do you guys want to go? Maybe we should take them this way" Rob said.
"But that way is very rocky maybe we should take the other one?" I whispered.
"But there are a lot of unknown animals there. There are bunch of snakes and honey I can tell you they will eat you alive if you fall, which you will and since its my duty to protect you, I have decided to not take that route" Rob concluded.
"Why do you ask me then?" I said annoyingly.
"Because I like annoying you!" He said simply.
"Great" I said sarcastically.
"Let's go this way guys" Rob said finally turning his gaze back on the road.
"Okay!" Elizabeth said excitedly.
"Please don't drop me. My ass + rocks = fuck no!" I told Rob.
"I'm not gonna drop you!" Rob said.
After a while of walking or more like me being on Rob'd back I finally decided to start walking just in case Rob was getting tired which I could not tell cause he had kept his same pace the whole way.
"Okay okay I'm good I want to walk" I said patting Rob's back to make him stop walking.
"Hold on to my arm" he instructed once my feet made contact with the ground.
"I'm a big girl!" I said not listening to him.
"Isa!" Rob warned.
"Trust me I know this place like the palm of my hand" I said making our way down the hill.
"But I'm gonna hold on to you cause we are going down hill" I said grabbing his hand in mine and I felt a sharp gaze at the side of my head.
A few minutes after letting go of Rob's arm I felt my knee gives up on me and my head made contact with something sharp that instantly made me winced. Fuck!
"ISA!" Rob yelled running to my side.
"What part of 'hold on to me' don't you understand?" He said angrily.
"Fuck!" I winced as Rob slowly lifted my up, wrapping an arm around my waist.
"Here let me see. Where did you hit yourself?" Rob asked.
"My head" I said as I placed a hand on the soar place.
"Let's get her back home" Rob said towards a smirking Elizabeth and a worried Jake. How can Jake manage carrying Elizabeth for 1:40 hours???
"Clumsy like always? When are you gonna learn Isabella?" Elizabeth said laughing evilly and enjoying my pain.
"Shut the fuck up chicken legs" I said angrily.
"At least I'm not fat like you" she said angrily.
"Shit it fucking hurts" I whine.
"Yeah you're bleeding" Rob said holding my head in his hand.
"I don't want to hear it" I said as he picked me up bridal style.
"There is a short cut that leads us straight to Isa's house. A ten minute walk" Rob said walking with ease.
"I'm too heavy" I whisper in Rob's ear.
"Please Isa... you weight less than Koba" he said. Koba is his dog.
"My head hurts" I said placing by head on his shoulder.
"Yeah I'm sure. Let get you gone sweetheart!" He said softly and I heard a growl come from Jake.
Hey guys hope you like the chapter!
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What do you want Bella to do?
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