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Bella p.o.v
I'm on my way to airport and Billy wanted to come along so of course I could not say no.
"Make sure to take care of yourself out there" Billy said as we parked the car.
"I will. Please take care of my dad for me would you Billy" I said.
"Honey I don't need anyone taking care of me" Dad said as we took Johna's luggage out of the car along with mine.
"Take care sweetheart I'll see you soon" dad said hugging me.
"Bye dad" I said.
"Take care my girl" my dad said looking at my friend.
"I will sir. Thank you again for everything"Johna said hugging my dad.
"Bye Billy, see you soon!" I hugged him and walked towards the door.
"Florida here I come" I said
Johna and I landed and after having a very emotional reunion with my mother who cried throughout the ride back home, I went to my room that no longer felt like my refuge. Instead it felt like a foreign place. This house no longer felt like my home.
"Hey honey, what you think? Any deja vu, how does it feel being back home?" My mom asked coming into my room.
"To be honest it feels weird" I said.
"Bella honey, remember you love Florida! You cried when I told you that I was sending you with Dad. You just have to get use to Florida again" my mom said.
"I know it's just that I look at this house now and it doesn't feel like home, it doesn't feel right, it's like something is telling me that I don't belong here, that I shouldn't be here. Just forget about its crazy" I said. My heart was shattered and I didn't even know why!
"It's the Edward kid huh?" She said.
"What?" I asked confused.
"Did you guys break up, is that why you haven't being talking a lot and act like a truck ran over you" she said.
"Mom I broke up with him a while ago, we are still friends. I just didn't like him anymore" I said
"Oh wow. Well then why so down Bella?" She asked.
"I honestly have no idea. I was fine and soooo happy to come here and then I got here and felt weird..." I said trying to explain my mom what I was feeling but to be honest not even I knew.
"Anyways bubba and I are gonna go have dinner want to come along?" My mom asked. Bubba is the nickname my mom gave my stepfather.
"No I'm actually not that hungry. I'm tired I'll just go to sleep" I said.
"Okay. Goodnight honey and it's so nice having you back home" she said kissing my forehead.
"Yeah me too I love you" I said.
"I love you too" she said closing the door behind me.
What's wrong with me??

89 more days to go!
It's have now been 2 months in Florida and I have FaceTime my dad a couple of times. I would sometimes see Jake in the background sitting next to a blondie who is Elizabeth embracing each other. They would kiss sometimes and huh. I missed my dad more than I would have expected. I'm actually about to FaceTime him right now!
"Hey Bella" Billy said through the videochat
"Hey Billy what's up?" I said sitting on my bed.
"I'm great your dad went to buy some pizza actually" he said.
"So you're alone?" I asked kinda feeling sad for him.
"No no Jake is here with-" he began.
"Let me guess?Elizabeth" I said.
"Yeah" he said.
"I figured" I said annoyingly.
"Why did you apologized?" I asked seriously.
"You know I had to. I didn't want to loose him. He is all I got" he said sadly.
"Ugh!" I said.
"I'm sorry Bella" Billy said.
"You are a father, I would do the same thing" I said.
"Oh look who it is. Isabella Swan" Elizabeth said from behind Billy smirking at me.
"Are you ever not at my house?" I asked annoyingly.
"Lately I'm always at your house. I got to say you got a nice room and a very very comfortable bed" she said biting her lower lip. Oh fuck no! They did not have sex in my house and worse in my room!
"You were in my room!" I said angrily.
"Yeah Jake and I kinda had some unfinished business" she said.
"You are not allowed to go to my room!" I said angrily.
"But Jake is" she stated.
"He isn't either. Who the fuck do you think you are, to just go into my room and make yourself at home. That is very disrespectful!" I said.
"Jake, Bella is screaming at me!" She whine as Jake made his way to the kitchen.
"Why?" He said looking briefly at the camera and it felt just right to have him so close. The feeling I've had for two months disappear for a second before I realized Jake had his arm wrapped around Elizabeth
"Cause we went into her room!" She said.
"That's nothing don't worry about it" he told her.
"You've got to be fucking with me right now!" I said as my room door opened and in walked a person that I haven't seen in so long!
"ROB OH MY- WHAT!" I yelled drooping my phone as I jumped to hug.
"Hey beauty!" He said hugging me tightly and laughing while I saw my mom recording me from the door.
"How-why? What! I haven't seen you since junior year" I said hugging him again.
"Well I heard you came to visit your mom and decided to come visit you myself!" He said.
"I'm so happy to see you. Oh gash I can't believe you are here! It's so surreal" I said hugging him again.
"You look even more beautiful" he said.
"The same goes to you" I said.
"Well thank you, I am charming" he said.
"Oh shut up. Wait... actually I want you to met someone" I said grabbing my phone.
"Billy this is Rob. Rob this is Billy" I said through the little camera.
"Very nice to met you young man"Billy said.
"Nice to met you too Sir" he said kindly.
"Oh that is Billy's son and his son's girlfriend" I mention to the two that were in the back.
"Nice to met you Rob" Elizabeth said seductively.
"Billy do you know when my dad is gonna be coming home?" I asked ignoring the stare I was getting from Jake.
"About 5 minutes I think" he said.
"Okay well I'll just stay on the phone. Here Rob hold my phone for a second" I said handing him my phone and going through a box to find a bracelet that he had made me when we were little.
"Look Rob I still got it" I said showing him.
"No way! That's crazy I still have yours too. We were such dorks back then, making friendships bracelets.Do you think Johna still has his?" He asked.
"Knowing Johna probably lost it on his way home that same day we made it" I said laughing.
"Put it on" he said and I did as told.
"See beautiful" he said laughing.
"Billy I met Rob when I first came to Florida, before Johna. My mom is best friends with Rob's mom and so naturally we were obligated to get along. We've known each other for a long time" I explained and Billy nodded happily.
"He looks like a good boy" he said.
"He is but he moved away half way through Junior year I haven't seen him since." I said.
"Well he is here now!" Jake said annoyingly barely above a whisper.
"And I'm so thankful for the surprise" I said.
"Hey who gave you that bracelet. The one with the wolf, it's pretty sick!" He said looking at it.
"Graduation gift. Billy's son, Jacob made it for me" I said simply.
"That's so cool dude!" Rob said through the camera.
"Thanks" Jake said.
"So you made that. How long did it take you?" He asked.
"About 2 weeks" Jake said. Huh I never asked him that.
"You got talent" he said.
"Thanks I guess" Jake said.
"Yeah Jakey has so many skills. We once fixed broken motorcycles that Isabella brought" Elizabeth said.
"You own a motorcycle?" Rob asked surprised.
"Umm.. kinda hit my head on a rock and had to give it away" I said.
"Well Isabella is always clumsy, you must know that" Elizabeth said.
"Yeahhhh. We were once on a school camping trip and she and I chose to be together as roommates and everything. She really had to pee and so she had to pee on a tree. I waited for her and after she was done and coming down the hill, she tripped over thin air and twisted her ankle. That was the end of camping trip" he said laughing
"I tripped over a rock, how many times do I have to tell you before you believe me" I said annoyingly.
"Fine fine but just know there was nothing there. I checked" he said.
"Then what the hell did I tripped over with?" I asked.
"I have no idea" he said.
"Bella your dad is here" Billy said.
"Bella?" Dad asked.
"Hey dad!" I said happily.
"There is a boy in your room, explai- wait Rob! Oh wow I haven't seen you in so long! What's going on?" He asked happily.
"Hey Charlie! I came to surprise Bella" Rob said.
"Oh please tell me your mom got that on camera" my dad said chuckling.
"I did" my mom said coming into the room.
"Send that to me asap! I need to see the reaction to her seen her boyfriend after years" my dad said.
"Dad we are not together" I said.
"Please we all know you guys we're practically married to each other" my dad said.
"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes.
"Charlie, Lizz and I are leaving goodnight" Jake said in a tone that I could not make out.
"I just brought pizza you guys" Charlie said slightly disappointed.
"Yeah babe plus I'm starving and we can get to know more about Isabella's boyfriend" Elizabeth said obviously trying to get to me.
"There is not a lot to it. They have been inseparable their whole life, they wouldn't do anything without each other, they love each other to death, they would take a bullet for each other, their each other's ride or die. Practically married to each other without the paper work. What else?" My mom said.
"Well I don't know, you basically just summarize our whole life existence in less than 30 seconds" I said.
"Your welcome" my mom said winking at me before leaving us.
"She did not just winked at you" Rob said bursting out laughing.
"Dad did you see that?" I asked laughing.
"She is a weird fellow" my dad said chuckling.
" like mother like daughter" Elizabeth said.
"Dad I gotta go, we are going out to dinner talk to you later" I said.
"Bye Bella, and nice seeing you again Rob. No funny business you two. I like you and all but she is still my daughter and I'm still her father. So keep hands to yourself" Dad warned.
"I've never fail you sir" Rob said.
"And I hope you keep it that way" he said.
"Bye love you" I said ending the call.
"Well let's go, you have one more month left and I'm planning on making it the best" Rob said grabbing my hand.
"Let the adventures began shall we?" I said.
Hey guys! Hope you like the chapter. Any thoughts on Rob? New character. What do you think is gonna happen? Do you like him?

An Undiscovered Love ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora