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Bella p.o.v
We came back and Alice looked impatient.
"Sorry long line" I said.
"It's fine now we need to talk" Alice said sternly.
"Yes of course" I said moving over so we could have more privacy.
"You know why I'm here Bella I think you know that" she said.
"Yes of course I know what about him" I said.
"He loves you Bella I hope you know that. He is hurt, he can't live without you" she said.
"I know he loves me but I can't be with him if I don't love him"I said.
"You don't love him anymore?" She asked surprised.
"Well I don't know I'm confuse. I don't want to be with him if I'm confused about my feelings it's not fair for the both of us. Alice I told Edward that I needed time. Time will help me solve my feelings not him pressuring me every second" I said.
"I understand Bella but it's just that he loves you too much that it just hurts him to just think about a future without you" she explain.
"I know Alice I felt like that once too remember, the depression blah blah. I know how it feels right now but hopefully I'll get better for him. Like I've said before I need time, I need space Alice" I said.
"Okay Bella I'll tell him. But just think about it okay he loves you so much too much for his own good" Alice said squeezing my hand and getting up and hugging me.
"Hopefully we can still be friends" Alice said.
"Of course that won't change as long as you don't want it to change" I said.
"Well I don't so we are in the same page" Alice said giving a big smile.
"Well then that's great!" I said.
"Okay see you tomorrow at the la push party" she said hugging me and leaving.
"Okay so we will all meet right next to the "spot"" Mike said smoothly winking at me causing for me to throw s grape at him.
"Hey I was just trying to flirt since I heard you are free" he said defensively.
"Not for you I'm not" I said laughing.
"That's rude you should give everybody an equal chance" he said crossing his arm.
"Well sorry I'm not all about the justice" I said laughing.
"Whatever" he said chuckling.
"Well are you guys inviting anybody?" Angela asked.
"Yeah Leah, Emily, and Seth" I said.
"Cool cool" mike said.
"Anybody else?" He asked.
"No I don't think" Angela said.
"Well then Bella is bringing new people to our squad than haha" he said.
"I guess I am" I said smiling.
"I'm so happy we are going shopping cause I need something to wear" Angela.
"But I NEVER said we were going shopping" I said.
"Oh I just did" Angela said laughing.
"Very funny" I said.
Time skip////://///:::::::://////:::
Biology the one clase I did not want to go to.
Here we come.
"Angela hold on tight" I said and she squeezed me hard that made me laugh. She always take things too literal.
"Bella" Edward said behind us that made Angela and me jump. He came out of nowhere.
"Dang you came out of nowhere!" Angela said annoyed by the fact she almost got a heart attack.
"Yeah" I said.
"Apologizes to the both of you" he said.
"You shall be forgiven this time" Angela said.
"Bella do you think we can talk?" He asked.
"Sure at our table, please let go Ange." I told my best friend.
"Oh sorry see you right after class I'm leaving with you, you are my ride don't forget" Angela said.
"I would never" I said.
We reached the table and sat down.
"So Alice talked to me and told me that you are confused about your feelings" he said.
"And that I need time yes that's right" I said.
"Confused as to that you don't know if you love me or as to that you like someone else?" He asked.
"Both" I said and the teacher came in
"It's Jacob right?" He asked.
"I don't want to tell you anything else cause I know it hurts you" I said.
"But just tell me if I'm right" he said.
"I told Alice to give me time and that's what I want so can you do for me please" I asked.
"Sure if that guarantees for me to see you again" he said.
"No it doesn't Edward but I want you to know that I appreciate everything that you have done for me" I told him.
"I love you Bella please think about staying with me and not go with Jacob please" Edward said.
"Edward if you don't give me time this will be it I'm not going to think about anything okay" I said.
"Okay but we will still have to deal with each other we are partners" he said.
"I know that but let's  keep it that way, work related please" I asked.
"Sure sure" he said. The rest of the class period went by slow until the bell ring I grabbed Angela and left.
"So what happened?" She asked.
"Nothing much but he is not taking things easily or making me form my own opinions. You know like he is after me every single minute it has started to get annoying but hey he loves me so I understand, I used to send Alice letters everyday so I can't judge" I said still walking and then I saw Jacob. He is here! YAY!
"I know he looks devastated but he has to respect your opinion. He can't force you to do anything so don't worry about it" she told me.
"I know I told him to give me time but he is too desperate you know. But anyways you want to grab something to eat and then go to the mall?" I asked.
"Sure but I need to grab money first so we need to go to my house" she said.
"Oh look Jacob!" Angela said.
"Oh I didn't see him" I lied
"Let's go say hi!"Angela said dragging me.
"Wait wait wait! No hold on! Angela let go! No no!" I said trying to pull back.
"No don't be shy Bella he is your friend don't be rude!" Angela said.
"Angela let go and let's go to the car!" I said trying to pull back.
"No no no!" She said we were getting closer and Angela made enough noise so he would turn around. He was with HER! Lizzie! Ugh he came to pick her up!
"He is busy let's go Angela don't do this to me!" I said.
"That bitch really you are stronger then her!" She whispered.
I suddenly felt someone grab my  wrist. I turn around to see Edward.
"Edward I told you I needed time!" I said while Angela tried pulling me her way. He is stronger so I didn't move.
"Ouhhhh Angela you are going to trip my arm off and Edward let go of me!" I said.
"You are going to see him I can't let you go!" He said.
"Let go of me Edward please" I whispered.
"But you are going to see Jacob!" He whispered back.
"ALICE!" I yelled after her.
"Yes" she said calmly.
"Tell your brother to let go of me please" I told her.
"Oh sure sorry about that" she said.
"Edward I told you. You don't want your future becoming a reality do you?" She whispered softly.
He let go of me and walked away as quickly as possible. Alice gave me a sympathetic look and left.
"Well that was awkward" Angela said.
"Let's just go" I said.
"Oh no I haven't forgotten about Jake" she said literally making fly down the stairs and me being clumsy I fell in the last two stairs and to the floor.
"Bella are you okay I'm so sorry forgot you are clumsy" she said picking me up.
"Oh Angela how could forget?" I asked getting up.
"I'm sorry but hey Jake is coming over here so it helped" she told.
"You pushed me to make him come here that's just rude, my bones don't have to suffer!" I said.
"Well hey everything counts in love war" she told me.
"What? Love war? I'm not in a love war" I asked confused.
"Oh please Bella everybody can feel the tension between the sophomore girl and you" she said.
"Let's go please like NOW!" I said.
"Fine" she said smirking and I turned around to leave but guess who was behind me. Jake and guess who fell in top of him, well me.
"Oh sorry Jake" I said trying to get up but fell in the intent.
"Sorry sorry" I said blushing. Jake just laughed and helped me up.
"I'm so sorry I didn't see you there" I said.
"It's okay Bells how are you?" He said hugging me .
"I'm good and you?" I asked.
"Good I came here to pick up Lizzie" he said smiling.
"Oh this my friend Angela. Angela, Jacob Black" I told her.
"Oh hi Jacob nice to meet you" she said.
"Jay!" Lizzie yelled.
"Well you better go before your girlfriend gets mad and turns into a werewolf" Angela said laughing bitterly.
"Angela!" I whispered yelled. How ironic that she will become a werewolf.
"What his girlfriend is calling him" Angela said.
"Jay come on let's go!" She yelled.
"He is coming girl Chill!" Angela yelled.
"Angela you need to chill" I whispered.
"Hey Bella!" Lizzie came from behind Jacob and wrap her arms around him. My blood was boiling.
"Hi" I said.
"Angela we've got to go I need to cook for my dad" I told Angela.
"You live with your dad? What about your mom? Did she abandon you?" She asked bitterly.
"No she didn't I decided to live with my dad for a while" I said.
"And you left your mom?" She asked.
"Yes is there a problem?" I said annoyed.
"Oh no no it's just I wouldn't do that to my mom that's all" she said.
"Well it's good that I'm not you" I said.
"Yeah cause I wouldn't want to be you not to be rude or anything" she said.
"You are shady girl! Better shut your mouth before I shut it for you" Angela said glaring at her.
"Okay then let's go!" I said grabbing Angela's arm.
"I'm watching you" Angela said.
"Ange. Let's go! Bye Jake see you later" I said.
"Bye Bells" he said smiling. We walked to the car.
"I don't like that bitch!" She said.
"Me neither but I got to deal with it. I have to gain Jake's friendship back and she is on the way. She likes him and won't stop at any cause" I said.
"I can tell she wants you out of the way. Buy you've got me just tell me when you want me to jump on her for you" she said.
"No no no! I don't want any fights okay" I said looking at Angela.
"Fine but if that girl touches you, I would make her wish to question her existence" she said.
"Let's just you psycho!" I said laughing.
The day went by and Angela and I got some cute clothe for tomorrow.
Time skip
The day went by fast and Edward was acting like himself, we would talk like friends so that's good. I called Leah and invited Seth along with Emily. She said that she would meet us there. Angela was coming with me.
Hey guys hope you like the chapter
Take care Bri.

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