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For the next few weeks Tamsin found himself being followed. He became a serial killer, something he thought he'd never do. Every time he found himself followed he left behind the bodies for the mafia to deal with.

He thought the news would get out and the public start panicking, but apparently the mafia boss only sent the men he didn't like out to follow Tamsin. He'd laugh if it wasn't so sad. Damn he misses talking to his sisters and brother. He missed his father too and when he's truly honest with himself he misses Calus.

Of all those he misses the most only Calus is still alive, but there's no way in hell he'd ever talk to Calus willingly again. Not after the betrayal Calus did. Still the pain and loneliness of his losses drive him. He starts working as many hours as he can to drown out the pain.

"Tamsin." The voice comes out of nowhere and stops Tamsin in his tracks. He looks around carefully. He hadn't felt like he was being followed this time. "We need to talk. I don't want to die, so can you please talk to me under a flag of truce or whatever?"

"Why should I talk to the man that betrayed me Calus? You're number two on my hit list," Tamsin replies.

"Oh, I thought I'd be the number one. Who do you hate more than me?" Calus replies staying hidden in the shadows.

"The boss," Tamsin replies shortly.

"Well that's a relief I guess. And it's definitely reasonable for you to feel that way. But I need to talk to you and would rather do it without having to worry about you killing me."

"I really don't have anything to say to you Calus," Tamsin replies.

"I know who killed your sisters," Calus says softly.

Tamsin stiffens at those words. He thought Calus ordered the hit that's what he said anyway. 

"Look, I know you're in no mood to talk to me right now." In fact Tamsin is finding it very difficult to fight his killer instinct. "Give me a call and we'll set up a meet. I'll only tell you if you meet with me face to face and don't kill me."

Tamsin laughs bitterly. "You want me to trust you, the one that betrayed me to the mafia, and meet with you face to face where it'll be easy for them to set up a sniper or someone else to kill me. You must be insane. Go to hell Calus."

"I did what I was ordered to Tamsin. I'm as much a prisoner in my world as you are lonely in yours. Not even my father's status in the mafia would protect me should I go against the boss. When you're ready give me a call," Calus says and fades out of Tamsin's senses.

Tamsin continues on to his location. He doesn't stay in any one place any more and drifts to wherever. He chooses a hotel at random and goes in to think about what Calus told him. He'd never thought of Calus as being a prisoner in that world before. Doing so takes the anger he feels towards him down, but doesn't take it away completely. He does understand about taking orders and doing what you're told even if the orders are wrong. He's had to do that more than once in his work. But at least when the shit hit the fan he wasn't the scapegoat.

He could really use some alcohol right now to help chill him out but if he did he'd lose control over himself and that wouldn't end well for anyone near him. He tries desperately to calm down but finds it difficult with the anger so close to the surface. After a time the deep breaths and counting lower the anger to a level that makes it possible for him to sleep.

Two days later Tamsin is finally able to control himself enough that he can talk to Calus without wanting to attack him on sight. "Calus," Tamsin says calling his friend.

Calus, on the other end of the line is blinking in surprise. He'd offered but didn't think Tamsin would take him up on the offer. "Tamsin, I wasn't sure... Hell I was sure that I wouldn't hear from you again. Tell me how can I help you?"

"I'll call you tomorrow with the details of where, but wait for me at the park's entrance at noon. There I'll call you with the information of where to meet me. I will know if you are there and I will know if you are with any of the other mafia. If you don't come alone or you are followed I will kill you and whoever you are with even if it means I won't find out who killed my sisters. Do you understand?" Tamsin says it all in his most deadly voice and Calus has no doubt that he means every word of it.

"I understand," Calus wonders if he should take him up on this. But he owes it to Tamsin, even if he can't get Tamsin's forgiveness. He also isn't sure he'll survive the encounter and knows it's the price he might have to pay.

"You can bring a weapon if you want, it won't matter," Tamsin says right before hanging up.

Calus sits there gawking at nothing as he listen's to the tone of his phone that indicates the call has ended. Oh, he's going to bring a weapon all right, but not to use against Tamsin. It will be used to make his own death faster. Tamsin so far has killed the mafia men quickly and rather painlessly. Calus doesn't think the same will hold true for himself when Tamsin finds out just how far his betrayal has gone. And even if Tamsin does let him live, he knows the boss won't go easy on him.

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