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"History is repeating itself tonight," Jordan says quietly as he waits with Jasmine in the foyer for others to show up.

Jasmine looks at him, smiles and wipes the tears away. It hadn't escaped her attention either. Jordan accepted the invitation to join them at the concert. Like Jasmine, Earth music wasn't really his thing, but Charry loves it. So he invited Charry and she'd accepted although she still hasn't fully forgiven him yet.

"I know, but still different. Darren and Jeremy are two very different men." Jasmine whispers her thoughts out.

"He's a good man Jasmine. He will care for you, but at the same time not smother you. Yes, he is different than Darren, but I think in a good way," Jordan says smiling at his sister.

Jasmine looks at him confused and so he continues, "Darren was still very immature Jasmine. He loved you make no mistake, he was crazy about you. But in the long run I'm not sure that you two would have made it. If love were enough than perhaps, but I don't know, there was something missing, something vital I think," Jordan shrugs.

"You think that Jeremy has it though?" Jasmine demands.

"I'm not sure yet, but what I do know is that he's a real man, Jas, he will take care of his duties and responsibilities, and of course his loves. You could do far worse." Jordan smiles, "I've turned down offers for you Jas. Of course if I hadn't Tamsin would have. That they were sent to me and not to him shows their lack of respect to him. Jeremy so far is the only one that has the guts to face Tamsin and ask his permission." Jordan smiles warmly at some of those he's turned away.

"You turned away people Jordan?" Tamsin says having silently entered the foyer.
"Yes, several actually. But if they don't have the guts to face you then they aren't good enough for Jasmine." Jordan shrugs and Tamsin smiles the beast is pleased at this reply.

The two ladies come down the stairs and Tamsin and Jordan inhale sharply at how beautiful they look. They leave Jasmine to go over and escort them down. At that time the doorbell rings and Jasmine allows the butler to open it.

Jeremy looks at Jasmine and is speechless. He hands her the flowers he brought her and Jasmine smiles delightedly. After smelling them she hands them to the butler and tells him to place them in her room once they are in water.

"You are beyond beautiful Jasmine," Jeremy finally finds his voice. Jasmine blushes and looks at the floor as the others join them.

"Ladies you all look beautiful," Jeremy says handing each lady a flower. Tamsin and Jordan both give him dirty looks. The ladies smile and give their significant others looks wondering where their flowers were.

Jasmine smiles and accepts the arm Jeremy holds out to her. "I made reservations at a restaurant I hope you like. It's actually one my company owns." Jeremy says as they all leave the house and move to the limousine that will be taking them around for the night.

Jeremy ushers Jasmine in first then would have offered the other ladies but the looks the men were giving him made him change his mind. He goes in next and makes sure to do up his safety belt once he's seated next to Jasmine. Seeing her smile warms his heart. The other four climb in and find seats and do up their safety belts as well. Jeremy normally wouldn't have done up the safety belt but for Jasmine he's finding that he'd do anything.

"How's Darren doing? I haven't seen him for a few days," and he misses him he realizes.

Jasmine smiles happily glad that he asked. She worried that maybe Jeremy didn't like her son after all. "He's doing fine, but I think he misses you. He keeps looking around for someone and then gets sad. Sometime he starts crying and won't stop no matter what I do. Poor Tamsin has had to get up and hold him. He can usually get him to sleep." Jasmine personally thinks that Darren wants Jeremy and is upset that he's not here.

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