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Tamsin moves through the darkened streets. He knows the prey hasn't gone home. They'd been too happy at the successful outcome of their infiltration. They were fools and idiots working for an even bigger idiot.

Nobody betrays him and lives. Betraying Shelby is the same as betraying him. There is no way Shelby would have ordered that attack. She has grown close to the Damskin girl. She doesn't like how hard Jasmine is taking Darren's death. She is aware of the proposal Jeremy Stotweiler had given and Jasmine's interest. She also knows that Jenna is in favor of a union between the two if things work out. And Shelby never goes against Jenna's wishes, especially not when it comes to Jenna's kids.

Tamsin finds them, all four celebrating in of all places, his strip club. The beast doesn't know whether to snarl in anger at this or laugh at the irony. He retreats allowing Tamsin to take over at least for now.

Tamsin thinks over what he wants to do. He decides that the club needs to be closed for remodeling starting tonight. He smiles and the beast does too.

Entering the club he is immediately greeted by wide surprised eyes and hearty welcome's by his employees. He doesn't come here much. Jenna wouldn't approve, hell she'd tie his intestines up in knots after eviscerating him, if he came here other than for strict business that can't be done elsewhere. This counts as that kind of business.

Tamsin goes back to his office and finds his desk newly unoccupied, the manager standing at attention and waiting for Tamsin's orders.

The manager is nervous and smells of fear. Tamsin's smile doesn't help. Tamsin finds it hard to reign in the beast with the quarry so close and the man smelling of fear before him.

"Relax Benny, you've done a fine job so far. I'm not here about anything you've done. The club is doing well and few problems have been reported, all seems well. Now I want you to quietly pass the word to all our workers to start evacuating the club. These four," Tamsin pulls up the photos and shows them to Benny, "are to be held until all others are out.

"Once every one is out except these four close and lock the club all exits. Tomorrow you'll need to call in a clean up crew. Then I'll be sending over contractors to redo the club. The club will be closed for at least two weeks. It will likely take that long for the cleaning and remodeling to take place. Tell our people that they will be paid for the hours they'd normally work. The strippers and others that go mostly on tips will receive half their pay again. The higher earning workers figure out their average and pay that." Tamsin gives his orders, he's watching the club, he's found his quarry and they are paying attention to the strippers, one is even getting a lap dance. Tamsin doesn't even turn around as Benny leaves the room.

Benny immediately starts having his people silently evacuate the club. No one argues, they had all seen or heard about Tamsin coming in. If he's here and ordered the evacuation, then they don't want to be here.

When the whores hear that he's here some try to go see Tamsin. But when they see how white faced Benny is they decide to leave Tamsin alone. That's when they remember Jenna's promise to them if they ever touched Tamsin again. They know about Tamsin's reputation and Jenna promised to do far worse than he ever has. Most don't know Jenna and don't believe the warnings, but those that do heed her warning and stay as far away from Tamsin as they can get.

Once the place is empty other than the four and some security that are holding the four in Tamsin comes out. "Very nice Benny. Now you and these nice men are free to go. I need to have a little talk to my friends here and don't need any one to hear what I have to say. When the beast takes over any one here besides myself will be considered a traitor. Do I make myself clear? So you better make sure everyone is gone."

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