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They return to the table, Charry white and silent, Jasmine smiling happily. Jeremy looks at her with a question and she whispers that she'll tell him later. He nods and just as she sits down the food is brought out.

Jeremy is enjoying the food and the company but he can't help but feel he'd rather have Jasmine all to himself. He also wishes that Charry hadn't nixed the idea of him staying the night at their house. When Jenna offered he was just about to say yes when Charry spoke. There was no way he was going to cause trouble within the family.

Instead he slips his free hand under the table and grabs Jasmine's free hand and feels her fingers close around his. He feels much better with this interaction.

He feels even better when he looks over and finds Jasmine smiling at him. Something warm spreads through him and he realizes that he's fallen in love with the woman at his side.

The realization stuns him but no one seems to notice the look on his face. Or perhaps one does, it's hard to tell what Charry's thinking ever since she returned to the table with Jasmine.

The light talk continues unabated but Charry and Jeremy are no longer contributing. Jenna watches in amusement. She doesn't know what happened to Jeremy, but she does Charry. Jordan's timing wasn't the best and like Jasmine she doesn't appreciate him giving Charry the bracelet without telling her what the significance is.

Tamsin only occasionally adds something he's watching, or rather the beast is watching Charry trying to figure out what she will say.

Charry finally looks up and sets her sights on Tamsin. "Why Tamsin? You've always refused before but now you're giving him permission."

This is what the beast has been waiting for. His voice is darker than any of them have ever before heard it, even Jenna. "I lost you and Melanie, you left. I almost lost Jordan like I lost Darren. I wasn't, I'm not going to lose you again. Any of you, Jordan will not do to you again what he did to you now."

"Perhaps, but he's still only sixteen. He's of better social standing and could get any female he wants, hence the problem we had. He's not sure of what he wants now. He's too young, how can I accept this when he can't even know his own mind. Yes, I realize that he very likely does want me back now. But what about in two years from now? Three? How about when he gets tired of me and Melanie making demands on his time?" Tears are starting to run down her face.

"Those are valid fears. But there are no guarantees in life Charry. You should know that as well as I. If after you are married and you find that you truly can't stand him I will allow a divorce. That is the deal I have made with Jordan. The betrothal is ironclad there will be no going back if you accept it, but after the marriage, well divorce is rare in the elite circle, but not unknown. I won't have you unhappy no matter how much I'd prefer to keep you all together. And for that reason I leave it up to you on whether or not you accept the betrothal." Tamsin sits back and slowly the glow from his eyes dims.

"Charry, I've made some pretty bad mistakes with you. I am about as imperfect as they come and I won't blame you a bit if you reject my proposal. I will leave when we get back if that is your verdict. It's easier for Tamsin if it's me that leaves than if you and Melanie do. But if you do choose that route please let me continue to see my daughter. I want to be a part of Melanie's life, as much as you'll let me." There are actually tears on Jordan's face when he finishes. He doesn't think that Charry will accept it.

Jasmine looks over at Tamsin in shock, "You'll let Jordan go?"

"Not willingly no, but as he said it will be better for him than for Charry and Melanie to leave. Better for everyone not just me. The beast isn't happy about this but he has agreed it is the only way for this family. Jordan isn't lying Charry, he will fulfill all the terms he stated and a few that he hasn't. There is a written contract back at the mansion that is waiting for signatures. As guardian for you both I could have already signed it and he would sign it and it wouldn't be necessary for you to do so. The beast was all for this route, but I warned him that if we did that you would likely never forgive us. But he's only willing to give you until the end of this night to make your decision or he will make it for you. 

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