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"One last thing Jeremy, if you do to her what Tamsin and Jordan did you will not live. The only reason Jordan survived my ire is because he is my son." Jenna warns.

"What did they do?" Jeremy asks nervously.

"They cheated on us. They didn't consider blow jobs as cheating, but believe me it is. That means no more visits to Tamsin's pet. Just because it's not a female doesn't mean you aren't cheating." Jenna tells him seriously.

"I see. Thank you for giving me a heads up. I really wouldn't want to hurt her or get on your bad side." Jeremy says swallowing hard.

Jenna smiles at him, "I'm glad we understand each other. Now go help my daughter, she does like you."

Jeremy walks over to the disconsolate girl. He picks her up and sits down in her chair and puts her back on his lap. "Jeremy," Jasmine gasps.

"Yes," Jeremy says holding onto Jasmine lightly. He didn't want to force her to stay there if she decides to leave. He's glad that she doesn't seem to want to move. She is happy to stay where he put her.

"Why are you here Jeremy? I thought you left." Jasmine says almost losing control of her voice while she talks.

"I almost did. But then I thought, I would ask you one last time. Let me take you out next week and if you still don't wish to have anything to do with me then I will leave you alone. I am hoping that I will be able to convince you that I'm at least friend material, although I'm hoping for more."

"Why are you doing this Jeremy?" Jasmine asks softly. "I know what you told me before, but that doesn't explain why you are here."

"I came back because I am hoping for you to change your mind. I know I'm not very romantic. The way I explained things is about as unromantic as it gets. Really I'm not very good with girls. Hell I'm not good with anything. I wasn't kidding when I said you'd be better off with someone else." Jeremy sniffs, "There's a reason my parents didn't want to leave Mountain Homes Industries to me. I'm hopeless when it comes to business. I'm hopeless in everything I guess," Jeremy sighs. He waits just enjoying having Jasmine on his lap.

"What did you have in mind Jeremy?" Jasmine sighs out giving up.

"What do you like to do? We could just go out for dinner, there's a concert some Earth music I believe. Or if you prefer we could go to the movies or take a walk in the park and talk. I'm open to suggestions." Jeremy let's the silence grow, "of course there's also a ball if you'd like to go to that."

"A ball?" Jasmine is nervous, she'd never been invited or at least she's never seen an invite to one

"Yes, one of the elites, I forget which one, is throwing a ball in three days. I know it's rather short notice but I would like to escort you. I've never taken a date with me before and I've found them deadly dull. So maybe it's not a good idea after all." Jeremy sighs, he doesn't think that she'll accept him after all.

"Yes. I'll go with you to the ball if Jenna will help me find something appropriate to wear. I'll have to ask her to watch Darren too," Jasmine says softly.

"Darren?" Now Jeremy is confused. He thought Darren was dead.

"Oh, sorry, I named my son after his father. I guess no one's ever told you my son's name," Jasmine looks up at Jeremy. "It isn't going to be a problem is it?" She is nervous about his answer.

Jeremy looks at her and smiles, "No, I think Darren would be pleased to have his son named after him." His smile drops, "If we do go to the ball there might be more than a few whispers. The elite can be real bastards when they want to be. I imagine that's why Tamsin and Jenna have kept you away. Talk to me about anything they say to you and I promise to do the same with anything they tell me about you. They are spiteful creatures and love to hurt others. It is perhaps not the best of places to have a first date." Jeremy is already regretting mentioning the ball. He is more or less forced to attend due to obligations but he doesn't want Jasmine to have to be hurt by those people.

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