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The next morning the commotion in the halls wakes Jeremy up. He doesn't want to hurt Jasmine so he changes clothes before seeing what's going on.

"Jenna?" His soft voice has Jenna turning around as it does Jasmine as well.

Jenna gives him a brilliant smile. "Tamsin called, that idiot Jordan woke up. He'll be fine." Tears of happiness fall down her face as she says this.

Jeremy smiles as well but his eyes found and were locked on Jasmine. She looks more than a little off center by his appearance there this morning but then a pleased smile takes it's place on her face. "I'm happy for all of you. I'll be happy to take you to the hospital if you'd like?" His invitation is for all of them but he doesn't take his eyes off of Jasmine.

"We need to eat breakfast first. Then we'll take you up on that, we'll pop in say hi then we'll have to leave." Jenna says rushing about. She pauses, "I know that this is a terrible imposition for you, but would you stay and help with the kids? Darren seems to like you and he's far more picky than any of the other kids. Calus will be back to help but Shelby has to return to her duties."

Jeremy is pleased to help in any way that he can. That Darren likes him when he doesn't like many pleases him even more.

"I know I should have told this to you last night, there are unused toothbrushes in the top drawer in the bathroom. The dining room for breakfast is downstairs to the left and the first door on the left. We'll be joining you as soon as these monsters get fed." Jenna is happy and more than a little satisfied with Tamsin's claiming Jeremy, he will make a nice addition to the family. Jenna moves happily off to the nursery to get her two lovely monsters.

"Thank you for staying last night and for your help today. This is my family mess and you don't need to be covered in it." Jasmine's soft voice is barely heard above the noise from the nursery. Darren is in her arms and is once more staring at Jeremy before making motions towards him.

Jasmine is startled and barely manages to keep her hold on the child before he falls. For one so very small he manages to get some real momentum going.

"May I?" Jeremy holds out his arms for the young child and Jasmine hands him over. A look of joy and love overtakes Jeremy. Jasmine is fascinated by it. "He's a beautiful child Jasmine, you are very fortunate."

Jasmine can't help the tears that form in her eyes, "Thank you, I feel the same. He likes you a lot. He won't even let Charry or Jordan hold him like this." Jeremy pulls him in close and nuzzles him with his nose. 

"I love the smell of babies. I've always been good with kids. I guess that's the only thing I am good at. You should go get dressed, it sounds like Jenna has a full day planned for you while I get to play with kids all day." Jeremy smiles happily while he says that and continues playing with Darren. He takes him with him back to the room so he can find the tooth brush and brush his teeth.

Jasmine looks after him nonplussed. She feels like maybe he likes Darren more than he likes her at this point. Then she smiles, well at least there won't be a problem with him loving her son.

"Hey stupid!" Jasmine says coming into her brother's room.

"Jasmine," Jordan says smiling. Everybody else was walking on eggshells around him afraid of treating him normal after what he did. Leave it to Jasmine to treat him like normal.

"So tell me you idiot, just why the Hell you pulled that stupid stunt?" Jasmine loves her brother and what he did hurt her greatly. Now she's showing just how angry she is about it all.

Jordan hangs his head down in shame. He's still in an oxygen tent because his lungs are still weak although they'll be taking it off later due to Tamsin's healing. 

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