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It doesn't take Tamsin long to find the bastard that killed his sisters. Sirren and Mirren both deserved better fates than they received, but what they received was far better than what the mafia boss had planned for them. He can forgive Calus for this because the sex trade would have destroyed his sisters slowly.

He slips into the apartment building that houses the assassin that killed his sisters. He has more hidden talents than even Calus knows about and uses them now to slip into the empty apartment. Or so Tamsin thought it would be empty.

"I thought you'd come for me sooner or later. It was just a matter of time before you found out I was responsible for their deaths." The voice of the killer comes out of the darkness. Tamsin sees him clearly outlined in the waning light of day against the window.

Tamsin's voice is lighthearted almost happy, "I see the boss didn't much care for your actions either." Indeed the man is in a wheelchair and looks like he's only half alive. The only thing that would've made Tamsin happier was if he had been the man to put him in that condition.

"No. When he found out the girls were dead and that I was the one that killed them he was furious. I'm not sure why he didn't kill me. I have to say, your sisters were beautiful. It was a shame to kill them. I would have loved to visit them after the boss got done with them." The assassin says taking a drink from his glass. He's intentionally trying to rile Tamsin up, he doesn't want to live any longer. Some of the damage done to him by the boss will be permanent and it all hurts like hell.

"It won't work Charon. I'm not going to put you out of your misery, I'm going to add to it." Tamsin takes the rope he brought with him and ties the broken man up. "If you hadn't of said anything about my sisters then I might have gone easy on you." Tamsin doesn't say anything else for the next few hours as he takes the already broken man and intensifies his pain.

"That was lovely. I'd say let's do it again but you'll be dead in a few hours," Tamsin stops and thinks about it, pursing his lips, "perhaps days," this brings an even brighter smile to his lips. He turns around and walks away. "Now, I have a couple of others that need my presence this night. As they say on Earth Adios Amigo!" And Tamsin walks away from the dying man still very much tied up.

The second man, wasn't at his apartment. Tamsin smiles, he knows where to find him, at the same pleasure house the boss meant for his sisters to work in. He despises everything that they represent and it's something he plans on shutting down once he's in charge. 

He slips in. Not even the vigilant bouncer notices him. Tamsin moves silently through the common rooms and goes to the private rooms. He soon finds the man grunting over one of the unlucky females. He makes it easier on this one and just slips an injection in him that will paralyze him. He waits for it to take effect. With the physical exertion the man is putting forth he doesn't think it will take long. And it doesn't just as the man reaches his climax.

Tamsin smiles sourly, he'd hoped it would take effect before. Ah well, looks like the bastard got one last good time. He hadn't even taken the time to pleasure the woman. Selfish bastard.

The woman starts screaming and that brings in a whole passel of people, but none of them see him in the shadows. An ambulance is called and amazingly enough one shows up almost immediately, unlike when Calus was stabbed. The workers pronounce the man dead and wheel him to the ambulance. Tamsin takes a ride with them.

"Just wheel him over there." The pathologist says as he preps himself, it's a slow night and this is his first customer. He slices into the man's body and Tamsin smiles at his shock as blood wells in the cut.

The pathologist tries to staunch the blood flow and close the body up but Tamsin stops him, "Finish the autopsy." The pathologist works for the mob. He's the one that had to do the autopsy's on the bodies of those that followed Tamsin.

"Unless you wish to join him, finish the job," Tamsin orders.

The man swallows and continues. The paralyzing agent stops working as the pathologist is clipping the ribs. But soon after the yells of pain are done as the man bleeds to death as his heart is removed from his body. 

Tamsin's eyes glow, this death had been a good one. Now on to the one that caused all his pain.

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