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It's been two months since Jenna's death and still no answers. Tamsin is angry. He'd never been so angry, the beast wants blood. His eyes are glowing as he returns to the club.

The whores back away when they see that and his men suddenly find other things that need their attention; like their wives back home.

Tamsin starts destroying his office. His guards hear the sounds of glass breaking when suddenly the noise stops and the door opens.

"Take this and hold it. If it gets broken I'll kill you myself." It is the glass object that had so entranced Tamsin when he first went to the boss's office several months ago. It hadn't even been a year, but so much has changed in his life.

The sounds of destruction resume and things could be heard to thump loudly against the wall. The guards turn white. There will be holes in the walls once Tamsin is done. They aren't sure that any of the furniture would survive.

"Calus, the boss has gone crazy. He's destroying his office and there might not be any walls left by the time he's done." The guard told to hold the object says terrified .

"No, he gave me that object and threatened my life if it breaks."

"His eyes are glowing bright enough he won't need lights to see. Dammit!" The guard just about throws down the phone and the object when he thinks better of it.

"He's not coming?" the second guard guesses.

"He says he has to do something before he can come and it might take some time. He advises us to stay away from the boss and not do anything to bring his attention to us or we likely won't live to see the morning light." The first guard says sarcastically.

"Oh and he said to guard this object because it's worth millions since it's from Earth." The two guards just look at the simple glass ornament in awe.

"What? Hello, who is this?" Tamsin growls out, his voice dark as the deepest hole. He'd almost not answered because he didn't know the number.

"Stop being such an ass Tamsin. You're giving your men heart attacks." The soft voice says sweetly. A voice Tamsin thought never to hear again.

He falls to his knees in shock, "Jenna."

"Yes. Now stop acting like a two year old having a temper tantrum. I take that back, a two year old that's been taking steroids having a temper tantrum. Get someone to clean up your office, someone you can trust since you likely swept papers all over the floor that you don't want others to see. You very likely broke all your fragile things in there as well. You better not have broken my favorite one or there will be hell to pay." Jenna says only half joking. He knows that Jenna would kill him if he had broken that glass piece. He was going to give it to her for her birthday, but then they'd had that fight.

"It's not possible. You died. They told me, I couldn't get you out in time. I saw my car go up in flames." Tamsin trips over his tongue trying to get the words out.

"I have gifts too. Ones that only recently awakened. I escaped but not without damage." Jenna waits for Tamsin to say something further and when he doesn't she continues. "Right, well have a good life Tamsin." 

"Wait, Jenna?" Tamsin says desperately into the phone.

"What Tamsin," Jenna says in exasperation.

"Where are you? How are you and the baby? When can I see you?" Tamsin is desperate.

"I'm not anywhere where I'll tell you, I am fine, and you don't get to see me. Just move on to the next whore. There's plenty there at that club."  Jenna's voice is down right nasty at that last bit and she hangs up the phone.

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