Epilogue 66

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Jasmine looks at herself one last time in the mirror. She smooths down the wedding dress that she's wearing. She can't believe this day has come. It's been more than the month Jenna stipulated that it had to be. 

With everything that had to be done for the will it ended up being three months. Tamsin had been fit to be tied. Jeremy had been very smug. He'd made the betrothal agreement to include the coordinates would only be given after the ceremony was performed. 

The wedding coordinator had worked solely on their wedding and still it had taken three months to pull together. At least they didn't have to worry about a location for the wedding. Tamsin wanted it held at his house but the beast couldn't tolerate that many strangers and hostile one's at that near his house. They decided on Jeremy's house, an outside ceremony. The only thing Jeremy had insisted on is that it be held at night under the stars. All other aspects he gave his preference but didn't insist.

Jasmine thinks the yard looks absolutely stunning. A fairy tale beginning to their new life together. 

"Jasmine, it's time," Tamsin's voice comes through the door.

Jasmine takes one last look and takes a deep breath. She opens the door and smiles to see her son in Tamsin's arms. Jasmine takes the arm Tamsin holds out for her and they walk out to the waiting crowd. 

"If you find yourself hurt or in any way trapped I'll get you a divorce Jasmine." Tamsin is now feeling the weight of just what he'd done three months earlier.

"I'm not getting married to just turn around and get divorced Tamsin. Jeremy loves me and won't let anything happen to me."

Indeed during their three month long betrothal Jeremy had only held her until she fell asleep. He wouldn't do anything more than that and kiss her. He'd told her that he promised Tamsin that he wouldn't. 

When Jasmine confronted Tamsin about it he'd replied, "It's his way of showing you respect Jasmine. I've seen how he looks at you. He wants you make no mistake, but he wants you to know that he respects you more than he wants to take you to bed. He's a far better man than I am. That's why you three will be living at his house after the wedding.

"I've corrupted you enough and I don't want to corrupt him at all. He's strong enough to face down the beast and the only other one that strong is Jenna. And he doesn't have the guarantee that Jenna has that I won't hurt him.

"He's also requested the right to adopt Darren, but I told him that would be up to you. You couldn't do better Jasmine."

Jasmine couldn't be happier to be starting her life with Jeremy. She smiles so brightly that her whole face lights up as she spots him at the end of the aisle.

They stop before Jeremy and the justice, "I'm giving my daughter to you Stotweiler with a warning. You damn well better do your best to make her and my grandson happy or I will make sure that there won't be pieces of you big enough to bother burying." Tamsin allows the beast to come through and the eyes grow bright.

"Hurting her would hurt me far more. I am honored that she is allowing me this chance to prove to her how much I love her. I promise to always make her the happiest I know how, but it won't mean that I won't screw up, I do that a lot. But I promise to do my best to make it up to her and learn from my mistakes. As for Darren well, as a father there are times when he will be angry with me, but I hope that overall he'll love me as much as I do him." Jeremy says in sincerity.

Tamsin sighs and hands Darren to Jeremy. It was an unusual request on Jasmine's part but one that Jeremy was more than happy to comply with. After all he wasn't just marrying Jasmine, he was marrying her family as well.

Jasmine steps up next to Jeremy and they turn to face the justice as he begins the ceremony.

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