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After that day things were calmer at the club, but Tamsin made some changes, some sweeping changes.

The whores were no longer allowed to work at Infernoception. They had the choice of working at the small house he had bought for the sex slaves that wished to remain in the skin trade. Or they could go to a strip club  that he owned on the other side of town.

He no longer allowed the cancer sticks to be lit in the club at all. 

He banned drugs of any kind to be sold or distributed any where around his club.

He no longer went home at night. He looks like shit and didn't care. He wants Jenna back, that's all he cares about. He doesn't know how much longer he can be without her. He wishes he knew what he needs to do to get her back.

"Calus. Call her please," Tamsin begs. "I need to know what more I can do so she'll come back to me."

"She won't come back Tamsin. She was badly burned, she told me that. She's disfigured now and doesn't want you to see her like that."

"She was hurt? Why wouldn't she tell me?" Tamsin  whispers horrified.

"She said that she did. You just weren't paying attention. You only heard what you wanted to hear like normal."

"She never said that she was hurt." Tamsin says dully.

'"If I came there now you'd run screaming to your whores,' that's what she said." Calus quotes Jenna.

"I didn't understand what she meant." 

"She doesn't want to be bothered by us any more Tamsin. Haven't you hurt her enough? Shelby said that Jenna would cry herself to sleep some nights because you were with your whores. You promised Jenna that you would shoot her if you brought another woman home, but I think you missed the whole point of her demand. She would've preferred you shooting her to putting her through your cheating. I thought you said the whores were too dirty anyway?" Calus asks.

"They are, that's why I'd only have them give me blow jobs. I don't know why, I guess I just never thought of it as cheating on her." 

"How is having a whore mouth fuck you not cheating?" Calus asks confused. He is disgusted by the men that are married and used the whore's services. He'd just never thought Tamsin would.

"You still consider her a whore?" Calus asks gently.

"I don't know. I've never consciously thought of her that way and punished those that called her that."

"What about the baby?"

"The baby is mine. I no longer doubt that. Although if she took such severe burns than I doubt the baby survived. I don't think she came out and told me one way or the other. She doesn't want me around the child if it survived that much I do know."

"She won't tell anyone. She says that the father should be the first to know one way or the other and since the father denies being the father than no one gets to know." Calus is careful but he wasn't careful enough.

"She won't tell anyone? Who else beside you and I know she's alive? You told me that she won't let you tell Shelby." Tamsin's words are sharp, sharp enough to cut and a glow starts up in his eyes.

"Shelby came into the room while I was on speaker phone with Jenna. It took some time before Jenna could talk to Shelby and explain things through. Shelby had fainted when she heard her voice."

"Explain what?" Tamsin's eyes start glowing even more, his voice becomes lower.

"Her way to find out who was trying to kill them. It seems to have worked too. With Shelby as CEO and the corrupted board members either in jail or dead the death threats have stopped."

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