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They all went into the concert after that and found seats pairing off but apart from the other couples. Jeremy was pleased by this, it was almost as good as being with Jasmine alone. He put his arm around her and pulled her as close to him as he could with the chairs in the way.

"Thank you for coming Jasmine," he manages to keep the tears he's feeling out of his voice.

Jasmine looks up at him and gives him a dazzling smile that makes his heart ache. "I'm glad I came. Sorry there's been so much family drama. Hopefully you'll still want another date."

"Of course I will want another date, but perhaps by the end of the night you'll never want to see me again." He tries to pass it off as a joke but Jasmine caught the truth behind his words.

"What did my brother say to you Jeremy?" Jasmine demands and Jeremy won't lie to her.

"Something about your late boyfriend." Is all Jeremy will say.

"Is that why Tamsin got so angry?" Jasmine asks thoughtfully.


"It was something Tamsin didn't know about him." Jasmine states rather than asks but she can tell the truth on his face.

"There is only one reason Tamsin would react like that, Darren cheated on me didn't he?" Jeremy has tears in his eyes as he nods. "Did he tell you who with?"

Jeremy can't stay silent any longer, "A stripper at the strip club Tamsin owns."

"That would explain Tamsin's anger. He warned all the whores to leave Darren alone. One of them dared to disobey a direct order. Someone going to die tomorrow." Jeremy is stunned at how well Jasmine is taking this.

"Darren told me before Charry went into labor that there was something he needed to say. I figured he either wanted to break up with me or he was going to confess that he cheated on me. Although his death means that this information is nothing more than something to give me pain, it's not entirely unexpected." Jasmine feels tears fill her eyes.

"I loved him Jeremy, but I had felt him pulling away from me. The bigger I got from the baby the less he wanted to be around me. I knew that he wasn't at Infernoception when he wasn't at home. I wasn't as stupid as he thought me. And more than once I smelled perfume on him. I don't wear perfume, unless it's expensive stuff. The cheap stuff gives me an allergic reaction. But I hid my pain and did my best to show him how much I loved him. I knew it was just a matter of time, there would be no betrothal between us.

"But he did still love me Jeremy, he gave his life to protect me and our child. I can forgive a great deal for that. Not that it means much to the dead. No need to look so fearful, I don't hold this against you, I don't think you'd do that to me. Actually I know you wouldn't because Jenna would kill you in the most painful way possible over a great deal of time. She told me once of this idea she has," Jasmine shivers, "it will take over a month for the person to die in the most painful way I've ever heard of. She has been waiting for the perfect opportunity to try it out."

Jasmine suddenly finds the urge to stand and leave. Jeremy isn't sure if he should follow or not but finally decides it will be better if he does.

He finds her being accosted by two men.

"Hey pretty lady what's your hurry?" One of the men says taking her arm.

"Yeah, a pretty little thing like you shouldn't be alone like this." The second man makes the mistake of touching her.

"She isn't alone, and if you value your life you will let her go immediately." Jeremy is infuriated at their gall in touching her.

"Oh yeah? and why's that?" The second man asks.

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