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"Oh please, just man up Calus. My biggest problem with you being with Shelby is her age. She's a very mature sixteen but still that's still eight years younger than you." Tamsin says.

"The man that is being proposed as her betrothed is even older than you Tamsin." 

"Amongst the elites it isn't unknown for a girl to be betrothed to a man more than twenty years older than her. Love doesn't enter the equation for most of us. They are made as business deals for the most part. Remember I told you the elite are more whorish than I was? There is a reason I said that. It is expected to marry the one you are contracted to-betrothed- but since 99.9% of the time you can barely stand that person most take lovers. Some are long term boy toys or mistresses but most elites flit around from one bed to another. Which is interesting since we are told to keep our legs closed until the wedding night.

"Tell her how you feel Calus. Perhaps she'll still get married but she'll welcome you to her bed." Jenna shrugs like it's no big thing. "Before marriage after the betrothal is signed we are allowed a bit more freedom. We are allowed to kiss and pet, but nothing below the waist. Camus was furious that Shelby refused to allow him below. That and he was jealous of her brains. Even at eleven she was a genius at business dealings. My parents often asked her questions and took her advice. He damn near raped her one night when she called a halt when he wanted to fuck her."

"Jenna, please be more circumspect in your language." Tamsin says pained. "It's hard enough to get my men to stop, you don't want me to do the same to you."

"How do you get your men to stop?" Jenna asks curious.

"He allows one forget then for each word he hears after that he starts punishing. Each punishment is worse than the one before. Swearing in almost non existent at the club now. Most of them have taken to the point of whipping. Since that is a very painful punishment it seems to be the best deterrent." Calus says sourly. He just needed a reminder a couple of times but in times past Tamsin had been very effective.

"Who would have guessed a mafia boss that doesn't swear up a storm," Jenna is finding the whole concept hilarious. She can't believe that she had missed that when she was with Tamsin earlier.

"The beast finds it offensive. I know, its kinda twisted, but then again so am I," Tamsin says shrugging.

"Calus what business brought you here, it wasn't so you could bring me clothes, you were already on your way when I called." Tamsin says wanting to get the business out of the way so he could get back to Jenna and Michael who was sleeping now.

Calus becomes serious, "It doesn't matter really. You need to hear the terms the bitch set for the donation Tamsin." Calus is angry and can't stand still.

"Once Shelby hears the price she won't accept it either," Calus continues. Tamsin is getting edgy and upset. He needs to right the wrong, the beast is becoming anxious and growls.

Calus takes a deep breath, "She wants you to heal her," Calus starts.

"I thought that would be a given," Tamsin interrupts.

"And she wants you. She wants you full time." Calus says in a rush.

"NO!" Tamsin says, "the price is too high." He isn't going to cheat on Jenna again. Speaking of which he looks over at her and is concerned at how pale she's gone.

"You have to Tamsin, it's the only way to help her." Jenna says holding back her tears. "It will only be for a short time then," she stops as Calus shakes his head.

"She wants Tamsin as her boy toy or no deal. Her words not mine, personally I think she blowing hot air once the pain from the cancer hits full time she'll take a different tack." Calus says reassuringly.

"Who will take a different track and who the hell is messing with my sister's boyfriend?" Shelby says coming in, not trying to be quiet but no one had heard her and her voice makes them all jump.

Jenna sighs, "Calus figured out a way for you to rejoin the ranks of the elite as is proper. They found a distant cousin that closely matches your DNA, close enough to be a donor to you. They are in negotiations for her to donate her uterus to you. But her price, well she has cancer and she demands treatment for that, that's not the issue. What is the issue is the second part of the price, she wants Tamsin as her boy toy full time."

"The answer is simple then, NO! I won't accept the donation if it means breaking you two up again. It was hard work getting you two back together." Shelby is adamant and leaves to go check on Michael who is taking his nap in his room.

Tamsin stops her before she can leave, "Shelby wait, this could be your only hope to rejoin the elite society fully."

"I realized something Tamsin, I don't really care if they accept me or not. They are nothing to me and really, I have no desire to be married to a man that would rather be molesting boys and other men. He kinda gives me the creeps. Sunworx Industries is going to be dismantled shortly and even marrying the creep won't stop that from happening. Besides looking at Camus's bastard day after day would make me sick." Shelby leaves them all open mouthed in shock.

Tamsin smiles and it isn't pretty. "Good that means that I don't have to keep that bitch as an honored guest any longer. Calus go back to Infernoception, shoot her but make it so it's a slow kill shot. Call me when it's done and I'll take Shelby to the clinic. Have the surgery rooms ready, inform the doctor that I'll be there as well. By tonight Shelby will have her new uterus."

Calus smiles, he's happier as well since he knows that Shelby won't be marrying that man. He gives a happy wave good bye and leaves.

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