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Tamsin is holding Darren trying to get him to stop crying when he hears the doorbell at ten thirty sharp. He's the closest so he waves off the butler and opens the door himself. Tamsin is pleased at the promptness Jeremy is displaying.

Jeremy for his part heard Darren cry on the other side of the door and wants to hold him. When he sees Tamsin holding the crying child it doesn't even register that Tamsin is the one to open the door.

"Might I hold him Tamsin please?" There is a pleading note in his voice, he'd truly missed Darren and wants to hold him. It's almost as if Darren was his own child and he's been denied the right to hold him.

"Yes, of course if that is what you desire," Tamsin is pleased he wants to test out a theory he has.

Jeremy takes Darren in his arms and almost immediately Darren stops his sobbing. Tamsin smiles, just more proof for him that Jeremy needs to be part of this family. "Would you bring him in with you to brunch? He seems to like you and is comfortable now."

Jeremy smiles more than happy to carry the bundle in his arms in to breakfast. "I'm rather surprised that you opened the door. I thought you have a whole army of servants to do things like that for you?" He wasn't far wrong either, you couldn't walk five feet without tripping over a servant. Although his servants are a little more specialized than most and all carry weapons of one type or another. Tamsin doesn't take chances with his family's safety.

They enter the dining room and the others are already seated. Tamsin had convinced Jordan to remain until after brunch, Charry, Jenna, Shelby and even Calus but he doesn't see Jasmine. 

Jeremy tries putting Darren down in his chair but he immediately starts crying so shrugging to himself he keeps him in his arms as he sits down in the chair Jenna indicates is for him. "Where's Jasmine? I thought she'd be here as well?"

Jenna is the one that answers him, "Jasmine had to take a sleeping pill last night and they knock her out for hours. She's tries to not take them very often because of this affect, but after last night it was the only way she would be able to sleep." Jenna is pleased at the disappointed look Jeremy holds. If she didn't know better she'd swear that he was trying to not cry.

"I'm sorry Jeremy, for my words last night. She could have used your help to sleep, I realize now just how selfish my words were." Charry says in the silence that follows Jenna's explanation for the absent girl.
"I totally understand Charry. You see me as an intruder trying to take over your brother's place. I could never take his place," Jeremy's smile barely lifts at the corner of his mouth, "He is family, I am not."

Silence descends in the room with those words as everyone stares at Jeremy. "I don't think you understand exactly what it means when Tamsin claims you," Calus says. Tamsin gives him a look telling him to shut up but Calus ignores it this time.

"No, Tamsin he needs to know what it means. Each of us in this room at this table have been claimed by Tamsin the same way, except me. I had to earn my right to be here a different way. Tamsin has seen something in each of us that he wants. He gets antsy and edgy when those he claims aren't near him. He went near insane when Charry and Melanie left. When Darren died you couldn't go near him or you risked your death. When bright boy over there decided to kill himself, well you saw for yourself how he acted." Calus smiles wickedly, "I told you before that you are part of the family. I even welcomed you. Jenna and Shelby were the first, Jasmine and bright boy were next and not long after them Charry and Darren. Then the kids of course, but lastly he chose you. You will be a part of this family, he doesn't let those he considers family leave. Oh, you might not live here, but he'll make sure you visit and often at that. Sometimes inconveniently so. Like I said welcome to the family."

"Thank you Calus," The intense anger that comes with those words makes sure that all there know that Tamsin is displeased.

"Is that true sir? You now consider me part of your family?" Tamsin stops his glaring contest with Calus and looks at him and sighs.

"Yes, it's a side effect of the healing. Once I heal someone I consider them mine, I prefer calling them family rather than objects. So he is correct, you are part of my family." Tamsin smiles, "Of course I think Darren had already adopted you irregardless of how any of us feel. When he cries like he was when you came, myself and Calus are the only ones that can calm him, sometimes. And even when we manage to do so it isn't for long nor does he appreciate us holding him like you are. He has never demanded that we hold him like that. You are the one he wants and that's why he's been crying. He didn't use to do this before you started seeing Jasmine." Tamsin smiles like a very smug cat, a very satisfied and smug cat.

"I don't know what to say to all this." Actually it makes him feel warm inside, a warmth that he's never felt before. His family has never wanted him and now a surrogate family that is almost demanding his presence.

"Actually," Tamsin breaks in, "It isn't almost demanding, I am demanding. At least for now I need you to move into the house. You can have the room you had before or there are others to choose from. I'll let you talk to Jenna about possibles. There have been some new threats coming to me from gangs trying to encroach," Tamsin's eyes light up. "As long as the threat is viable I need you to stay here, where it's safer. Your house has almost no security worth speaking of."

Calus smirks at his shocked expression he'd known that this was coming but the others look at Tamsin almost as shocked. Charry is the first to look other than shocked and takes on a pleased look. Jordan takes on a sour look, that means he won't be allowed to leave and go back to his estate. Not that he actually believed that Tamsin would let him after what he did.

Jenna's look turns to a thoughtful one that turns playful as she watches Jeremy with Darren.

"Shelby that means you and Calus will be staying here as well when you aren't working." And now Shelby is frowning at Tamsin as well. Calus having known what Tamsin's edict would be had already packed things for them both. "I would prefer you do as much work as you can from here. I don't trust the security you have with you." Shelby frowns angrily but nods. There really is no defying Tamsin.

"I don't have any things here," Jeremy breaks in. He'd seen how the others reacted. He's not going to try to go against Tamsin if they give in without a fight. Shelby is known in the business world as relentless and ruthless and she gave in then it means it's not worth fighting him.

Tamsin smiles in appreciation of his capitulation, "Calus will pack you some things. Just give him a list of what you wish. I also want you to learn how to use a gun and start carrying one."

After that the brunch resumed what Jeremy assumed was it's normal tones. But he does wonder why Jordan was so sulky, did Charry turn down his betrothal after all?

"Excuse me, I don't mean to stick my nose where it doesn't belong, but last night Jordan proposed a betrothal to Charry, I can't tell at this time if it was accepted or rejected. I don't wish to walk on landmines with this." Jeremy isn't sure that he didn't with this question.

"It was accepted, sort of." Tamsin replies with a smile at his son. With his words Jordan stares at Tamsin.

"How does a betrothal get accepted sort of?" Now Jeremy wishes that he could disappear.

"Charry accepted but Jordan had left in a huff before he signed. That is something I need to deal with after brunch." Tamsin directs that last part towards Jordan. Jeremy notices a change in the young man and smiles.

"Jenna and Charry have requested to run errands and I have already assigned proper guards for them to go. Calus and Shelby both have other duties to perform, I was hoping to get your help with the children until such time as I and Jordan can take over." Tamsin phrases it nicely since Jeremy is still adjusting to his new norm.

Jeremy smiles, it lights up his whole face, "I get to play with the kids while everyone else has to work? Sounds like a good deal to me."

The others look like he's crazy. They like being around their own kids, and in the case of Tamsin and Jenna, their grand kids, but taking on all four of them alone makes them all shudder. Especially Calus and Shelby. 

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