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"I still think it's too early for them Tamsin. They need time to mourn the passing of their father," Jenna insists even as Tamsin urges her out to the car. Tamsin sighs and gives up arguing with her, they've been over the same argument more than a dozen times in the last two days.

He kisses her to stop her from talking. He opens the car door for her and once she's settled he closes it. He gets in on the drivers side and buckles up. "I'm not going to argue this anymore Jenna. The twins requested this. They had the guts to face me and ask for this themselves. Agreed that was before their father committed suicide. Agreed that does change things, but they themselves requested this dinner for tonight. Darren told me that they need it to help them deal with things. 

"I went on a killing spree after my father and brother died from Scrumms. Perhaps you'd like that alternative better? After all it ended with the death of the Boss?"

Jenna sighs out. "No, you know I wouldn't like that better. The only similarities between you and the twins though are your fathers both had Scrumms."

Tamsin closes his eyes in pain and the beast panics. He doesn't want Jenna to know, he's afraid that she will leave them if she does. But he's relinquished full control when it comes to Jenna, he doesn't want to make anymore mistakes.

"There's more than that between the twins and mine story. I'm more like them and the Damskins than you know." Tamsin turns to her, "You know that there is more to my story with Sirren than was told. What I'm about to tell you no one else knows not even Calus." Jenna's eyes go wide. He'd promised to tell her but she hadn't expected him to do it now.

"Hell, after tonight you might not want to marry me. Just promise me that I'll be able to see my children or I won't tell you." Tamsin says closing his eyes.

"I promise that much," Jenna says. Although she couldn't imagine what Tamsin could possibly say that would make it so she wouldn't marry him. So Tamsin tells her the full story.

Tamsin looks over to her with tears in his eyes. "You're not going to leave me?" He voice sounds like a lost little boy.

"How could I leave you?" Jenna smiles. "You're as much mine as I am yours Tamsin. Remember that. Sirren might not have been able to claim you but I do."

"If we didn't have to go to this dinner-but I promised them. And the Damskin twins, have they talked to you Jenna?" Tamsin asks turning on his car as he waits for Jenna's reply.

"No, they prefer talking to you. They see you as their savior. Rather like I did when you liberated me and Shelby. But so help me Tamsin if you take either of them to bed..." Tamsin thought it might be prudent to stop her before she finishes that sentence. So he kisses her, he found that to be the most effective and least offensive way of shutting her up.

"You and only you Jenna. I made a promise to you when you allowed me back in your life. I'm an idiot as you know, but even I learn. Losing you is too high a cost for anything, I won't pay that. But I think that the Mark's kids will divert them from wanting me. 

"They told me that the Damskin twins are basically ostracized at school. So maybe Marks' kids will make things all around better." Tamsin breathes easier, he needed to tell Jenna about Sirren before they could get married. He had to make sure that she wasn't disgusted by him.

"Where are the twins? Shouldn't they come with us?" Jenna asks as they pull out of the parking lot and drive towards town.

"Darren and Charry said that if they were able to get the Damskins to agree that they would go out somewhere after dinner. They didn't want us old people in the way." Tamsin says lightly. "They are bringing their car."

Jenna looks at him in horror, "They didn't say that did they?"

"Say it?" Tamsin looks at her as he pulls into a parking space. "No, but they were both thinking it rather loudly. The fact that we old people are just a few years older than they are doesn't seem to matter to them."

Tamsin and Jenna walk in, Jenna looks around and is surprised that there are no other people there. "Are you sure it's open Tamsin?"

Tamsin smiles, "This is my restaurant, or one of them at least. It will be open to the public tomorrow. Tonight is like a dry run. Our party and a few others that will be in will be grading them all. The manager will then praise and reprimand as needed."

Tamsin turns from Jenna to go to the bar, "Two virgin daiquiris. We are expecting four young people to be joining us. You may serve them as well. The two older you may serve alcoholic drinks but the younger non alcohol only."

"Yes, Mr. Tamsin," the bartender starts making their drinks.

"Jenna?" Tamsin says the beasts voice coming thick and dark.

"Yes, dark boy?" Jenna says smiling turning to face him.

"Will you please never wear that dress again except for me in the privacy of our home? I don't like other people seeing so much of you." The beast is ascendant and he's extra careful to not do or say anything that will offend Jenna.

"Tamsin, since you asked so nicely, no." Jenna says, she likes the dress. It's a tube dress that barely covers her breast and the skirt barely covers her ass.

The beast escorts her to a darkened hall way and enters the lady's room and he locks the door. After kissing her he pulls her up and she locks her legs around his waist. "You aren't wearing underwear Jenna." The beast says shocked, as he slides his hand up her thigh and over her ass.

"It ruined the lines of the dress," Jenna manages to gasp. That was the last thing either of them say for some time.

"You convinced me dark boy. I won't wear this dress other than for you at the house, but if we have company I won't change." The beast has to be happy with that. He cleans them both up and helps her up off the convenient couch that was in the lady's room.

"We are terrible hosts. Our guests are probably out there waiting for us." Jenna says but she's too satisfied to really feel bad about leaving like they did.

"Hey, dark boy give me your jacket. I'll likely ruin the lines of it," Jenna says before they leave. Tamsin had given her more than a few love bites while they were in there. Tamsin smirks as he hands her his jacket. He is more than satisfied when it actually covers more of her than the dress does. He is therefore dumbfounded at what Jenna does.

She puts his jacket on and uses it like a shirt. She pulls her dress down so the skirt now reaches past mid thigh. It makes Tamsin hard just seeing the glimpses of her breast when the jacket doesn't cover her properly. "I'm not sure that is any better Jenna." Tamsin growls out.

Jenna shrugs. "This is what I can offer you. Take it or leave it."

Jenna goes to remove the jacket and Tamsin stops her, "I'll take it." Jenna smirks.

"We'll continue this when we get home. Too bad I had a whole night planned out, I guess we'll be canceling the rest of my plans." Tamsin manages to growl out as the walk out the door and return to where the bartender has their drinks ready and waiting. The rest of their party had arrived as well.

  Once the hostess realizes that they are all ready she takes them to the seating Tamsin had arranged earlier.  

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